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My Boyfriend thinks i'm insane...am I?


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Alright... I finally have an opinion of this. It's taken a few pages of responses to get a feel for things.


I can honestly say this is going to turn out bad. It's not the idea itself, but your attitude toward it. Two people could do the exact same thing you and your friend are going to do and have it become a very good and positive experience. But I'm afraid that's not going to happen with you because your heart is in the wrong place. Get ready for an unhappy ending.

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Makesthebest - I totally understand what you are saying, that it was a good experience, even though it was hard, and you learned a lot from that. I totally agree and understand. My point was just mainly that I work so much right now (60-70 hours a week), if I have some free time, i would rather kick back and enjoy myself rather than working in such a demanding job! Besides, I've been going to school for the last 25 years (gulp!) to work in science, not in a restaurant. I'd probably be a crap waitress. If someone complained about tomatoes on their burger, I would probably tell them to take it off and deal with it.


but tell me honestly makesthebest - can she really get all of those experiences and life lessons in 2 weeks of working at a restaurant? In most jobs, the first few weeks or months are mainly orientation anyways.

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Alright... I finally have an opinion of this. It's taken a few pages of responses to get a feel for things.


I can honestly say this is going to turn out bad. It's not the idea itself, but your attitude toward it. Two people could do the exact same thing you and your friend are going to do and have it become a very good and positive experience. But I'm afraid that's not going to happen with you because your heart is in the wrong place. Get ready for an unhappy ending.




Great response. I agree.

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I too was wondering what the heck does the OP do for her regular job that she can take 2 weeks to satisfy her curiosity about the dining industry?


Well, OP, you're one lucky gal if you, at 27, can take so much time off from your regular job to "do something crazy" without worrying about finances.

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I too was wondering what the heck does the OP do for her regular job that she can take 2 weeks to satisfy her curiosity about the dining industry?


Well, OP, you're one lucky gal if you, at 27, can take so much time off from your regular job to "do something crazy" without worrying about finances.


In this economy the way most are having to absorb two and three roles into one I guess if she can find the time to do this she either has incredible energy or a very lax day job. Either/or, hats off to her for being so lucky!


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I don't understand On the Wire's last quote, but It put me in mind to write this. I think it may be best if the rest of the wait staff don't know what you're doing. And tell the manager to keep it to himself. You will offend them. When i was waiting tables, I made the mistake of hurting some of my co-workers feelings by saying, "I'm almost done with school and now i'm going to find a real job." or something like that... Still wince when I remember saying that, because except for two other girls, the rest of them were lifers.


Tell them its just temporary and be vague about why otherwise you will offend them. Or at the very least hide the bet and say, you've always wanted to see what it was like...then they'd just think you two were crazy but not be offended. Good Luck.

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PEOPLE...i understand everyone talks about experience, but u know what...if i bring the wrong dish or screw up, im not gonna lie or blame someone else, im just gonna go and tell the customer, im new here, and im am sorry, how..if i be a customer i will totally be cool with that... i do appreciate any job n i am always extremely nice to waitresses, i believe what goes around comes around...

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Of course we wudnt say a thing, what u thought we gonna come there and announce : " hello everybody we r here only for a bet dont mind us, we ll be gone in 2 weeks" i wudnt never do such a thing


That's a good thing, cuz I don't think they'd treat you very well after that announcment!

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this sort of reminds me of that show, "world's worst jobs". or whatever it was called. I don't remember. when people would spend a few weeks doing bad jobs. like for the sanitation department or whatever.


if this is successful, will you girls find a new job to tackle?

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I too was wondering what the heck does the OP do for her regular job that she can take 2 weeks to satisfy her curiosity about the dining industry?


Well, OP, you're one lucky gal if you, at 27, can take so much time off from your regular job to "do something crazy" without worrying about finances.


First of all u can call me Siena and second...i am a trader, i do the technical analysis for the investment company

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this sort of reminds me of that show, "world's worst jobs". or whatever it was called. I don't remember. when people would spend a few weeks doing bad jobs. like for the sanitation department or whatever.


if this is successful, will you girls find a new job to tackle?


well, im making a bet with my guy friend, i hope he survives this one...if he does - we will figure something else

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Of course we wudnt say a thing, what u thought we gonna come there and announce : " hello everybody we r here only for a bet dont mind us, we ll be gone in 2 weeks" i wudnt never do such a thing


well, why wouldnt you? if you believe there's nothing essentially wrong with what you're doing why would you keep it under wraps? isnt that a bit hypocritical? why not announce to your co-workers "hey we're only here for 2 weeks just for the heck of it" if you feel so justified in your right to "go crazy" every once in a while?


plus, as others have mentioned, working as a waitress is very rigorous. Since you have very little incentive to stay on at this job, other than bragging rights for winning this bet w/ your friend, what would compel you to stay? Heck, people who are good at being a waitress and enjoy their jobs (for the most part) want to quit every once in a while -- because it is THAT hard.

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well, why wouldnt you? if you believe there's nothing essentially wrong with what you're doing why would you keep it under wraps? isnt that a bit hypocritical? why not announce to your co-workers "hey we're only here for 2 weeks just for the heck of it" if you feel so justified in your right to "go crazy" every once in a while?


plus, as others have mentioned, working as a waitress is very rigorous. Since you have very little incentive to stay on at this job, other than bragging rights for winning this bet w/ your friend, what would compel you to stay? Heck, people who are good at being a waitress and enjoy their jobs (for the most part) want to quit every once in a while -- because it is THAT hard.



what a great point!!

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well, why wouldnt you? if you believe there's nothing essentially wrong with what you're doing why would you keep it under wraps? isnt that a bit hypocritical? why not announce to your co-workers "hey we're only here for 2 weeks just for the heck of it" if you feel so justified in your right to "go crazy" every once in a while?


plus, as others have mentioned, working as a waitress is very rigorous. Since you have very little incentive to stay on at this job, other than bragging rights for winning this bet w/ your friend, what would compel you to stay? Heck, people who are good at being a waitress and enjoy their jobs (for the most part) want to quit every once in a while -- because it is THAT hard.


u r actually right, i was thinking abt it...but u know what, judging by reactions in this forum i think its better to keep it more discreet...

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u r actually right, i was thinking abt it...but u know what, judging by reactions in this forum i think its better to keep it more discreet...


See, that's the thing. The reactions you are getting are from an ecclectic group of people from all over the world. They all kind of point in the same direction. And even you admit that you don't want to tell the other wait staff for fear of how they will react. And we already know your b/f reacted poorly, or the thread wouldn't have been written.


So being armed with all of this information, does it not behoove you in the slightest to think maybe this is a very self serving endeavor (that you are entitled to, don't get me wrong, you can DO whatever you want) that might not be the best use of your energy?

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Lol I don't think your insane and i don't really see why everyone is giving you a hard time. If im correct you and your friend just want to experience working in a difficult environment you arnen't used to and see who can survive the longest? Sometimes its fun to challenge yourself especially with a bet for motivation, so go for it!

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