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Is no sex post-breakup easier for women?

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I've been broken up for 7 months, haven't hooked up w/ anyone in 5 months and it was a one time thing. How about you guys/girls?


Meanwhile, physical attraction to my ex and reminiscing about our sex life is my biggest challenge, especially after I see her in the flesh (like earlier this week) or pics online. She did me wrong when we broke up and I had my chance to reconcile but I turned it down, even though I wanted to sleep with her. I still do! But i wouldnt.


It just seems like guys obsess about sex more than women in general, therefore it's more of a challenge to us to deal in our minds without it and/or resist temptation of an ex even though we know they're bad for us.


Just curious to hear other perspectives, men and women...

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If "I" broke up with the guy I wouldn't think twice about sex with him again & wouldn't miss it. If it was the other way around - I probably would miss it. Most women correlate sex with emotions not just the physical act.


But I know it took me a good 3 months to not want/need sex anymore after a break up. Its hard going from getting it all the time to not getting it at all.

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If "I" broke up with the guy I wouldn't think twice about sex with him again & wouldn't miss it. If it was the other way around - I probably would miss it. Most women correlate sex with emotions not just the physical act.


This is really true. I have been a dumper and now the dumpee and after being the one who ended it, I could never ever sleep with him again. YUCK.


But when it's the other way around.... It is harder. I have hardly even seen/spoken to my ex since we broke up 6 months ago and I know I wont ever sleep with him again. This some times makes me sad but the attraction fades. WHat I struggle with is this (hopefully some one can help):


Should I be sleeping around? Should I be having one night stands? Will that make me feel better?

I know my ex has been sleeping around and he is the LAST person I would ever expect to do that so I feel like maybe I should be to?? I know I am attractive and I get a lot of attention from men but I just..... Dont want to you know? like i sort of think "no one is going to want it if you're giving it away".....?? So confused.


What do guys think about this? Is sleeping around after the end of a relationship a way to get over it?

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I have pretty much celibate and keeping to myself. It hasn't been easy, but I have had no desires for anyone and if a casual conversation with someone starts to veer into flirtation or like they are trying to hit on me I totally clam up. It sucks because, #1 it makes me start thinking of my ex and #2 I feel like I am going to be jaded forever more. I tried once to push myself to be a little more intimate with someone once - we sorta halfassed kissed, but I was not feeling it and "changed" the subject pretty quick.


I still feel sexually attracted to my ex, and it's been months now. Of course he is my ex, we're in NC and not having sex, so this is a wee bit problematic.

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