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New relationship, won't see each other for a week--worried he'll lose interest!


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Basically, the guy I like and I are in a relationship, finally. Were both sophomores in highschool. We became official yesterday. However, we are currently on Spring break, with no way to see each other (our schedules don't mesh), and there's only so much to text/phone about. Im kind of worried that he'll lose interest in the relationship/it'll get boring. Should I talk to him about it? I don't want to come of as needy/clingy, but it worries me. I've liked this guy for like 4 months, and don't want to lose him in a week. Any opinions?

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Thanks, guys. I definitely feel a bit more calm about it now. It's just that we haven't seen each other in day. (even the relationship was...officialized? Is that a word? Well, I'm making it one...through texts and phonecalls. And this is my first serious relationship, so I'm a touch paranoid.

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