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5 months and still not doing so well....

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We were together 4/5 months and the break up was a shock. He was mad about me and then he wasn’t. He broke up when he has to go away for 6 weeks for work. Even my Mum says she is surprised we haven’t got back together and doesn’t understand it, and she never says anything that could remotely be taken as giving me hope!


So it doesn’t help that I still have to see him and contact him. And because of work it is usually me contacting him - and I get upset when he doesn’t reply.


When we meet and chat we still get on so well which is hard. Even last Sat, we were the last 2 to leave the pub and for some reason he cupped his hand round my face when leaving..... But I know nothing is going to happen and even if he does somewhat still like me he doesn’t seem to want anything to happen. He doesn’t think about me when we’re not together.....


I think to a great extent I have worked at getting over him. I can list 20 odd things that drive me mad about him and actually fundamentally irritate me about his personality...but then he smiles and i melt. I wish I was stronger. I think I just want him to want me again because I just feel so used (perhaps used isn’t quite the right word - I think i was a rebound and was fun whilst i was around but he never wanted a relationship. Then he shouldn’t have told me he missed me etc).


Anyway whatever it was my confidence is really at rock bottom. I just feel worthless that someone could disregard me like that and I have to keep pretending everything is cool between us. I still cry most days, and although i miss him I think it’s more just a complete lack of confidence and sense of failure that this relationship has made me feel i am. I feel that if I was a more interesting person he would still want to be with me. I just wasn’t good enough for him and everytime I see him or have to contact him I feel so rejected by the fact we obviously get on but I just am not special enough.


I know this post is a right moan, I’m just feeling really down and hoping someone else can get me out of it.

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I'm sorry you are going through this and I want to say that you are not alone. We all feel this way after a break up, it's been 6 months since my break up and I still feel like this sometimes. The truth is tho is that we are wrong. There are some perfectly beautiful amazing men and women out there that still get cheated on or broken up with. Instead of telling yourself that you are not good enough, tell yourself that you two were just not compatible or he was in a time in his life when he wanted something else than a relationship.

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I know, thank you...


It's just we were 100% compatible, at least at that stage, who knows longer term.


And I def think it was wrong time, but that is why still having to see him is so difficult....because the longer time goes by the less likely that excuse is.

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I know, thank you...


It's just we were 100% compatible, at least at that stage, who knows longer term.


And I def think it was wrong time, but that is why still having to see him is so difficult....because the longer time goes by the less likely that excuse is.


I think if you were truly 100% compatible, this break up probably would not have happened.


Why do you have to see him? can't you just cut contact?

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work stuff....


i honestly don't know if we were 100% but at the stage we were at we seemed it. He couldn't give me any reason fo breaking up. It was too soon out of another rel - he was convinced i wanted marriage and kids, which i never mentioned and certainly hadn't been thinking about.

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