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Lacking motivation to finish my painting.. Any advice?


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im glaad your doing great =)

im having some of the problems you were having =(

can't find my inspiration


Thanks. I definitely know the feeling. =/


My inspiration has been weird lately. It comes at the most inconvenient times and then of course when I'm completely free I just don't feel like doing it.

Like, over my Easter break I wanted to make some progress, but I had a fever of 103 which isn't really that great of an idea to work during. Or like now, when it's 2:30 am and I'm suddenly getting an urge to make progress.

Tomorrow morning though I probably won't want to.. but I'm glad that I'm at least getting some urge to keep working. I'm sure it'll come to you eventually too.

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Thank you! I'm glad that they're getting much more noticeable. I just wish that you could see them better in the pictures.. I'm not very good with a camera. =/


If the pictures are bigger you can upload them to sites like Photobucket, Picasaweb and others. I'd love to see the final work

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It comes at the most inconvenient times and then of course when I'm completely free I just don't feel like doing it.



I hear that! Thats normal. That is the beginning of how it will start to feel like/become a job. So find ways to combat/work with all that. I believe its different for everybody.

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If the pictures are bigger you can upload them to sites like Photobucket, Picasaweb and others. I'd love to see the final work


Oh... Thank you! I actually was having an issue with that.. Before I was just uploading them onto my deviantart and then copying the icon to compress it enough to attach it here. So, I just made a photobucket.. I'll add an updated, better quality pic in a few.

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I hear that! Thats normal. That is the beginning of how it will start to feel like/become a job. So find ways to combat/work with all that. I believe its different for everybody.


Yeah, it does start to feel like a job after a while.. Sometimes I'll do it and it will be enjoyable and it won't feel like a job and I'll make great progress, but other times I'm sort of struggling to just sit down and focus or start working. Usually after I actually start and I see that I'm making progress it tends to help me push forward and work more.. it's just getting to that point isn't always easy. I guess it's best for me to either work when I'm in the mood to, or to just suck it up until I can reach a point that I've convinced myself that I'm actually making progress and that I can keep making more. (I hope that makes sense. My brain is somewhat Monday'd over.)

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Ok, so I figured out how to get the pictures to work.


I made a lot of noticeable progress last night.. In a little over 3 hours I managed to add those shrubs under the purplish trees on the right side. At first I wasn't so sure I liked them... I thought they made it looked cluttered at first, but now I think they make it look fuller and much more complete. Both of which are good.


Then in class today, I added the reddish rock behind the elephant.


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Usually after I actually start and I see that I'm making progress it tends to help me push forward and work more.. it's just getting to that point isn't always easy. I guess it's best for me to either work when I'm in the mood to, or to just suck it up until I can reach a point that I've convinced myself that I'm actually making progress and that I can keep making more.


Yep, I agree, I like to use the string analogy. I find my best work comes very naturally after I get a good hold on this 'string'. Once you find that one aspect of the work that really does it for you, you just keep pulling on the string until the piece almost completes itself, almost as if it was meant to be even before you gave it life. Sometimes you do have to really push and pull to find the string... and sometimes you gotta know when to stop looking for it!


Anyway, it looks like its coming along great! Thanks for larger view. keep pulling on that string!

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Thanks!! I really do appreciate how supportive you all are. It's helped me quite a lot. When you have little-to-no confidence or faith in yourself, you'd be surprised how much the kind words of strangers who aren't obligated to compliment you can help and push you forward.


And yes... that string analogy describes it perfectly! Sometimes it's hard to find the string, but after I've found it, who knows how far I'll pull.

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I thank you again for the compliments! It's definitely keeping me going.


I haven't been able to make that much progress because I was swamped with history work last weekend (and again this weekend arggh) but I dunno, I still feel the need to update. I didn't accomplish much but what I did accomplish is noticeable. It feels like it's really starting to come together.


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I added the rocks and a few bushes. The brighter rock to the left though has caused me some slight grief because it's to the left a little too far, but I've been working around that. I'll forget about it when I move on I'm sure.. (but yes, I am that compulsive.)

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haha, you're a perfectionist! A solid trait of a great artist. The rock looks good. I know what you mean about wanting it to be a bit to the right, but if you hadn't said anything, I would've never noticed. Its all about perception, and in my experience, the beholder has his/her own unique perception of any piece or work...or furthermore, anything in life really.

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I'd love to see it sometime!


lol, I started a new one too a few weeks ago. I sketched it then abandoned it for another at-home project that I then also abandoned shortly after sketching (I thought the idea was kinda stupid)..

But I went back to the first one early this week, painted a section black, and stopped. Progress is progress though.

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haha, you're a perfectionist! A solid trait of a great artist. The rock looks good. I know what you mean about wanting it to be a bit to the right, but if you hadn't said anything, I would've never noticed. Its all about perception, and in my experience, the beholder has his/her own unique perception of any piece or work...or furthermore, anything in life really.


lol, verrry much so! I must agree though, if it weren't for the perfectionism I can assure you I'd probably not push myself to the level that I do. Thanks.. the rock is progressively growing on me.. it's just that it's like a centimeter off. *twitch*


I guess as long as it doesn't throw anything else in the picture off, I'll be content and I'll eventually forget about it. But until then..! lol.

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I've had a few tiny artistic accomplishments (but accomplishments nonetheless) this week. I finally finished the trees! Here my painting was, as of yesterday.


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Then, today I added the black right there.. Not much, but I'm finally moving on.


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Oh, and yesterday, I also recieved a letter telling me that my last painting had been chosen to represent my school in some big art competition. I think my art teacher only entered two of us, but that's still an accomplishment. right?

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yeah that is!

good going!

seee your full of talent =) im working on my new peace too, i kinda messed it up and don't like it as much anymore but oh well ill just keep going with it,

i really like the trees and that area,

it looks really good,

what are class are you taking? is it advanced?

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Oh wow...the black really brings out the perspective.


Water and oil painting something I always wanted to get into but never did...some day.


I can't wait to see the final piece, it's already looking great!

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yeah that is!

good going!

seee your full of talent =) im working on my new peace too, i kinda messed it up and don't like it as much anymore but oh well ill just keep going with it,

i really like the trees and that area,

it looks really good,

what are class are you taking? is it advanced?


Thanks! Nah, I'm sure it's not messed up.. it's probably just going through an "awkward" phase. I'm sure you'll eventuallly work through it


My schedule's a little complicated. I actually haven't taken an art class since the first term/nine weeks (it was a standard one). During my study hall and lunch period I just go down to the art room.

.. Isn't it weird how I'm in all the advanced/honors classes available to me but not one for art? My school doesn't have one for 9th grade. Next year I can take some if I'm lucky enough to get the electives I signed up for.

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Oh wow...the black really brings out the perspective.


Water and oil painting something I always wanted to get into but never did...some day.


I can't wait to see the final piece, it's already looking great!


Thanks! I can feel it starting to come together... I can't see it taking too too much longer.


I've had the strangest urge lately to start a watercolor project, the only issue is: I have all the stuff, I just don't know how to use it and with all the school work I haven't had the time to learn. It's unlike me to just jump into things blindly, but I have before, and that's how I did my first painting and got into working with acrylics.

Maybe I'll learn sometime throughout the summer..

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yeah, its strange i remember that too...

you had to be a junior to be in advanced art, strange!


but thats a great thing!!

you don't take an art class and your that good?

that means you have the natural born gift!!!

which means you are truly an artist =)

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