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Obese men are repulsive to me in dating


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Well, Mr Right isn't fat. I can't overlook that. If someone is obese they can walk if they can't afford a gym. They will not get people like me being fat. They can be the nicest guys, but being obese takes it away.



Wow you must be the sh.it

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Announcing a preference is hardly a discussion. You are entitled to prefer guys who are in shape and within a healthy weight range, but announcing it like this implies that it's a:


image removed


You are not obligated to like anyone for any reason, but how you articulate that is all the difference in the world.

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I'm not talking overweight guys. The guy I like is overweight (he's 5'9 and 200 pounds). I'm talking disgusting. Nothing appealing about these guys to me. I am angry because it seems most of the single guys are obese.

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I'm not talking overweight guys. The guy I like is overweight (he's 5'9 and 200 pounds). I'm talking disgusting. Nothing appealing about these guys to me.


The question many of us have on our minds though is why create a thread calling this group of people out like that and calling them disgusting? So what if you don't want to date them. They are STILL human beings, and they might not want to date you either. How would you feel if you came online and saw a thread that read 'dating newwave is disgusting'? Would that make your night? Wouldn't you feel pretty bad and wonder why they had to make such a proclamation to the world, when all they had to do was just simply not date you?


That is all we are trying to say really.

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I'm not talking overweight guys. The guy I like is overweight (he's 5'9 and 200 pounds). I'm talking disgusting. Nothing appealing about these guys to me. I am angry because it seems most of the single guys are obese.


Understood. Now what would you like us to do about this? What would you like to discuss? All I can think of is "Huzzah!"

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There is that word again.........disgusting. You know what?? They are human beings. You can decide who you want to go out with and we do not give a rat's bum but there is NO need to come on here and insult people which is the exercise of this thread me thinks

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lol you guys. Seems like OP is right. We often see in this forum and in real life people being hardly judgmental on women for being fat. Yet when a woman says what she thinks, it's suddenly all wrong.


I don't agree with how she stated her preference tho, calling people disgusting is rude...but I think I can understand why she made this thread, I think she is basically complaining about how many people think she should just settle down, even with people that repulse her.

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lol you guys. Seems like OP is right. We often see in this forum and in real life people being hardly judgmental on women for being fat. Yet when a woman says what she thinks, it's suddenly all wrong.


I don't agree with how she stated her preference tho, calling people disgusting is rude...but I think I can understand why she made this thread, I think she is basically complaining about how many people think she should just settle down, even with people that repulse her.


You don't think the majority of us would say the same thing if the OP were a guy?

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Keyman, you hit it straight on...


No, "Mr. Right" might not be obese himself, but he may have a close family member or friend who is... Someone he'd want his significant other to respect as much as he does - which you would clearly be incapable of doing with that attitude; or


"Mr. Right" might just be a decent human being who is able to see people for WHO they are and not WHAT they look like.


Your close-mindedness doesn't just potentially eliminate "fat people", but it most likely will eliminate "good people" also.


And there's a little FOOD for thought!

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The question many of us have on our minds though is why create a thread calling this group of people out like that and calling them disgusting? So what if you don't want to date them. They are STILL human beings, and they might not want to date you either. How would you feel if you came online and saw a thread that read 'dating newwave is disgusting'? Would that make your night? Wouldn't you feel pretty bad and wonder why they had to make such a proclamation to the world, when all they had to do was just simply not date you?


That is all we are trying to say really.


But I'm not attacking a specific poster, I am stating my preference. My preference is not these guys. Yet there are more of these guys than there are normal size guys. Sure, they are human, but doesn't mean I have to date them.


I posted this because I've seen these types of guys online dating, yet requesting women out of their league. These guys won't get hot girls unless they have money. Yet many think they will.

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And where exactly are you finding these 'obese' men??? Are you hanging out at dunkin donuts or weight watchers?? I RARELY see people of that size. MOST people THAT big never leave the house. So get real.

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lol you guys. Seems like OP is right. We often see in this forum and in real life people being hardly judgmental on women for being fat. Yet when a woman says what she thinks, it's suddenly all wrong.


