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This is frustrating. Shy guy is frustrating!


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Someone please want to clarify this for me?


Alright, I face rejection prtty well - at least i think i do.

But anyway..


I DID approach him, in a nice way though because god knows he won't talk to me just continue to look/stare. Wrote him the note, yup.

He seemed really happy that i approached him because I think he was getting a little frustrated that i wouldn't approach him again. Explains why he was avoiding.

SO i finally did it, and yes he seemed happy. Gave me a smile i haven't recieved from a guy in a long time, not since i broke up with my boyfriend..


I seen him today, im guessing he was leaving? So, he sees me and than again hides or something back into the room lol? Then some random guy asked if he was using the room and i couldn't hear what else, but then he put on sunglasses (no idea why because it's not even birght in here ok it is but still)

and he walked out. I know he was looking at me, I don't get it.


Playing hard to get? Or just not interested - if he's not then i am extremely confused because he was throwing hints at me.


WHat should I do? Be more patient or just move on. Cause quite frankly it seems i may be wasting my time.

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I think he is totally worth it..

im not infatuated by all means.. but something inside tells me to like

be patient. Im just sitting here kind of confused because i never been in a situation like this.

Literally waiting. I made a move, for the second time. Maybe i need to be a little more patient/

Or shy guys take their time?



Basically i want your opinions, is he into me or not?

because i can be patient, i just dont wanna be made a fool.

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I asked my sister about the situation, she says "you have to be patient.

he likes you, you're hot, but you have to be patient."


Maybe I should dress uglier or something? To throw away my physical features?

I am a nice person.. so what does it have to take?

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Really you should relax, focus on other things, and let him make the move if he wants to. It's on him now.


That is, unless you want to just take matters into your own hands, walk up to him, and plant a big fat one on him. Should be easy to figure out where he is then.

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Really you should relax, focus on other things, and let him make the move if he wants to. It's on him now.


That is, unless you want to just take matters into your own hands, walk up to him, and plant a big fat one on him. Should be easy to figure out where he is then.


Hahah that is funny.

I guess, sucks that I am impatient at times.

I like to see results..

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Sounds like he's a bit inexperienced and/or intimidated. I'm pretty shy, but if someone I was even moderately interested in basically threw themselves at me (that's usually what it takes), I'd have to make a move.


You've made your intentions known, so give him a little time and space and hope he makes the next move. If he doesn't, there's not much you can do about it.

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I actually enjoy reading your posts because you are saying exactly what I am thinking all the time. Not that I enjoy you feeling all this turmoil or confusion. Just that I can relate.


I have even thought about just planting one on him, but part of me feels like I just need to be patient cause it's something that he needs to do. I know that he wants to and I think he would feel a lot better about things if he was the one to make the move. He periodically makes references to me about letting him lead, like if we are dancing, etc. I take that as a sign because of how he says it. I really think he wants to lead. I think our biggest problem is that for a very long time, everyone around us was commenting on us dating, him going after me, that he should just grab me and kiss, etc. and it made him even more self-conscious and nervous because everyone's eyes were on us, even complete strangers were telling us we should date or even thought we were dating/married. He's made moves (small moves, but still) and back in January things seemed to be progressing really well, then BAM!!! he started avoiding again in February.


I am a shy person too, so I try to put myself in his shoes and think about how I react to things and I do think it helps me to understand him, but there are still times that he throws me through complete loops. I know many people don't understand this, but I truly believe that my patience will pay off and he is totally worth the wait. I've been through hell when it comes to relationships, so I am going to wait for a piece of heaven.


I think you need to follow your gut. If you think he's interested, he most likely is. You can just tell when someone is into you. It has always been obvious for me. If you want to wait it out and see where it leads, then do that. If you don't want to be patient, then move on. From reading your posts, I don't think you are ready to move on just yet.

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I am not ready to move on.

Every part of my bones is telling me he is interested. Hell i even ask the shyest of my guy friends, and from what they tell me. There is no doubt in their mind he is interested. They did the exact same thing with a girl they really liked apparently.


I just kind of get thrown off and confused. because one day he can seem so happy and glad that im around, and then randomly he rushes out or avoids. It hurts a little because then i think "it must be me.." But i don;'t know.

I will wait it out,

I'll even approach him tomorrow.

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Shy people can be frustrating for sure. This isn't the best idea but maybe if he was a little intoxicated he might open up a bit. If he's old enough to drink anyway, I don't know if he drinks or not. Hopefully he figures it out, otherwise you might have to move on. There's not much point in spending months on months a guy who won't make his move.

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Yes I agree with that. If I were you I would ask him if he wants to go to the pub for a drink, something to eat maybe and a chat. Then, providing he accepts your invitation, get him a couple of drinks, though don't get him so drunk that he can't speak properly and ask him if he would be interested in going to the cinema or something. The more he is in your company and feels secure with you, the more he will open up to you.


I'm a very shy person, but after a drink or two, I can be quite a different person and quite chatty and open about stuff. I'm sure this boy will open up to you in the same situation.


Good luck, hope it all goes well for you

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Yes I agree with that. If I were you I would ask him if he wants to go to the pub for a drink, something to eat maybe and a chat. Then, providing he accepts your invitation, get him a couple of drinks, though don't get him so drunk that he can't speak properly and ask him if he would be interested in going to the cinema or something. The more he is in your company and feels secure with you, the more he will open up to you.


I'm a very shy person, but after a drink or two, I can be quite a different person and quite chatty and open about stuff. I'm sure this boy will open up to you in the same situation.


Good luck, hope it all goes well for you


In my case this is true, but it doesn't make him more comfortable when he isn't intoxicated. I can't get my friend to be alone with me when he is sober, but when he is intoxicated and we end up alone it seems to be okay with him. He is much more open and loose, this is when he is the bravest, but the braveness doesn't continue when he's sober. He will either act like he doesn't remember or become avoidant if he may construe any of his actions as too forward or embarrassing. I guess maybe it is different for different people.

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