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Lacking motivation to finish my painting.. Any advice?


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yeah, its strange i remember that too...

you had to be a junior to be in advanced art, strange!


but thats a great thing!!

you don't take an art class and your that good?

that means you have the natural born gift!!!

which means you are truly an artist =)


Haha, thanks! Yeah, I'm pretty much self-taught. I used to buy the occasional how-to book though.

It's really weird but it just comes naturally to me. I have to be good at something though!

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So this past week I've accomplished much more in-class than I usually do. I'm almost finished with the grass.


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I was hoping to finish the grass completely and then paint the sand infront of the elephant black this weekend but that doesn't look so likely. I spent last night and all of this morning with friends only to be confronted by a buttload of homework when I got back. =/ I really needed the break though. I have my art show thingy tomorrow too, so I can't be up late working like I usually do..

I'm rambling, but I'm a little disappointed. I just wish there was more time in a day.

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Thanks. I can't wait to see how everyone will like it when I'm done!


One more thing.. it's a little off-topic but it's still about my art work.. I'm just coming back from an art show right now. I had entered a leaf painting I made forever ago..


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My friend got an honorable mention and my painting won first place!!! I get a trip to Washington DC and everything and it will be displayed in some important government place that I'm too worked up to remember. I'm just stunned and amazed and I think I had a stroke because my right arm is numb and my face is still twitching. Here's a pic of me standing next to my painting with Congressman Doyle. I was talking to the judges too and they said that when they saw my painting they all instantly agreed on it. I'm just so proud and excited. The picture is a bit blurred and not that great though.


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.. And now I'm off to go write a history essay that's due tomorrow. Reality is cruel.

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Thank you! I think I'll be able to get the painting done within the next month if I really focus. I do have a tendency to underestimate myself a lot.. but this has sort of put things in a more positive perspective.


I'm sort of having a hard time wrapping my head around just how proud I should be.. Here I am, this little nothing from this mediocre school district with a standard (and not highly funded) art program, and I beat out over 50 people, dozens of which from CAPA (a big art school nearby), for probably the most prestigious award available to someone my age in my area. And it was for a painting of a leaf! There were so many little brats cursing my name as they left.. =P


Granted, it's not a huge art show, but it's one of the biggest honors anyone from my school district has earned. My painting will be hanging in the US Capitol for a year.

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It just makes that banana drawing next to it look like cheese lol. How long did it take you to complete the leaf painting?


lol! Thank you! I liked the way the banana was painted, but the subject.. ehh. I think that one came in 3rd.


It took me (an estimated) 80 hours over the course of 3-4 months.

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wooooooooooooooooow =) someone here has skills!!!!


and i already knew,

i didnt have to see another painting to know =)


lol, thank you! That's pretty much what two of the judges after the show told me. I was and am very flattered. =)


I showed the paint to my wife and she was like and couldn't believe how beautiful it was. She was smiling big!


Thank you! I'm glad everyone likes it so much! I wish I had a better picture of it in that frame.. My art teacher's husband bought me that frame for it and it just looks sooo beautiful and complete with it.


There's going to be an article about it in some local newspapers. I had to give an UNPREPARED over-the-phone interview today and.. well, I sounded like an ass.

I paint. I draw. I sculpt. Give me some time and a spell-checker, and I can write too, but I am not photogenic and I am not an eloquent speaker. Really, when I'm not prepared, I think that vocally and physically I'm the most ungraceful creature that has ever graced this earth. I appreciate it, really, I'm just.. I like to be prepared.

I'm sorry. I'm just slightly tramatized. -.-

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Why thank you, I'm very honoroed


As far as my elephant painting is going.. well, I have 2 weeks sort of to get it done. I feel as though I'm a week behind. It doesn't help that I started the next layer on a bit of a misstep.. but I'm going to work through it.


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Thank you. Heh, I've been thinking about painting the elephant very last just to mess with people.



Thanks I'm trying to pace myself without pacing myself too much. When I rush I tend to trip over myself. I think I can manage to get it done though. I've pulled off smaller but just as impressive miracles. At the very latest though my goal is to be done by June 15th so I can enter it into an art show.



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I managed to fix the ground up a little. I have a 3-day weekend but I also have 160 pages to read for tuesday so I'm not sure how far I'll get but my goal is to finish the ground at the very least.


I think I can have it done.. If not, oh well.

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This is where I'm at now.


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I'm debating whether to do the water or the elephant next. I want to do the elephant because it fits logically into the compulsive way that I paint but saving him til last would be a nice way to screw with the people who've been watching me paint for the past 5 months... But I'm afraid I'd get the water dirty when I'm painting. I think I'll just do the elephant next. [/end ramble]


I have, at the latest, 12 days to finish this. I think if I give up sleeping and/or studying for my finals... Nah. I'm sure I'll make it. It's just that the thought is a bit overwhelming. And if I don't finish, oh well. I'd just love to enter it into something, especially since the reward for the contest I'm looking at is $500.

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Loving the texture of the ground, all the layers are so details it's amazing!


Why thank you! The ground was pretty difficult on me. I think it was because I was just so anxious to get it over with, and then on top of that I had a hard time getting the colors right and getting the rough part to look real. I had to give each little section a cartoon-like outline then build up from there, which was a little discouraging at first.. but I'm glad it turned out so well.

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do the elephant!

it will affect the way you paint his reflection in the water,

if you did the water first you would then have to go back to the reflection

unless maybe the water isn't even gonna reflect him!



lol, you do have a really good point.. Yeah, I'm going to do him next.. I wouldn't want to do all of the water and then realize that I was off after I've finished the elephant.


Yeah, his reflection is in the water, it's a very shadowy reflection, but it's still there.

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So I was up til 3 in the morning painting the elephant last night...


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5 hours worth of painting (over the course of 7 hours.. I had to take breaks for the layers to dry. I have pics of each of his layers if anyone's interested.)


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Then in class today I painted the rest of it, where the water should be, black.. I still need to add the reflection, the blue, and the ripples.


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I was showing it off a bit today. Everyone is pretty amazed.. myself included. I'm amazed that I was able to pull this off. I never expected it to come together so well.. Especially now that the elephant is painted, it just looks so complete (in an unfinished sense, of course). Even I have a hard time believing that I'm capable of this.

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Oh my god, that's BEAUTIFUL!!!! Your patience and perseverance has really paid off!


Thank you! It's been 5 months of work.. I'm very very glad it's amounted to something. Everyone's compliments and advice have definitely helped me stay motivated enough throughout those 5 months to not throw the canvass down the steps.

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