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What is a typical day for you?


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I find my days are more centered around my guy's schedule.

But for the most part.


7:00 am - Wake up & shower

7:30 am - Make a cup of coffee, sit for a few minutes on the computer then get ready

8:15 am - Make my lunch

8:30 am - Head to work

9:00 am - 5:00pm - Work

5:30 pm - Work out

6:30 pm - Get dinner going

7:00 pm - Sit down to dinner with my guy [if he isn't working nights..]



After that it varies. We'll go out [shopping, play a game (cards, board games, video games) coffee, dessert, walks, personal time with friends...]


10:00 pm - Crawl into bed and read

11:00 pm - Lights off


My days off are not consistent.


I generally wake up around 9:00am...if my guy is working, I will grab my laptop and a cup of coffee and crawl into bed to surf around.

Then I generally clean, do some baking for the week.

Spend time with friends, other couples, family, shopping, going out for dinner, seeing movies, watching movies, weekend road trips, atheltic things, etc ..there's not much consistency with my weekends.

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8:10 – wake up (no need for snooze) get ready for work

8:45 – leave for work

9:00 – get to work (while at work, schedule appointments, answer phone, surf the net pretty much all day)

12:30 – 1:30 lunch (go home and eat cereal, let out dogs)

5:00 – go home

6:00 – eat dinner

7:00 till 10:00 – watch tv or read until bed.


When you put it all down it looks pretty boring, which I guess it is but I’m fine with that. I’ll hang out with friends a few days during the week, go out for dinner or go shopping. Almost every Thursday is karaoke night and Friday’s are going out nights, dinner, movies, swimming or to the bar with friends.

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My schedual is always changing, but as of now....


Wake up around 7:00, no alarm

eat breakfast

take out dog

check email

shower and get ready

8:30 - 9:30 go to work


work till Im tired, usually 4

come home and spend time with husband

walk dog


watch the Daily Show or a movie

Get in to bed and read

Go to sleep around 10:30-11

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