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Hey Guys. My boyfriend broke up with me about 2 months ago. It was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I couldn't stop crying for over a month and I was just a complete mess. I have now gotten to a better place though.. but here's the issue.


I finally had my first new crush. I never thought I could feel anything for anyone. I feel like this is progress and I may be healing a bit finally.


But I went a little overbored with this new guy. He was interested at first but now Im pretty sure he's not. I had tons of guys at the bar last night trying to hit on me, but I guess its the way it goes, the one you like doesnt like you back.


I am just already sick of this dating game. I miss the security of being in a relaitonship. I miss knowing he actually liked me. I hate the game. I hate this feeling of not being good enough... so frusterated.

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It may make one feel secure to have a sense of belonging, to bounce back to your feet and feel normal again. A very tempting idea it is, but you have to come to terms to what you desire and what you really need. It should come to mind that you might not be emotionally ready to move on when you're still in recovery state. That it's wiser to nurse a sprain ankle before you can start trying to walk again. Don't let others catch you limping.

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the not being good enough is within YOU. YOU are responsible for feeling good WITHOUT some guy saying he wants you.


If you want to be happy, find a counselor and learn to start liking yourself no matter who 'chooses' you.

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