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Trying Not To Be Upset


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I found out I was pregnant last month. I've been waiting for my first appointment for the ultrasound. It's been a month and a half since I found out and I'm spotting. I hear it's normal to spot a couple days after having sex because the cervix is soft. But it's been three days and today it seemed to have gotten worse (almost to the point I would start to call it bleeding).


I'm really upset today. I have an appointment soon. But has anyone gone through this and still had a healthy baby? I'm afraid I might be in the beginning stages of a miscarriage. This would be my first child so I have no clue how to feel or react right now. I'm just scared I'm losing the baby. Please share your stories or give me some advice.

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If your Dr can not get you in for an u/s TODAY I would just go to emergency and have one done there. Active red bleeding is not a good sign but it is not the end either in some cases. I had early bleeding with my first son and he is almost 13 now. My other pregnancies all had bleeding and all miscarried. Unfortunately, most women have one and it does not make it any easier to know the fact. I hope it is not the case for you! Get in to get an u/s ASAP.

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I found out I was pregnant last month. I've been waiting for my first appointment for the ultrasound. It's been a month and a half since I found out and I'm spotting. I hear it's normal to spot a couple days after having sex because the cervix is soft. But it's been three days and today it seemed to have gotten worse (almost to the point I would start to call it bleeding).


I'm really upset today. I have an appointment soon. But has anyone gone through this and still had a healthy baby? I'm afraid I might be in the beginning stages of a miscarriage. This would be my first child so I have no clue how to feel or react right now. I'm just scared I'm losing the baby. Please share your stories or give me some advice.


I have had both a miscarriage and a healthy baby.


When I was pregnant with my son I had bleeding in the first trimester after every time I would have sex- to the point that I ended up abstaining because it would scare me so much. The bleeding after sex would last a few days and was light pink/brownish, and seemed to happen on and off.


With the miscarriage I had prior to that pregnancy, the bleeding started off light and then turned heavier and redder. That was the main difference between the 2 types of bleeding.


I'm very sorry that you are so worried. I know the feeling firsthand and it is mental torture. I agree that you should call your doctor and demand to be seen now. They can give you a lab slip to check your HcG levels, even if they can't do an ultrasound today. If they don't help you then I think it is worth a trip to the ER.

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i would go to a doctor to get checked out. i don't have many other words of advice or comfort other than that getting worried is not going to help you in any way, so i would go to the doc ASAP and find out if everything is ok. as the others have said, some bleeding during pregnancy can be normal. so, just maybe see if you can be seen today or tomorrow. hang in there.

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Just an update. I did go in to the Dr. She says the sac and everything looks okay but that I'm only about five weeks and 3 days so there's not much to tell via an u/s. She took some blood to test hormone levels. I hope to hear back tomorrow morning. For now I'm going to assume that since she said everything looks healthy ie the sac and material around it. That the pregnancy is still healthy and I'll just have to deal with the bleeding/spotting for a while. Hopefully I don't do this throughout the entire pregnancy.

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Rest whenever you can, Lay down.


Although I don't think that this would really prevent a possible miscarriage- these are due to genetic abnormalities mostly- it will help you in reducing your stresslevels; and this is good for a healthy pregnancy.

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Although I don't think that this would really prevent a possible miscarriage- these are due to genetic abnormalities mostly- it will help you in reducing your stresslevels; and this is good for a healthy pregnancy.


My miscarriage was not due to any abnormality of the fetus though and I was on total bed rest to try and maintain my pregnancy. I had a subchorionic bleed that is only resolved with rest. Mine unfortunately only got bigger while for many women it does resolve.


I see what you are saying though, those cases of a genetic abnormality nothing will help, but it is not always the case that it is a genetic issue.

