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I have met a very good looking girl in a social event and it was as if we have known each other for years which means we clicked together. Here are some signs she is giving me and iam not sure whether she likes me nor not?!!


1. She brushes her hair with her hand,


2. while we were talking and sitting facing each other - our legs were kind of touching each other.


3. we have the same interest


4. she plays with her necklace when talking to me


5. she asks me many questions


6. I mentioned of another event which will take place in our city - and she said .. You should take me there


After observing her very closely, I invited her for a drink to a certain bar in our city in the next day. She was on time and she kissed me on both cheeks by holding my righ arm. This was something she never did before !


One day she came with her girlfriend to this social event and her friend said to me Yeah my friend told that she met a gentleman !!.

Am I overreacting to this?

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Seems like she likes you. All the things she did are ways of her getting your attention and flirting.

Take is slow, but not too slow. Maybe a peck here and there, who knows she might kiss you then.


Good luck & enjoy.

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To give you an update - I went to the social event and she didn`t show up. I didn`t think of anything.


Next day, I got an email from her apologising me for not showing up - she also asked me if I use myspace and facebook!!!.. I got another email telling me that she has lots of work to do and she will not come to the event in the next . I didn`t ask her all of these .


Am I imagining things or she is interested in me?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds encouraging. Why not jut run with the assumption that she's interested? Worst case scenario is that you'll get turned down.

I don`t want to run into asking her out too early . Iam not sure how long should I wait to ask her out ..two weeks....?

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I don`t want to run into asking her out too early . Iam not sure how long should I wait to ask her out ..two weeks....?




You should ask earlier otherwise she will think you are not interested. Which may be the way its going as I see this thread was started back in march..

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