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What is a typical day for you?


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A question of curiosity to all enotalone readers:


What is a typical day like for you? If you started from when you woke up to when you went to bed, what is your day like? Be as detail oriented as you want. Include what it's like on a typical work day and on your day off.


I'm a sociology/psychology major so I'm interested in things people do.

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6:30 am Wake up and get the kid and I ready for work/school.


7:30am out the door


8:00-4:30 work


4:30 pick up kid and run errands I need too


5:00 wake up husband and start dinner


5:15-5:30 dinner


6:00 spend time with kid and do necessary kid things


8:30 me time to relax or do what I want


10-11 try to sleep


1-3 actually fall asleep

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i'm a grad student


typical day:


wake up around 7-9 AM

eat breakfast, watch TV, check email, drink coffee

get to work around 9-10 AM

check on cells, experiments

get coffee

read emails

write or review my to-do list for the day and week



more coffee, eat something sweet while

read articles

throughout the day i'm checking my email and ENA


check facebook, post photos of cats.

take bus to dance class


go home

check email, watch TV


do some work at home

watch law and order

fall asleep around midnight


typical day off:


sleep in until 8-9 AM

drink coffee, read paper, eat breakfast, clip coupons

call best friend, see what she is up to

get into work around 1 PM (oh yes, i go to work all the time!)

do experiments for about 3-5 hours

go home

either meet up with friends for dinner, or have dinner alone at home

watch TV

study language

fall asleep around midnight


lol, i am boring!

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It's interesting how people get into their routines especially work days are one big routine usually. You both don't sound boring to me just busy.


For me:


Work day:

Get up around 8 or 9

Let dogs out

Go back to sleep till 10:30 or 11

Let dogs back in

Make some carrot, cumumber, and celery juice

Either watch TV or browsing on computer around 12:00

12:30 take a shower

1:00 eat lunch

1:30 leave for work

2:00 arrive at work

2:00 to 10:00 - work

10:00 go home and browse computer again or play a video game

1:00am watch TV in bed

1:30 or 2am - go to sleep


Day off:

10:00 - 11:00am - wake up

watch TV in bed for about half an hour

run any errands I may have (bills, or grocery shopping)

come home and go outside and work in yard

maybe if I feel like it walk the dogs

Later if I feel like spending time with friends I'll call them up to make plans

If not may clean house, watch a movie, eat dinner

Sometimes I'll scratch all that and go to the casino for the day

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~6:15 Wake up and work out


8:00 Read/waste time/breakfast


10:00 Head to campus (here I go to class and do homework/read between classes... I also have lunch)


~3:00 Go home and begin homework/reading


5:30 Eat dinner


6:00 Homework/reading (mixed in with bothering housemates and surfing the web...)


10:00 Either lose all motivation for homework or start it in earnest, depending on how productive I've been


11:30 Talk to fiance on the phone


12:00 Go to bed


Repeat ad infinitum. Except some days I work or have night class. I can't wait to graduate.

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My company has got me on an indefinite part time furlough right now, so I have lots of free time, but must be very frugal with my money. So a typical day goes:


7 am wake up


7:30 workout


8:30 make/eat breakfast


9:30 play bass


10:30 get ready for work


11:00 work


3:30 get home


3:30 play bass


5 workout


5:30 make/eat dinner


6:30 play bass/read/surf web


11:00 bed


That's the typical. I know it sounds boring, but since my budget's gotten low, I've had to learn how to simplify my life pretty drastically. I've been going on for about a year like this though and now that I'm settled into it it's kinda cool. No hustle and bustle, no stress. It's actually quite peaceful. Although work has gotten as boring as hell. I'm holding on though. It's a good company and I've got 10 years there and have built up some seniority. I don't want to start at a new place if I don't have to.

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What a neat idea for a thread!


I'm a grant writer at a nonprofit. Most of my days are taken up by work and commuting:


6:15am - Wake up, get in the shower


6:45am - Feed cats and make and eat breakfast


7am - Start doing hair and makeup and get dressed


7:45am - Leave for work


8:30am - Arrive at work


8:30am-12pm - Work


12pm-1pm - Lunch with coworkers


1pm-5pm - Work


6pm - Arrive home from work, make dinner


6pm-9pm - Hang out, watch TV, Internetz


9pm - Feed cats, start getting ready for bed


10pm - Bedtime


Wow. Sounds boring all typed out like that.


Days off kind of vary, both in terms of activity and days (I usually work at two or three Saturdays or Sundays a month). But most weekend days I get up, have some tea and breakfast, run errands in the early afternoon, and then am in until the evening, when I go do something with friends.

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A question of curiosity to all enotalone readers:


What is a typical day like for you? If you started from when you woke up to when you went to bed, what is your day like? Be as detail oriented as you want. Include what it's like on a typical work day and on your day off.


