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Working for a head manager who doesn't like you?


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stay or leave...i work for a company that i do 1000000000000000 things t end to help them but i do 1 thing wrong and they remember....i staying here only because i grad in december and my job is 10 mins from my school and it pays pretty good....i dont agree with how they handle things with you , only thing you could do is talk to the boss or w/e if it doesnt work, then leave.....and i dunno what to say about the stratches i worked with animals for a while and i got straches bite marks, claw marks, u can think of it, it probably happened to me...part of the job with working with animals...try getting a towel or something...we did have special gloves though for handling cats that were very aggressive..

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Rose, while I think that the ADHD comment was plain rude and unprofessional, you need to ask yourself what is going on in your life. There always seem to be someone who is nasty to you on MySpace, or a professor that wants to fail you or drop your classes because you fail to show up or because they give too little time for you to finish the exams, or girls that want to get in between you and your boyfriend, or other managers that you dislike and don't get along with or coworkers that don't like you. I am just wondering, is it some kind of vibe that you are giving off? Do you think any of the things they say is constructive criticism? What do you think?


As for the job, life is not perfect. If you need the money and have good hours, then stick to it. I don't know.

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No I don't have problems with all of my jobs, a few yes.


But my last job I was always praised and never really had any problems, I stayed for stability, but when I wasn't getting enough hrs, I had to call it quits.


As much as I didn't want to. I did VERY well at a resteraunt too, but there was a 40% cut over EVERYONE and now that place is near out of business.


My mom was furious when I told her what she said, it IS illegal to accuse someone of having ADHD, another disability, and the fact that I DO have it makes it that much worse. I wanted to talk to her first, but my mom thinks with how unreasonable she is being, it's not going to change. She isn't going to change, so I should bring my concerns to her boss and bring up the ADHD thing which dOES qualify for work protection.



Look at this, the disability part:


link removed

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And Rikka, this job doesn't have a probation period.


You could be there for up to 5 years, and if you don't make comission for a few pay periods, they let you go. It has nothing to do with how long you've been there, you just have to make comission.

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If it is a job requirement to work with and handle the animals then either put on gloves or understand you are going to get some little puppy or kitten scratches. I am sure that this was outlined as part of the job duties. Many people wouldn't mind therefore they can hire someone else who can do this work. This is sort of like someone hired to be a material handler in a warehouse and are told that lifting 50 lbs is a job requirement, but then the person gets the job, is female and complains she can't lift what her male counterparts can. This isn't sex discrimination if she were terminated because lifting is a requirement. I am sure that somewhere when you applied handling animals was listed as a requirement and animals have claws. I have worked with animals in the past, i stayed scratched up. While not pleasant, it didn't really bother me very much. I enjoyed the animals more than I disliked the scratches.


Secondly, this supervisor likely has never had any management training. A retail supervisor earning likely less than $25 -30k a year isn't going to compare to a corporate manager making $50k and up who has been trained on employee law, employee relations, etc. But, she has more seniority than you, AND a title, so what that means is unless you can document and PROVE your allegations, you being a new hire who has been witnessed by others making mistakes will not be as easily believed as she will.


Choose your battles. Is this really worth fighting or do you think you are a poor job fit? It doesn't sound like this job is well suited to your skills or preferences. Someone stated on another thread something that applies here, and that is HR is hired to keep the company out of trouble. They will do what they have to to protect Petland. You can try to push this issue, but if that were me for a retail clerk job I would just find a different one that had a more well suited environment.


And I hope you did do some research as I suggested on puppy mills. Petland is one of the BIGGEST puppy mill customers in the country and until large entities like that stop buying from these wreckless puppy pimps we will never see an end to this type of cruelty and abuse. Just because they are treating the puppies in the store sweetly doesn't mean that the parents of those dogs are not half dead in a cage out in the midwest being mistreated, starved and abused. It's the parents you save by refusing to buy petstore dogs.

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Rose, i'm just not sure you're suited for this job because you don't like handling the animals etc. Most people who work in those stores don't mind it at all (in fact like handling them) and wouldn't care about random scratches etc.


