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This is driving me crazy.


My bf broke up with me 2 weeks ago. It was so dramatic for me. He wanted to keep in touch but I asked for NC. Since then we havent spoken at all. We see each other on line on msn but we dont speak to each other.(which we used to do everyday)


Today it his Bday and I dont know if I should acknowledge with a simple txt/email saying 'Happy Birthday' or just leave it. I didnt want to do the first move to get in touch(since he was the one who broke things off) but since it is his bday and we spent an amazing 1 1/2 years together I thought I should send a simple msg to him. It is hard to pretend that he doesnt exist anymore and Im sure it is for him too. I dont wanna him to think that I became a bitter person and I am taking really bad this break up ( I am really hurt but I dont wanna him to think that) I still wanna go on with the NC afterward though so I will be able to move on faster or maybe down the road he will realize that he likes me more than he thinks. (which I m NOT holding on this)


I am really willing to move on and make things better for myself but deep inside I feel that him and I can be friends one day. (but I will need more time for that)



Please please advice!

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If you want to move on you have to seize all contacts, including deleting him on MSN and any other social media. Every step will help to ensure you can heal and become yourself again. You already realize what's healthy for your emotional feelings and that's a very good thing. Best of luck to you.

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