I'm a sociology/psychology major so I'm interested in things people do.


I'm always interested in that stuff too.


I'll answer, but you might get really bored. I get up at almost exactly 7:20 every morning. Out the door by 7:45 (i do everything i need to do at night so mornings are very fast). At work by 8. Go to my office, log into my PC, go get my coffee, get back to desk. Start my day. Various things thru the day, won't bore you with my duties. I have a pretty lively work day every day. Get home between 5:45 and 7pm every night. Log into home pc. ENA is one of my sites I am on. CHeck email. Eat dinner somewhere in between. Shower. Get clothes ready for next day and all other pre work day prepatory activities. If something is on TV I like, i watch it. Somewhere between 12:30 and 1:30am its beddy bye time.


Wow I'm boring.



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Work day:


5:30-alarm goes off

5:30-6:15, 6:30 I hit the snooze every 7 minutes and actually fall back asleep in between

8(ish)-leave for work

8:30-4 work (i'm a social worker/counselor at a special education preschool)

5ish-whenever I go to the gym.

whenever-bedtime I eat dinner, check email/computer, watch TV, talk on the phone, maybe clean up a bit haha, get ready for the next day

10-11 bedtime


Day off:


8:30 wake up

10ish head to the gym

run errands or see friends during the afternoon

go out with friends at night

go to bed whenever


Oh and every Friday that we're both in town, I go to my sister's for dinner

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Oh god, my life is so boring...


I wake up anywhere between 5am and 11am, depending on how bad my insomnia is on that particular morning and how late I eventually fell asleep...


I mess around on ENA and facebook until around 1:30 or 2 which is when I have my physical therapy


Home around 3...mess around until 4ish, go tanning


Drive to school, school from 6-9pm


Come home, make dinner, clean dishes


homework (I get it done before the night is over)


Screw around on facebook and ena more.. watch some shows


Bed between 11pm-6am if I'm lucky.

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My typical day:

8:30 Get out of bed, shower, dress, feed and medicate cats.

9:15 Off to work, sometimes I get gas or stop by the bank first.

10:00 Arrive at work, check out office productivity, make necessary business calls to clients, check email, take any necessary phone calls.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Follow up on phone calls and prepare legal documents for filing

2:00 Leave for second job

2:45 Arrive at teaching job

8:00 Leave work for bf's house

9:00 Start dinner or go out to eat

10:30 Wash dishes if I've cooked, clean up a little, do some homework

11:30 Play some games on computer at bf's house

12:30 Leave for my home

1:00 Get home, clean a bit around my house, read more for school, play with my cats.

2:30 Bedtime.


Saturday I work all day at my teaching job. Bf's house at night

Sunday: Sleep until 10. Finish and homework, clean house, and if there's time, go to Los Angeles and hang out. Bf's house at night - help him clean his house.

Monday: repeat above through Sunday.

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sleep in normally since i work nights, wake up shower or brush up, get some coffee always buy it, kick aroudn the house maybe hit the gym, drive around for abit to kill the time or run some errons, and go to work that night, if not then sit at the comp and tv. Yup i got a very lame life.

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okay... well i work 2 jobs... so my day is pretty crazy... i guess ill start off with on a day when i work both jobs. lol


7am to 7:15am - wake up, brush teeth, and wash face.


7:25am - put on makeup (i work for a makeup company)


7:50am - Get dressed, pack clothes for second job, and pack lunch.


8:15am - out the door and driving to work. stop by Mickey Ds for breakfast.


8:45am - arrive at 1st job.


9am to 2:30pm - at work and eat lunch around 12:30pm


2:30pm to 4pm - Change clothes for 2nd job, relax, go shopping, talk to bf on the fone, or run some errands before going to the 2nd job.


4:15pm - arrive at 2nd job.


4:30pm to 8pm or later - at work.


Whenever i get done with my 2nd job go home. usually im home before 10pm or around that time.


After 10pm - take a shower, talk on the fone with friends, surf the web, or watch a movie.


usually go to bed a little bit after midnite.


I work 2 partime jobs... so some days i work both jobs and sometimes i work 1 job. but thats pretty much my typical day... ugh i cant wait for the next day off from both jobs! Plus squeezing in my bf when i can to spend time with him, but hes going to be starting school soon, so i think we will have more time to spend together when he starts school which is next week!