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Unfortunately things keep getting worse. I called the Dr. for the test since things kept getting worse and found that the hormone levels are actually where they are supposed to be. Which gave me some hope but I think I experienced I miscarriage over the last couple days. The bleeding got worse and I started to have severe cramps. I'm going in to the Dr. this morning for another quant. With how bad the pain was last night I will not be too surprised to know I miscarried. The surprise would be if I didn't. :sad:

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Unfortunately things keep getting worse. I called the Dr. for the test since things kept getting worse and found that the hormone levels are actually where they are supposed to be. Which gave me some hope but I think I experienced I miscarriage over the last couple days. The bleeding got worse and I started to have severe cramps. I'm going in to the Dr. this morning for another quant. With how bad the pain was last night I will not be too surprised to know I miscarried. The surprise would be if I didn't.


I am so sorry, I am really hoping it is ok, but pain is not a good indicator of things going well. I know the pain you are in physical and emotional and I feel so bad for you.

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Unfortunately things keep getting worse. I called the Dr. for the test since things kept getting worse and found that the hormone levels are actually where they are supposed to be. Which gave me some hope but I think I experienced I miscarriage over the last couple days. The bleeding got worse and I started to have severe cramps. I'm going in to the Dr. this morning for another quant. With how bad the pain was last night I will not be too surprised to know I miscarried. The surprise would be if I didn't.


I'm very sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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Thank you all. I hate it when people never come back to tell you what happened. So,....I did lose the baby. I have to go in every three weeks for blood work to make sure the levels go down and it's not a tubal pregnancy. Most of the tissue was already gone, there was some left over that my Dr. expects me to pass today. I'm really upset. Called into work. Think I'm going to take it easy today. Don't think my interactions with people will be the best considering my mood. Can't help but cry. Makes me think twice before trying again. It's painful both physically and emotionally.


Again thank you all for your support.

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Thank you all. I hate it when people never come back to tell you what happened. So,....I did lose the baby. I have to go in every three weeks for blood work to make sure the levels go down and it's not a tubal pregnancy. Most of the tissue was already gone, there was some left over that my Dr. expects me to pass today. I'm really upset. Called into work. Think I'm going to take it easy today. Don't think my interactions with people will be the best considering my mood. Can't help but cry. Makes me think twice before trying again. It's painful both physically and emotionally.


Again thank you all for your support.


I am glad that you are taking some time off. I hope you feel better soon. I understand your reservations about trying again. I felt the exact same way.


With time I had a change of heart and then got pregnant with my son. You and your partner will know when you are ready again. Be sure to keep the lines of communication open with him. Many dads-to-be are just as upset about a pregnancy loss. Although they do not go through the physcial aspect of it, the emotional aspect is very tought for them and they often feel helpsless and feel sad and/ or guitlty regarding their partner's suffering.

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Thank you all. I hate it when people never come back to tell you what happened. So,....I did lose the baby. I have to go in every three weeks for blood work to make sure the levels go down and it's not a tubal pregnancy. Most of the tissue was already gone, there was some left over that my Dr. expects me to pass today. I'm really upset. Called into work. Think I'm going to take it easy today. Don't think my interactions with people will be the best considering my mood. Can't help but cry. Makes me think twice before trying again. It's painful both physically and emotionally.


Again thank you all for your support.


Oh honey I am so sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts. (HUGS)

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My miscarriage was not due to any abnormality of the fetus though and I was on total bed rest to try and maintain my pregnancy. I had a subchorionic bleed that is only resolved with rest. Mine unfortunately only got bigger while for many women it does resolve.


I see what you are saying though, those cases of a genetic abnormality nothing will help, but it is not always the case that it is a genetic issue.


Yes, another factor is indeed the condition of the uterus, you're right.

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Thank you all. I hate it when people never come back to tell you what happened. So,....I did lose the baby. I have to go in every three weeks for blood work to make sure the levels go down and it's not a tubal pregnancy. Most of the tissue was already gone, there was some left over that my Dr. expects me to pass today. I'm really upset. Called into work. Think I'm going to take it easy today. Don't think my interactions with people will be the best considering my mood. Can't help but cry. Makes me think twice before trying again. It's painful both physically and emotionally.


Again thank you all for your support.


Oh gosh I am sorry

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