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2 Months Post Breakup - Doing so much better

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Hey Everyone,


Just wanted to post a healing success story.


Was in a 2.5 year relationship. One day (about 2 months ago) she said she was in love with someone else and our relationship ended. We started NC a week later. I thought I was going to die!! I didn't sleep or eat for about a week. After that my eating and sleeping habits remained messed up for weeks.


For a long time I constantly thought about getting back together, romanticized, everything! A serious emotional roller coaster. Managed to stay with NC though and let me not talk so much about what I went through up to now and tell you about where I am now.


About a week ago I just snapped out of it. All of the sudden I started to see things for what they were and the new thought process has stuck with me! I realize that this was the best thing that could have happened. I am feeling good. Feeling overall just happier and free. I realize that although we had loved one another, our relationship wasn't the best and we are not meant to be together. I am relieved to finally realize that and have so much of my life still in front of me to experience new things and meet new people!


A friend was talking about her relationship problems to me a couple of days ago and for the first time I thought, "ugh - thank goodness I dont have to deal with that anymore." I realized that over the last few months, our relationship had really become a strain.


Long story short - although I don't think I am completely healed, I do think I am "over it". Meaning, I agree with the breakup, don't want her back, wish her the best and am happy about my new life. This is a good place for me to be in because some of my worst moments were when I was stuck in the past and keeping my ex on a pedestal. Now I feel like I've finally let that go and am actually moving forward rather than clinging to the past. There's no going back.


Soooo.... everyone just hang in there and keep doing your best!! Dont feel discouraged when you have a bad day followed by a good day... im sure i've got some more bad days coming up too. And when you feel like you suck because you just can't get him or her out of your mind and that you're bound to feel that way forever, give yourself a break because we all go through this! You're going to be just fine.


I think that the thing that helped me the most was meeting and connecting with friends, writing when i had thoughts or issues swimming in my head, talking to close friends and a new hair cut.


Wishing the best to everyone--

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If you read my most recent post you'd see I'm having "one of those days". I'm so glad that you're feeling better. Most days I do to and think the same as you as far as feeling this was the best thing that has happened..Just every now and then I think to much causing myself to get upset. I know it's going to happen...I just hope it doesn't last much longer.


Reading this helped me remember why I know that my situation wasn't good for me, but I'm taking it one day at a time. It's definitely not easy.

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Thanks for sharing! I finally opened my eyes as well. I think us dumpees really need to wake up and see that we have more sense and value than the dumper and we will be a 100 times better. Once you truly let go.. Everything changes for u.. I'm glad I read your thread...

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Glad my story could help!


I know what you mean by "one of those days". I remember a breakup I had about 7 years ago and I had "those days" occasionally for a very long time. Love's a powerful thing.

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thats good news to hear.. i am in a smilar position going through those feelings now and again. gf fell out of love hooked up with a guy 3 weeks later!


been about 3 weeks of NC about 1 month and 2 weeks since we broke up. i hope i get to that stage, tbh i really cant wait..im fed up of thinking about her now

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thats good news to hear.. i am in a smilar position going through those feelings now and again. gf fell out of love hooked up with a guy 3 weeks later!


been about 3 weeks of NC about 1 month and 2 weeks since we broke up. i hope i get to that stage, tbh i really cant wait..im fed up of thinking about her now


then it sounds like you are really close! Just before feeling this way I got to the point of being so sick of it all - all the wondering, thinking, sadness, frustration... Just felt exhausted and also fed up with thinking about her.


Sounds like you are doing great and going to be there before you know it.

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Congratulations! You will be a point of inspiration to a lot of people going through what you did.


Remember everyone, the trick is to keep moving forward until eventually the good days out number the bad. And never forgot, no matter how difficult it is, NC is a vital key to successful healing.

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I had the same thing, since last week I dont think of it as much as before and I am much happier, and it happened overnight I dont know how, just snapped out of it too. I just dont care anymore...and I am back to the dating scene...NC is the best thing you can do to yourself.

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