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Obese men are repulsive to me in dating


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I know that's harsh, but I really hate fat men. I once was set on a blind date with a 400 pound man. I walked out of the date when I saw him. I have dated chubby guys but otherwise, no. I get called shallow, narcisstic, etc but obesity is disgusting. You might be the nicest guy, but your weight eliminates you.


Yet men can be shallow and that's ok, but women? Nope we have to accept anything.

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Uhh, what. This is like saying "I hate that people murder people all the time, and so many people do it, so I'm just going to knife you in the back until you die." Your logic completely fails here. If you don't like a quality in people (in your case, men), then it doesn't have to be a "When in Rome, do as the vandals" situation. Be the change you want to see. Don't contribute to misery.


Also, no one is telling you to accept anything. Or if they are, you are free to say "no". And what's wrong with that? But by saying "fat men are repulsive" then you've just likely ruined the night of a select few overweight men on these boards. Congratulations for doing your small part to contribute to human misery. You can be very proud of yourself.

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Yet men can be shallow and that's ok, but women? Nope we have to accept anything.


You are obviously unaware that shallowness is pretty much the EXACT same for both genders.


Besides, it isn't even a big deal to be repulsed by fat people in dating... obviously its their own responsibility to lose weight if they want to expand their options.

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Hmm why the nastiness? Is it necessary to be blatantly rude about it? We get it.I don't know many people who run around "bring on the jelly rolls baby!!!!!" I think it's common knowledge that obesity is a turnoff.

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Uhh, what. This is like saying "I hate that people murder people all the time, and so many people do it, so I'm just going to knife you in the back until you die." Your logic completely fails here. If you don't like a quality in people (in your case, men), then it doesn't have to be a "When in Rome, do as the vandals" situation. Be the change you want to see. Don't contribute to misery.


Also, no one is telling you to accept anything. Or if they are, you are free to say "no". And what's wrong with that? But by saying "fat men are repulsive" then you've just likely ruined the night of a select few overweight men on these boards. Congratulations for doing your small part to contribute to human misery. You can be very proud of yourself.


How am I ruining someone's night? If they are obese they can lose weight. I have a gym membership and so should they.

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why are you telling us? maybe you should have told your friend who set you up on the blind date?


I did. I yelled at her for doing it, knowing how I feel. Her response was he was a nice guy looking to have a family and I should give him a chance. I told her to tell him to lose 200 pounds, then we'll talk.

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Is there a point to this thread?


Everyone has their own preference, whether they like skinny, fat, blonde, brunette..you get the picture & never once did someone say to me "you have to accept this or that" lol...your statement was just ridiculous.

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How am I ruining someone's night? If they are obese they can lose weight. I have a gym membership and so should they.


It's hard to debate people who only see trees when you show them the forest, but I'll try... No, not every obese person can "just lose weight". Not every person can even afford a gym membership. Some folks on here are clinically depressed and battling all kinds of conditions. What of the sick and injured? And someday you might find yourself in dire straights, and may end up just like the people you vilify right now, and someone might say, "Ms... You are quite disgusting." You can lie and say that you're so above it all that you'd never care, but it would only be a lie, and you'd only be fooling yourself.


Similarly, there are plenty of people on ENA who are much more disgusted by a terrible attitude then an obese person. If you want to see true ugliness, what's inside someone trumps what's outside someone 8 days a week.

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I did. I yelled at her for doing it, knowing how I feel. Her response was he was a nice guy looking to have a family and I should give him a chance. I told her to tell him to lose 200 pounds, then we'll talk.


Not everyone is capable of empathy. It takes a special person. You clearly aren't there yet. In that case, most people will just view you as a child and laugh you off when you try to be serious.

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I did. I yelled at her for doing it, knowing how I feel. Her response was he was a nice guy looking to have a family and I should give him a chance. I told her to tell him to lose 200 pounds, then we'll talk.


And that obese man might not like your attitude, so there, you're even!

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Based on your posts you sound to me a little frustrated with the men you keep coming accross which they all so happen to be over weight kind of like me with single moms.


Everyone has their prefences in who they want.


fyi sometimes you can't lose weight like that, I'm over weight built like an NFL linemen and I have been working my ass of to lose weight and its very difficult. Sometimes its genetics resulting in zero weight loss Not everybody can go over to ballys and solve their weight issues. Although I will continue to eat healthy and workout from my stand point but I can't gaurentee you I will drop 200lbs. I can only do what I can do or what my body wants to permits me to lose.


Now its another thing if the dude is a total couch patato and has zero ambishion to lose weight or maintain focus for himself and continues to eat out. Then you could say thats disgusting.


I understand your frustrations but try not to be harsh, You might scare Mr right away in the process.

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Uhh, what. This is like saying "I hate that people murder people all the time, and so many people do it, so I'm just going to knife you in the back until you die." Your logic completely fails here. If you don't like a quality in people (in your case, men), then it doesn't have to be a "When in Rome, do as the vandals" situation. Be the change you want to see. Don't contribute to misery.


Also, no one is telling you to accept anything. Or if they are, you are free to say "no". And what's wrong with that? But by saying "fat men are repulsive" then you've just likely ruined the night of a select few overweight men on these boards. Congratulations for doing your small part to contribute to human misery. You can be very proud of yourself.


Nice post Jettison.


Can't say it any better than this.

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I've heard it offline and I expect to hear it in a few posts. Someone will say it narrows my dating pool and how dare I be nasty. Obese guys are disgusting.


I think that many non-obese men, when assaulted by these opinions would want to drop out of your dating pool too.

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I don't see a point to your thread.


No one is forcing you to date obese guys.


No one said you cant date who you prefer.


What is the point?


You come accross as rude and hostile in your post. If you don't like someone's weight, thats your preference, but you don't have to come and broadcast it. It's just rude. Some people actually really can't help their weight and some people have issues you don't know about. How would you like it if we judged you and called you disgusting?


Besides, I know this may sound strange, but I have always been attracted to larger men. Not like muscle "larger" but fatter/larger. Maybe not morbidly obese - but I like bigger guys!

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I don't know many people who run around "bring on the jelly rolls baby!!!!!" I think it's common knowledge that obesity is a turnoff.

Actually, I know a guy who wouldn't date a girl if she was under 300 pounds . . . and he's an average sized guy. It takes all kinds.

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People can have an opinion they do not however have a right to call people disgusting. You know ALL people have feelings.


you took the words out of my mouth. We all have preferences. I have mine, you have yours, the OP has hers. But to call out a certain group of people and call them disgusting just because you don't want to date them....


Well. I don't think I need to complete my statement.


But I will. It's just mean and unwarranted.

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Well, Mr Right isn't fat. I can't overlook that. If someone is obese they can walk if they can't afford a gym. They will not get people like me being fat. They can be the nicest guys, but being obese takes it away.


Hey...fat people can lose weight...but nasty and obnoxious people

are stuck with their personality. I'd take a nice 'overweight' guy over a

nasty, judgemental guy ANY day..

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Well, Mr Right isn't fat. I can't overlook that. If someone is obese they can walk if they can't afford a gym. They will not get people like me being fat. They can be the nicest guys, but being obese takes it away.


I really doubt they want "people like you" anyway so don't worry about it.

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