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Is it wrong i deleted her of facebook?


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hey all i just started initiating NC and i explained to her why i have to and gave her valid reasons, i also deleted her of my facebook. I cant bare to see the constant reminders of her and as much as i do want her to be happy it sh*ts me to tears that she is so , we broken up once before and i did the same thing last time and ended up with a good result for me and her (well not at this moment). But i do fear been childish about this it could back fire, when she txt me after i told her i need to step back a bit she said ''do what u need to do ill be here when ur done'' , but i didnt tell her i was deleting her on FB, you think she would understand this time?

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d/w many people have done this. it will help your greatly! in the long run.


your ex might think * * * and want to know why you did it...but still then i dont know if your supposed to tell your ex why you have if they try to ask?

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yeh i try and tell myself its only facebook she will understand but in this day and age people do take it personally as a major shrug of . She says to me im your friend and allways be there for me but its gotten to the stage now i feel the she feels she has an obligation to do so not just want to come and see me for the sake of it and thats worse. I do hope this NC works she is very important to me i do want to reconcile but i do want a friendship on common ground not one that is out of pity and me wanting her.

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i feel bad still deleting her even tho i have my reasons im even thinking to go as far as deactivating my FB account so itl take the sting of it abit and not make her feel singled out, i know it defeats the purpose but im going to stick to my non contact for a while.

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i feel bad still deleting her even tho i have my reasons im even thinking to go as far as deactivating my FB account so itl take the sting of it abit and not make her feel singled out, i know it defeats the purpose but im going to stick to my non contact for a while.


yeah thats kind of why i deactivated it instead of deleting her. and if she cares that much..im sure she will realsie im NOT on facebook at all.

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yeh she will know the first thing she logs on she checks my stuff straight away i know she will go off she either txt me saying W..T..F or she will keep quiet


yeah i wouldnt think about it as you might expect a response...but yes i think my ex kept quiet as im pretty sure she loggs into facebook nealy everyday. took her a week to say something and that was to a mutual friend. who told me about it...after my ex rang (i did not answer) haha

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You're smart to delete her off facebook. A lot of people here seem to really drag their heels with this one, but I think it really helps when you're trying to heal and move on from someone. Constantly seeing their uploaded photos, statues, wall posts, etc. can be really damaging to the healing process.

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yeah im not going to hope for a response i dont really want one from her , the last time i did the no contact it only took a week and a few days for her to call me i think she might leave it longer because all the drama we been having but yeh ill know thru mutual friends what she will say. She is now dating someone and she did last time to and as soon as i cut her off and stayed away it didnt work for her so my theory is with exes stay away from them durring there rebound and it wont work for them

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yeah im not going to hope for a response i dont really want one from her , the last time i did the no contact it only took a week and a few days for her to call me i think she might leave it longer because all the drama we been having but yeh ill know thru mutual friends what she will say. She is now dating someone and she did last time to and as soon as i cut her off and stayed away it didnt work for her so my theory is with exes stay away from them durring there rebound and it wont work for them


im in the same boat my friend...he could be a possible rebound i dont know, but she sure isnt getting any information about me now

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You're smart to delete her off facebook. A lot of people here seem to really drag their heels with this one, but I think it really helps when you're trying to heal and move on from someone. Constantly seeing their uploaded photos, statues, wall posts, etc. can be really damaging to the healing process.


yeah - even crazier when she stops updating her page daily like she usually did. it's like...what secrets are she keeping now when her life used to be an open book.

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yeh i dont really have a choice staying away from the mutual friends , im at the point i dont know why she still wants me in her life as an option just incase? cause she knows aswell i dont befriend exes and knows how i feel about her, i can take it or leave it with others not her tho. Looking outside the situation it does seem simple on what i should do but its sooo hard and theres so much at stake , to confusing

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ok it has so far not really worked it ,i had her on another profile i use and she ended up blocking me from posting on my wall , it got the better of me and i said to her in a txt message , ''why did u block me of ur wall post'' , as i do think its a good idea she explained i got to snap out of it and get my * * * * together if i want this friend ship to survive cause the other week i went off about things that were posted. I told her she might aswell delete me , why does she block me from wall post but wont delete me , this is driving me nuts ..

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My ex opened a FB account after we broke up. I had one for like 8 years of us dating, and she always refused to get one. Though when we started talking again after a few months of NC she revealed that she had opened up an account, and friended me. Our light communication was nice, but never hinted at getting back together in the near future. I reengaged NC not really telling her, but I think she understood as she didn't try to talk after.


I found myself creeping onto her page multiple times a day. I'd be down about any depressing status updates she had, or things her new friends were posting on her wall. I too saw that the number of pictures she was posting were going up, but I was blocked from seeing any of them. I decided to remove her from FB for my own health. She never asked me about it, we never talked about it, and we haven't talked for almost a year. (may have to change soon, but that's another post).

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yeh its bad this obsessing we ended up speaking again (so much for no contact) and i told her how i am with everything and i deleted her of both of my accounts. She told me i have to get past this to move on and the whole how much our friendship means to her and im the only ex she is friends with . So im just going to wait till she contacts me firsts

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