So you may not be the kind of person who likes the kind of physical work involved in this job, and perhaps your manager senses that and doesn't think you're a good fit.


I do know that if you don't get along with your manager, you'll never like it there... that's just the way it is, if you don't see eye to eye with your boss, it will be endless trouble and misery.


You could try to get put under a different boss, but if this manager really hates you, you will have a bad time constantly, and no job is worth that. So i'd either try to listen to what she says and try to please her, or recognize that maybe this job isn't a good fit for you. I'm sure there are other retail jobs that don't involve handling animals and the physical work this one does.

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No, I LOVE handling the animals. I don't personally care about the scratches it comes with the territory, I'm just saying that there should be safety percautions or gloves as options which there is not.



Well I went to get my first paycheck there today and ended up talking to the owner (higher than the GM, her boss) for awhile. He's a cool guy and was calling me "trouble" etc and saying how they've gone out twice now (like an employee get together etc) And I haven't come and it hurts his feelings.


I brought up the GM how it's kind of hard to concentrate when I know she doesn't like me,


He said, "Yeah well, it's not her name that goes on your checks. Don't worry about her, all that maters is that you get on my good side and that I like you."


I than brought up briefly the ADHD thing on how it offended me, and he said "Hmm...Thanks for the information."


But basically, that talk make me feel a lot better, knowing that it isn't her decision weather or not I get fired no matter how much she dislikes me.


I like the job, I like handling the animls. Even when I would go in there for fun all the time, I'd have tons of scratches.


I'm used to it.


I was just saying the way she was treating me, and me constantly fearing loosing my job was making the working environment unbearable and the scratches just icing on the cake/.


But hopefully now things will get better.

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He's a cool guy and was calling me "trouble" etc and saying how they've gone out twice now (like an employee get together etc) And I haven't come and it hurts his feelings.


Sounds like he is flirting and this wasn't very professional of management, particularly at his level. A male boss shouldn't really be telling his young female employee it hurts his feelings that she isn't at an after work gathering. That could be construed more harrassing than what the female sup did.


Really, what he said could be considered just a notch away from sexual harassment because at his level implying his feelings were hurt a female could think that her job might be in jeopardy if she didnt attend these optional outings in the future and allow him to be flirty.


I'd leave that job Rose.

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it IS illegal to accuse someone of having ADHD, another disability]


No, it's not. It's illegal to discriminate or disadvantage someone because of a disability, but that's the extent of it. Cheap shots are not against the law.


No, I LOVE handling the animals. I don't personally care about the scratches it comes with the territory, I'm just saying that there should be safety percautions or gloves as options which there is not.


God helps those who help themselves. If you want gloves, go get some. They're not expensive, and making an issue over something that small is NOT a good look, especially for a new employee.


Well I went to get my first paycheck there today and ended up talking to the owner (higher than the GM, her boss) for awhile. He's a cool guy and was calling me "trouble" etc and saying how they've gone out twice now (like an employee get together etc) And I haven't come and it hurts his feelings.


I brought up the GM how it's kind of hard to concentrate when I know she doesn't like me,


He said, "Yeah well, it's not her name that goes on your checks. Don't worry about her, all that maters is that you get on my good side and that I like you."


I than brought up briefly the ADHD thing on how it offended me, and he said "Hmm...Thanks for the information."


Sounds like the talk was helpful. In all seriousness, if I were you I would make the effort to get involved with the social side of work - the longer you stay on the outer, the harder it'll be to be a part of things. Go out for Friday night drinks or whatever it is they do - who knows, you might even enjoy it


Sounds like he is flirting and this wasn't very professional of management, particularly at his level. A male boss shouldn't really be telling his young female employee it hurts his feelings that she isn't at an after work gathering. That could be construed more harrassing than what the female sup did.


Really, what he said could be considered just a notch away from sexual harassment because at his level implying his feelings were hurt a female could think that her job might be in jeopardy if she didnt attend these optional outings in the future and allow him to be flirty.


