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advice for when you're thinking about your ex too much

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My mistake in going negative is thinking that the ex was worth it. Don't get me wrong, she was worth the life lesson, but the disadvantages (lost trust) far outweigh the advantages (companionship).


Thanks for posting the quote, milkandhoney.

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A Japanese tradition is after a heartbreak, you cut your hair and start anew. It might seem like an odd thing, but you are a different person after a haircut. Different looking maybe, but I think it still helps in starting a fresh life. Every time you look at yourself, you'll see a change and that change will help you get over the ex.

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A Japanese tradition is after a heartbreak, you cut your hair and start anew. It might seem like an odd thing, but you are a different person after a haircut. Different looking maybe, but I think it still helps in starting a fresh life. Every time you look at yourself, you'll see a change and that change will help you get over the ex.


How interesting! I like that.

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The first 2 weeks after my break-up I was a bit obsessive. I developed what I call the "Bob Doleing". Terrible cheesy name, but it's based on how he often referred to himself in the third person. This may seem absolutely idiotic and goofy, but it helped me a ton. (Maybe I'm just idiotic and goofy?)


It felt like I forgot entirely about me during the break-up, even though all that was left was me.

Whenever I caught myself thinking about my ex, I'd replace it with me, and what I wanted. So it would turn to "Bob Dole wants a salad.", "Bob Dole wants to get out of the house", "Bob Dole wants to be better, faster, stronger!". Of coarse with my name, not Bob Dole's.

The only rule was there was no "Bob Dole wants the ex" or anything related allowed.


I occasionally gave myself the giggles doing this.

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A Japanese tradition is after a heartbreak, you cut your hair and start anew. It might seem like an odd thing, but you are a different person after a haircut. Different looking maybe, but I think it still helps in starting a fresh life. Every time you look at yourself, you'll see a change and that change will help you get over the ex.


Actually, a few days after the x broke up with me, I had the sudden urge to chop off all my hair to shoulder length. Maybe it has something to do with the girl he broke up with me for has a short hair cut... But it also probably has to do with me wanting a change. I wanted something new. I didn't go through with it though, I've been wanting to grow my hair long for a while now XD I like long hair so yeah.

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earlier in my break up, one of my good friends sent me this quote:


"Dont let someone be a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs"


and this is what i tell myself when I find myself thinking about my ex too much. It has really helped me and I hope it will help you guys as well.


This has helped me a lot too. It's hard to get that in your head at first but it is something you need to realize. Why should we cry over someone who doesn't feel the same about us?

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