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Dating to friends, a good idea?

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I dated a girl for 6 weeks we decided things were moving way way to fast and called it quits. We literally went from never knowing each other to talking every single day and seeing each other 4 times a week. She said in about a month or so we can get together as friends. I know its a bad idea to be friends with an ex however she was not an ex we just dated. Do you think if we start off the right way let things grow organically as opposed to force things, they might work out better this time around?

A little more info - We never fought while we dated. She told me she liked me more than all the guys she has dated, and i would tell her how i felt about her. Nothing bad happened between us at all, things ended well. We just moved to fast which caused feelings to change a little b.c we felt as if we were forcing things along. I am happy that we were mature enough to realize the problem soon enough and take care of it. Today will be one month of NC and I'm not sure where to go from here.

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Did she ever say that she thought you two could date again in the future or just friends with no chance for more?

Sounds like you were both mature about it. If anything give her a call and have a casual chat, you will probably be able to tell if there is any interest on her side after that.

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Did she ever say that she thought you two could date again in the future or just friends with no chance for more?

Sounds like you were both mature about it. If anything give her a call and have a casual chat, you will probably be able to tell if there is any interest on her side after that.


Yes, actually a few day before we decided to end things she said she saw as more than dating. When we had the "break up" talk she said at that moment she couldn't see us as more than friends, but she is not closed off to something more down the road at some point.

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Then Definitely give her a call, but keep the conversation light, not too serious, it might make her back off again if you get too intense. I have had a breakup like this before and then after NC for a while talked to the ex again. We didn't end up dating again because he moved accross the country, but we still chat every once in a while and he has even told me that if he hadn't moved we would be dating again. If anything I have gained a good friend out of the situation.

BTW, did you meet online?

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Then Definitely give her a call, but keep the conversation light, not too serious, it might make her back off again if you get too intense. I have had a breakup like this before and then after NC for a while talked to the ex again. We didn't end up dating again because he moved accross the country, but we still chat every once in a while and he has even told me that if he hadn't moved we would be dating again. If anything I have gained a good friend out of the situation.

BTW, did you meet online?


No, we met at work through a mutual coworker. We both work for the same company in different departments so I actually have never seen her at work. I think this also led to our split and why she wants to be just friends at this moment. She was very very concerned that people at work would find out we were dating and wanted it kept secret. I have been interviewing for different jobs for the past couple months so hopefully i will be leaving this company soon.

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Does your company have a no dating coworkers policy? That may complicate things. You will find out how she feels about all this after talking to her. If she doesn't sound interested then it will probably be best for you to move on and find someone who wants the same thing as you.

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Does your company have a no dating coworkers policy? That may complicate things. You will find out how she feels about all this after talking to her. If she doesn't sound interested then it will probably be best for you to move on and find someone who wants the same thing as you.


No, I dont know of any such policy.

I really think things moved to fast for her. She has never had a boyfriend and only dated guys for 1-2 months. So i think she may have some relationship issues. We are both in our mid 20's and she has never dated a guy for more than 2 months.

I felt like there was something between us and things didn't end badly at all. So that's why I want to give it another shot, and try to work through the issues. She never said she had any such issues or anything but from everything we talked about I feel that is the case.

I highly doubt someone who had no feelings would tell me they could see us as more than just dating, and spend the night in Atlantic City with me just a couple days before we called it off.

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