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Guys! I just have to get here and let it out!


I just ended a "maybe" friendship with benefits deal with the guy I have been dating for 4 months! Apparently thats all he wanted....so!


I feel that relieved and have total control! That's today anyway, lets see what tomorrow brings......



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Guys! I just have to get here and let it out!


I just ended a "maybe" friendship with benefits deal with the guy I have been dating for 4 months! Apparently thats all he wanted....so!


I feel that relieved and have total control! That's today anyway, lets see what tomorrow brings......






Personally, I DON'T think FWB relationships EVER work out, because ONE person usually starts to develop "feelings" for the other person, which is usually NOT reciprocated.


Tomorrow is a NEW day and can bring ALL KINDS of new things your way.


GOOD LUCK to you!



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