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Writing a shy guy a note?


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I want to write this guy a note, because we are both shy and obviously like one another.


I say obvious because I googled what shy guys do when they are attracted to a girl, and he fits everysingle thing mentioned. But...


Is it a good idea?

what do you think?

heres what the note will say

is it a good idea?



I'd love to get to know you more, I find you to be interesting, but because nether of us will approach the other, I thought i'd just give you my email and/or number

if you ever feel up to talk or anything,

if not then that is okay too.


You seem like a great guy, and I want to get to know you better.


All the best, Have a great day





I did it. I sent him the note. LOL it was so lame i spent like 20 mins pondering whether to do it or not. But i kept saying "no! what if he walks away and i couldn't give it to him?"

so i finally went over to him, and i smiled at him and he smiled back, a wide smile, well not too wide but he has amazing teeth LOL okay back to what i am saying..(wow first time i seen him smile at me and it was the best thing ever, i think this by far has made my day)

He asked me how I was and whats was up? - Again, wow, he seemed more welcoming then the first time awhile ago we spoke.

And I told him i just wanted to give him something and he threw it on the tabe, i thought that was a bit rude.. but whatever! And he said "thanks" and smiled and said "ill see you around"



Okay good or bad?

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Since neither of us have approached one another yet, I thought I'd give you my number if you're interested in talking sometime. You seem like an interesting guy and I would like to get to know you better. Hope to hear back from you


I would send the above instead. In your note you mention that he's interesting twice. Don't mention that he's a great guy because you don't know him that well yet, so interesting is a better word to use. Also, don't use the word love in your note no matter what the context. Don't say "if not then that's ok too" makes you sound like you're anticipating it and takes away from the confidence of the note.


Send away and good luck!

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I know the whole shyness thing is tough. My advice to you is if you do send the note, there is 90% chance that he won't respond, so don't get your hopes up. I know it's hard and I have yet to follow my own advice, but if you can muster up the courage to do it in person...I think that is the way to go. I think I made a mistake by sending him a text message. It's easy to hide behind paper/texts/emails, etc., but it's also easier for him to avoid it out of fear. In person, it's a lot harder to hide. Shy people like to hide/avoid things that make them nervous.

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I know the whole shyness thing is tough. My advice to you is if you do send the note, there is 90% chance that he won't respond, so don't get your hopes up. I know it's hard and I have yet to follow my own advice, but if you can muster up the courage to do it in person...I think that is the way to go. I think I made a mistake by sending him a text message. It's easy to hide behind paper/texts/emails, etc., but it's also easier for him to avoid it out of fear. In person, it's a lot harder to hide. Shy people like to hide/avoid things that make them nervous.



Yeah i know. lol I dont mind if i get rejected

I just wanna DO something.


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How do you know him? Is he in your circle of friends or is he just someone you see around?


I'm trying to think of a note in my head for you to give him that might sound more casual, but I need more info on how you know him. I'm not sure about the 'neither of us has approached the other' bit. If he's shy it might make him more self conscious. Might be better just to make it more like 'Hey, how are you? We haven't talked yet but you seem like a great person so I figured I'd send you a little note. Would be cool to get to know you more as I don't know much about you and you intrigue me! My email address is ..... and cell phone is.... Get in touch! '

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How do you know him? Is he in your circle of friends or is he just someone you see around?


I'm trying to think of a note in my head for you to give him that might sound more casual, but I need more info on how you know him. I'm not sure about the 'neither of us has approached the other' bit. If he's shy it might make him more self conscious. Might be better just to make it more like 'Hey, how are you? We haven't talked yet but you seem like a great person so I figured I'd send you a little note. Would be cool to get to know you more as I don't know much about you and you intrigue me! My email address is ..... and cell phone is.... Get in touch! '


wow that sounds even better......


um 2 months but we havent spoken yet

no we dont go to school together.

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Okay guys

good news...



LOL i spent like 20 minutes pretending to do something

and i said "okay lets just DO THIS dont let him leave without your note"

so I did it..

i knocked on the door lightly

he turns around

smiles (oh my god i died inside.. he has a beautiful smile)

starts blushing a bit, asks "hey whats up whats goin on?"

and then I gave him the note i smiled and idk i seen him throw it on the desk???? I dont know what that was about

but he said thanks and i forgot what happened next..

but it was good! He wasn't angry or pissed but it seemed like he wanted to rush me out of the room again...

anywhoo I AM GLAD I DID IT. Even if he will reject the note ( i dont understand why, its not like i asked to marry him i just wanna get to know him ahaha)





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Good! It sounds like you kind of startled him which is pretty easy to do to a shy guy.The ball is in his court now.Give him every opportunity to approach you but let him do the approaching.If he is interested he will.You did very well ,someone once left me a note but they did it anonymously so there was no way I was going to respond to it.

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Yay! I am so happy seriously.

It made my day...

I will just put it in my mind that he won't try to contact me, so that if he doesn't i won't be so upset about it... but i dont get why he wouldn't

i mean that smile he gave me.. woah ahah.

But then again he's shy.. i have to keep smiling at him and making him feel welcome.

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