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Quick opinion. Do you guys think a job is just a job? Does passion exist? I took Steve Job's advice to heart: to find my passion and not settle for just a job. What do you guys think? Just get a job that pays well (but isn't that exciting), but work on my life or keep searching for my dream job.

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Quick opinion. Do you guys think a job is just a job? Does passion exist? I took Steve Job's advice to heart: to find my passion and not settle for just a job. What do you guys think? Just get a job that pays well (but isn't that exciting), but work on my life or keep searching for my dream job.


Well, I'm already on a path that I'm passionate about (music), but it's going to take a while for me to fully support myself with it. That said, I have to do what's necessary to survive, first and foremost. I'm in my last month and a half of college, and with that comes the stress of looking for some kind of day gig to allow me to have some kind of income. I've already started looking into what places I want to inquire about work, and they are related to music in some way (sheet music store, instrument store, CD/record store, et cetera). It's at least a starting point.


The thing about a music career is that it takes time to develop. I'm not going to get bombarded with gig calls the day after I graduate. I mean, every now and then that happens to someone, but it's rare. Given the patience required, I have to be realistic about how I'm going to survive in the short-term.


So, I already know what I want to do, but I have to be patient.

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