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My day:


6.00: Get up and do all the get ready for the day activities - shower, coffee, breakfast, hair, make-up, household chores

7.55: Leave for work and commute

8.30: Make coffee and start work

1.00 - 1.30: Lunch (time varies)

1.30 - 5.30: work

5.30 - 6.15: Commute home

6.15 - 7.00: Chill out

7.00 - 10.00: household chores, dinner, potter

10.00 - 11.00: start getting ready for bed

11.00 - bed


God that's dull

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Work day:


5:30-alarm goes off

5:30-6:15, 6:30 I hit the snooze every 7 minutes and actually fall back asleep in between

8(ish)-leave for work

8:30-4 work (i'm a social worker/counselor at a special education preschool)

5ish-whenever I go to the gym.

whenever-bedtime I eat dinner, check email/computer, watch TV, talk on the phone, maybe clean up a bit haha, get ready for the next day

10-11 bedtime


Day off:


8:30 wake up

10ish head to the gym

run errands or see friends during the afternoon

go out with friends at night

go to bed whenever


Oh and every Friday that we're both in town, I go to my sister's for dinner


Haha, I do exactly the same... set my alarm knowing I'll be hitting snooze every few minutes for an hour or so.

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hmm, this is my day during the school week


-get up at 6, shower eat breakfast, do my hair and makeup, etc

-get on the bus at 7:20

-arrive at school at 8

-go to school until about 5 (depends on the day, really, sometime I can leave earlier or later)

-go home and make dinner

-play around on my computer, surf the web, maybe watch some TV

-go to bed around 9 or 10



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What a good major. I share your interest and love reading about people's lives (hence, ENA).


Anyway, a typical day for me...not so typical...but here's what I generally do M-F (since I am laid off)


7:00--Get out of bed, bathroom, take my pill, have breakfast and water, check email, and read from the Bible, taking notes. Shower, tidy up my room.


Around 9:00--Plan my day. Sometimes my boss sends me work over the computer (I am a contracted writer) so I either write in the living room and then come to the computer to type OR I type in Word and email my work to her over the Internet. The work takes usually no more than 4 hours.


Around Noon: Have lunch...sometimes I prepare dinner for me and my household


Around 1--Apply for jobs online, read books about goal planning, future, etc. Take care of other business like looking into my MS...OR if I'm feeling lazy and depressed, I go on ENA and waste time.


Around 4: My mom comes home from work and we eat dinner.


Around 4:30---Therapy-


Around 6---Phone calls with my girlfriends, check email again, or read. If it's warm out, I might exercise for about an hour--take a walk with my IPOD


Around 7---Skills...I work on spelling, music, memory building, read for leisure, etc.


Around 8:30--Depending on the day, I read religious works or attend Bible Study




The weekend---Go out with my boyfriend or female friends, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc.

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your lives are not boring and god i wish so badly i could get myself to stay on a fixed schedule...here is about what i do (it varries alot by when i go to bed and get up)


6:00 wake up + deal with migraine

6:15 step out of bed and get food

6:30 eat + take meds

6:35 play runescape

7:20 get on bus

3:00 get home

3:05 turn on computer, eat, deal with migraines

3:15 play runescape and watch anime (or at least i should be...i have no self discipline)

6:00 eat do homework depending on energy/migraine problems, study, do computer programming. or more runescape and anime

10:00-11:30 go to bed


thats my school life, exactly the same every week over and over. no friend to family just me, my computer, occasionally some porn, some self reflection, and thats about it


its a very simple life and it was medically chosen for me but i don't mind it. i just hate being lonley

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Work day:

6.00-7.00am: Hit snooze several times and go back to sleep

7-8: Get up, take medication, have shower if I need one and it's before 7.30, get dressed and do hair etc

8:30 Go downstairs, feed cats, get some food

8:40 Walk to the corner shop and buy lunch, take out money for driving lesson from the ATM if I'm having one that day

9-9.10 Walk to bus stop

9.15-9.40 Wait for the 9.16 bus to be early or stupidly late

9.40-10 Arrive in work

10-4 Work, which consists of finding info on the net, typing in Word, taking phone calls, making appointments, some graphic design- a mixed bag

4-4.10 Walk to bus stop, wait for 4.20 bus to be late

5 Get home

5-6 Watch tv- usually Malcolm in the Middle/talk to mum about day

6-6.30 Eat tea

6.30-9 Do any of the following: laundry, tidying, reading ENA, reading online, watching tv, talking to ex, crafting (I make jewellery and sew), talking to parents, watching a film, talking online

9-10 Usually watch traffic cops and fall asleep


Day off/weekend:


9ish: Wake up and take medication, browse online, eat chocolate in bed

Around 2pm: eat lunch if offered by parents, or make own lunch

2-6: Do any of the following: laundry, tidying, cleaning, reading, watching tv/films, shopping, computery things, some work from home if I need to (I do 2 hours a week from home)

6-7ish: Tea

7-10: Repeat the 'any of the following'

10ish Fall asleep


Sounds pretty boring but I do like my life, just wish I could get more done but I'm recovering from an ED and depression and working part time after a long gap so everyone keeps saying not to push myself. If I have to go out for an appointment or something then the afternoon is usually replaced by shopping!

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