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How long after breaking up did you intiate no contact?


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For me it was about two weeks. I saw her for a coffee two weeks after we split and (besides 2 texts regarding the house we own together) we have not been in contact since.


Was wandering how long it took you?

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1 month, 1 week and 6 days.

He started his NC 10 days prior to me. Which means for 10 days straight I still tried to get him back, until I realized it was pointless. I didn't want to put myself down anymore, I needed to gain my self respect back and realized he did not give a toss about me so why should I give a damn about him?

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2 months. I groveled for the first 30 days doing everything wrong. Then I found this site and started learning. Over the next 30 days I got my pants back on and my self respect. Was able to talk with her and hang out, then let her know I was checking out after her bday. We celebrated her birthday by going dancin n drinkin. I told her this would be that last time we spoke. I was not interested in friendship. We had a blast and I have not talk to her since. On day 8 of NC

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Amazing! My hero


Hee. Shhh...actually the reason for that is that I had already read ENA during my last breakup and knew about NC. It's like in an emergency, if you have seen the video enough times, when the plane crashes you remember that your seat cushion also functions as a flotation device.

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