You don't think that's a teensy bit of an over-reaction? I can see where you're coming from, in a way, but really, there's no reason to assume that it was anything other than being friendly and , and making the "friendly suggestion" that he would like his staff to mesh a little. It's not something he can insist on, by any means, but workplaces often function far better if the people working in them are friendly, and therefore likely to do more than the bare minimum that they're asked. And after-work gatherings are the best catalyst for that.


Yes, as a manager, he holds a great deal of power, but that does not make his actions dodgy, any more than a teacher hugging a student makes them a pedophile.

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Thats all I see it as, a friendly invitation.


He is just simply trying to include me, it's not like he doesn't ask a bunch of the other employees too, including other males. And it would be just us hanging out at like a resteraunt/bar etc watching a game or something.


I don't want to be in the "outs" but don't you think I should wait til I've been there atleast a month or two before I start the social thing?


I already hang out with one of the people outside of work, but as far as management goes...Maybe I should wait on that.


And he only said it hurt his feelings because he is VERY sarcastic. That's how he is, and he says to make sure I have a tough skin because some of the things they say (just like language etc) isn't always pretty, which it is pretty hard to offend me.


He just likes to kid, joke around a lot. Like when I went to get my check he put started to put down "Trouble" for my last or first name lol.


I get along really well with people that have a sense of humor and are sarcastic, and use it frequently in their talk.

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It would never be just me and the manager it'd be atleast a handful of people, in a lot of cases the other female assistant manager.


The GM, one reason why maybe wee don't get along is because I can be serious and joke around. She seems to always be stern/serious and is a work horse, working easily over 60 hrs a week and is always stressed, takes it out on people.


I see her joke around with other people sometimes, cussing up a storm, which I find VERRY unprofessional, hanging out in the back smoking a cigerette with people and than getting on to me for "having a bite to eat" or the whole, "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean" bit.

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Ugh this sounds like the same kind of crap I dealt with when I worked at Costco but on a worse scale.



You can sue or file a legal complaint for that comment. That's discrimination in a workplace. One of my co-workers from a previous job who was ADHD did sue her boss because her boss told her to "go take your medicine if you can't do this job" in front of customers. She won her court case.



This is also a another legal complaint.


Honestly I'd talk to HER boss and say that these are legal concerns.



Unfortunately, that is retail for you. In your situation you got 2 choices: bite the bullet until they dig some BS reason to FIRE you, or just leave. Personally, I cannot work do my job well if staff is not supportive.



It depends on HOW it is said. It can still be interpreted as discrimination, especially on how her boss treats her.



That should be the company's responsibility. I've worked in a wildlife rehab center and gloves are ALWAYS provided by the company. EMS personnel are provided gloves. Why shouldn't the OP be provided the same service since it involves her safety? I suggest looking in safe work environment laws.

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I don't want to be in the "outs" but don't you think I should wait til I've been there atleast a month or two before I start the social thing?


I already hang out with one of the people outside of work, but as far as management goes...Maybe I should wait on that.


It's up to you. If you get on ok with the rest of the people you're working with directly, that's the main thing.


You can sue or file a legal complaint for that comment. That's discrimination in a workplace. One of my co-workers from a previous job who was ADHD did sue her boss because her boss told her to "go take your medicine if you can't do this job" in front of customers. She won her court case.


You can also sue and win for spilling coffe on yourself when there wasn't a warning label on it. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.


It depends on HOW it is said. It can still be interpreted as discrimination, especially on how her boss treats her.


Jerk bosses are a fact of life. When such small comments like that are made, you stand up for yourself, let it slide off your back, or find another job. Purposefully interpretting things the most offensive way to try and find an excuse to take them to a tribunal (making yourself a victim for money) is, without trying to be too disparaging, pathetic. (Not directed at you, Rose)


That should be the company's responsibility. I've worked in a wildlife rehab center and gloves are ALWAYS provided by the company. EMS personnel are provided gloves. Why shouldn't the OP be provided the same service since it involves her safety? I suggest looking in safe work environment laws.


That's a fair enough point; Rose, if it's been as bad as you say (infections and more-than-scratches), that's not something you should have to cover off your own bat (cost-wise), and they really should have measures in place to prevent hazards like that happening.

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