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1500 applications, 30 interviews, no job

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If you have had 30 interviews and not a single offer, you are likely doing something wrong in your interviews. Obviously it can still be a bit of a numbers game at that stage, depending on how many people they are interviewing, but 30 interviews and no offers seems to spell that you are not interviewing well. Ideally you could go to your university career center (if applicable), and get tips, mock-interviews and feedback from them, but if that's not possible, you should try to find a friend or parent who has experience interviewing/hiring, and do mock-interviews with him and get some feedback there. You should also read up on whether you are preparing correctly: there should be certain types of questions you should prepare for - lots of good books on the topic.

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Probably two-thirds accounting jobs and the rest are general administrative jobs.


whoa 1500....


do you have expereince in accounting/admin?


If you do, i find it strange that you cant find any - unless you in an area where theres always 100's of people applying for that job.


I would suggest getting your resume revamped. There could be something thats not grabbing the attention of these employers. Are you skills listed easily to read or are they burried a bit? som employers dont take the time to read a resume if they cant see what they need to know with in a few seconds.


How do you go in interviews? 30 is a lot.

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It is daunting... however, don't give up.. I sent out 21 resumes, got at least 7 hits and 5 interviews. Today I was called advising that they accepted my application and orientation will begin next week. But, I also had another interview today for another position. Within 2 hours I got a call from the office manager requesting if I could stop by again tomorrow and talk to one of the physicians. I didn't have the clinical experience but had the admin. Don't give up.

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I know how you feel! I am a teacher by training and we are losing more and more jobs everyday. 22 elementary school teachers just got cut this week. This is in addition to the hundreds of others who have been axed in the area and the thousands around the state. I don't want to teach anymore in this environment anyway, but it is ridiculous. I can't even find grocery store or office jobs. I'm using the money my dad gave me to buy a car just to stay alive. I will be broke very soon and I'm living at home. I am depressed and going crazy and finding fault with my boyfriend, not watching my weight or exercising the same way, etc. I keep trying to get back on the horse but fall off shortly thereafter. I am losing a LOT of motivation. I go to church and that is the only thing I enjoy lately. I think my hormones are crazy because I changed pills and my health insurance is no more. I wish I had some advice...but all I can do is relate!!!

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Not that surprising given the current economy. During the tough early years of 2000, I sent out 200 or so applications in 12 months and only got 7 interviews. Thankfully on the 7th I got my current job and I have been fortunate to have been here ever since (6th year now). Keep plugging away and don't give up.

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I understand how frustrating that is. I've probably applied for around the same amount, had 1 interview and I have a degree from a good university. It's madness and it makes you feel depressed, but perhaps you just need to change your CV or change the type of jobs you're applying for?

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