I don't agree with how she stated her preference tho, calling people disgusting is rude...but I think I can understand why she made this thread, I think she is basically complaining about how many people think she should just settle down, even with people that repulse her.


You know what I do not care what her preference is. She can date guys with purple polka dots for all I care, but to come on here and call people disgusting is RUDE.

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lol you guys. Seems like OP is right. We often see in this forum and in real life people being hardly judgmental on women for being fat. Yet when a woman says what she thinks, it's suddenly all wrong.


I don't agree with how she stated her preference tho, calling people disgusting is rude...but I think I can understand why she made this thread, I think she is basically complaining about how many people think she should just settle down, even with people that repulse her.


Um no. No one thinks she should settle down with people that repulse her. No one thinks that she should date obese guys if she doesnt want to. In fact, no one thinks she has to even have any interest in ever wanting to date/talk to/ hang out with an obese guy. What we DO think is that this is an unnecassary thread, putting down a group of people for no reason at all. She doesn't have to date obese men - but why does she have to come here and call them disgusting for no reason. It's uncalled for and rude.

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lol you guys. Seems like OP is right. We often see in this forum and in real life people being hardly judgmental on women for being fat. Yet when a woman says what she thinks, it's suddenly all wrong.


I don't agree with how she stated her preference tho, calling people disgusting is rude...but I think I can understand why she made this thread, I think she is basically complaining about how many people think she should just settle down, even with people that repulse her.


I disagree with your disagreement. We aren't saying she should just suck it up and date people she isn't attracted to just because she is a girl. We're saying what right does she have in laying such rude statements out there in public.


If her statement was made about black people, it would be labelled as blatant racism.

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lol you guys. Seems like OP is right. We often see in this forum and in real life people being hardly judgmental on women for being fat. Yet when a woman says what she thinks, it's suddenly all wrong.


I don't agree with how she stated her preference tho, calling people disgusting is rude...but I think I can understand why she made this thread, I think she is basically complaining about how many people think she should just settle down, even with people that repulse her.


That's what I mean. People often think we have to lower our standards and in this case I can't. Yet if it was a guy, they get passes for not dating big girls (and many times the "big girls" really aren't).

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But I'm not attacking a specific poster, I am stating my preference. My preference is not these guys. Yet there are more of these guys than there are normal size guys. Sure, they are human, but doesn't mean I have to date them.


I posted this because I've seen these types of guys online dating, yet requesting women out of their league. These guys won't get hot girls unless they have money. Yet many think they will.


So posting this is supposed to revolutionize the online dating community by informing certain groups of men what their standards should be? That's an amazingly lofty goal for a forum post. If the guys are unreasonable then they will fail on their own without anyone's help.


I don't get any "passes" on this. The only time I hear about this double standard is when women talk about one existing, lol.

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I know that's harsh, but I really hate fat men. I once was set on a blind date with a 400 pound man. I walked out of the date when I saw him. I have dated chubby guys but otherwise, no. I get called shallow, narcisstic, etc but obesity is disgusting. You might be the nicest guy, but your weight eliminates you.


Yet men can be shallow and that's ok, but women? Nope we have to accept anything.


Why do you hate fat men


Your not forced to date theses guys.


Obesity is a huge problem, something that can't be as easily fixed as you tend to believe.


Your very rude by the way

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That's what I mean. People often think we have to lower our standards and in this case I can't. Yet if it was a guy, they get passes for not dating big girls (and many times the "big girls" really aren't).


No, that is NOT what we think. We think you are being rude to call people disgusting. I do not care what your preference is.

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And where exactly are you finding these 'obese' men??? Are you hanging out at dunkin donuts or weight watchers?? I RARELY see people of that size. MOST people THAT big never leave the house. So get real.


Online sites. I lurk at a few and these big guys are there. This is yet another reason I don't do online dating. Most of the times I met guys off those sites, they were large guys.

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You know what I do not care what her preference is. She can date guys with purple polka dots for all I care, but to come on here and call people disgusting is RUDE.


well I didn't say you guys say it, but people in her real life.


Like I said, she could have complained in a better way instead of hurting people's feelings.

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