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Well man everyone here is telling you the same thing, but you seem to keep on trying to justify her behavior. You are only hurting yourself. Yes it hurts. Yes its not fair. Yes you will be better off. The choice is yours my friend, continue living with someone who is disrespecting you. Or pick yourself up, have some self respect and leave her far behind. Good luck my friend.

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Do what ya gotta do man, just tread carefully. I feel for you I really do its obvious you care deeply for her and she is treating you poorly and disrespecting you. Think long and hard about this and if this is the kind of person you want to spend your life with.

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I will think long and hard. It sucks cause she says she has a lot to think about and all. She dont know if she wants me.


Dude this is my last response to this, but that is your answer right there. Why be with someone who is unsure if they want to be with you and is going to hang with her ex in the meantime. Get some self respect man and move on, this is frustrating to watch you get strung along. Move on man, and I promise you will never look back at this train wreck of a "girlfriend". I don't mean to be harsh buddy but come get yourself together!

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I asked if she even cared about how I felt about it and she was like if you dont like it then there is the door.


I work so many hours to provide for us and she dont give a dam.

I would have instantly packed my bags and walked. Clearly she has no respect for you, nor your relationship. Why would you even want to be with someone who cares so little for your feelings? I don't understand it.

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It really hurts. Today I had requested off of work to spen the day with her then all the crap that went down last night. Ugh. But today I went to an all you can eat chinese food buffet and normally I eat 5 plates, I hardly ate one. I went and bought to music cd's, a new shirt, some new cologne, and a bunch of car cleaning supplies and detailed my car. I was hoping that would have fixed my thoughts on her but it didnt, I could not stop thinking of her. It hurts so bad. When they say heartbreak, it litteraly feels like someone stabbed you in the chest.

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I would have instantly packed my bags and walked. Clearly she has no respect for you, nor your relationship. Why would you even want to be with someone who cares so little for your feelings? I don't understand it.


She lives with her parents, and she's pregnant.


OP....She sounds very immature since she wants to be with other guys, while she's pregnant with your baby. I think you need to make a clear choice very soon on how to handle this.

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I didnt. I wanted to sooooooo bad. I wanted to tell her I miss her and how I feel about this.



She's a *insert several expletives here*


You deserve better. She has disrespected you and has no problem messing up this relationship with you in the name of her ex.


Let him have her.

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So this went for a turn of events...

I guess she didnt hang out with him or whatever, when i asked she was like none of your f-ing business. Im like ok.


She got angry at me because her sister was texting me. Her sister was telling me she was sorry for Ash being an idiot and feels bad and all.


Well Ash thinks I am spying on her and this and that. She thinks I stabbed her in the back and turned on her. I didnt. She was like you are not allowed to talk to her or my family. Im like........


She said she feels like she is stuck with me cause she thinks I will go after her for full custody. I told her i wouldnt so she would think that but in reality i will.


One of the guards i work with worked for the state and knows allot about the child custody. The guard said because she has admitted herself to the psychiatric hospital that i would have a good chance of winning full custody.


I am done with this crap. On the phone she was not the girl who I fell for.

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Yeah, I don't know about Ohio but in SC if the parent who is being sued for custody as been in a mental hospital, high chances are the partent that wasn't gets the kid. My cousin won custody of his kids in a heart beat because of his ex wife's admitting herself.


I know it's going to hurt, but you deserve far better. There is no way, no way I would hold THAT kind of conversatoin with my ex boyfriend while sitting there pregnant with my now boyfriend's child, let alone tell him 'it was none of his business' and 'he could hit the door if he didn't like it.' I'd expect my boyfriend to drop me if I did it.


She is clearly still wanting this other guy and if not, then they way she treats you alone should have you running for the door. I hope it works out for you, however it goes.

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Hopefully if she does decide to take him back completely, I would have a high chance for full custody. I do not want my child to be put through hell and back with her mental instability and his stupidity.


Today has been a better day for me. I was able to eeat something and enjoy it instead of forcing it down. Although last night about 3am-ish, she sent me a text saying she was replaying the memories of us and said we had allot of really fun and good times. I was stronger and did not reply. Im doing NC until she fully admitts she is sorry and wrong for what happened. Then, and only then, if i feel like she is truly sorry, then I might "MIGHT" talk to her. Make her realize the pain and hell she has put me through.

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Yeah, I think you'd have a good chance of getting the child, especially if her family is backing you as well and share the same concerns as you.


I'm glad today was better for you. The only reason I'd be hesitant in going complete NC in this situaton and it's just my opinion, is by going complete NC she could take that as you no longer want to be in the child's life and I suppose she could use that against you in court in the future, you'd be shocked what people use against other people to get custody.


If it were me I'd let her know the only contact you want from her is dealing with the baby. When her appointments are, how the baby's health is, stuff like that. Don't let her use that as a crutch to make contact with you but you do want to stay in formed about your child, especially if she doesn't change her mind or ever feels sorry, you know?

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Ahhh I did not think of that. I am glad you brought that up. She is the kind of girl who would use anything in court. I will let her know the only contact I want from her is about the baby and if she decided she was completely wrong and sorry. But more towards the baby.

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Ahhh I did not think of that. I am glad you brought that up. She is the kind of girl who would use anything in court. I will let her know the only contact I want from her is about the baby and if she decided she was completely wrong and sorry. But more towards the baby.


I'm not even sure I'd let her know about the 'wrong and sorry' part. I have seen first hand women use their children to get a man back. IMO if you say 'and until you admit you are wrong and sorry' even throwing in 'more towards the baby' she's going to realize she CAN contact you about the baby and use it as a pretense to get you to talk about other things.


She could do this anyway, I suppose... and you really want her to be sorry and regret. How will you ever know if she is or if she just says it to get you back if she knows it's what you want to hear?

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I'm not even sure I'd let her know about the 'wrong and sorry' part. I have seen first hand women use their children to get a man back. IMO if you say 'and until you admit you are wrong and sorry' even throwing in 'more towards the baby' she's going to realize she CAN contact you about the baby and use it as a pretense to get you to talk about other things.


She could do this anyway, I suppose... and you really want her to be sorry and regret. How will you ever know if she is or if she just says it to get you back if she knows it's what you want to hear?


Hmmm. Very good point. This is very confusing when trying to sort it out. And when you try to do one thing they can use it to fire back upon. So I must tread carefully with what I say and reply with.

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If you want custody of this child, and I think you should fight for it, be very careful how you proceed. She could take off and disappear and you DON'T want that! Be nice and concerned for the baby and don't get her suspicious or mad, and then try for custody after the baby is born.

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Distant, you're a wonderful man. I mean this from the depths of my heart. Very rarely do men want to do anything with a pregnant woman, on top of that a pregnant woman who is not over her ex AND is mentally insane. You are a strong man to have to go through with this and not bail for your child. I'll bet my money that you will become a great father to your child, and I hope to God she doesn't win full custody; Your child will live in complete and utter hell with this concubine.


I laughed on the inside when I read the "NONE OF YOUR F-ING BUSINESS" line on one of your posts... Just comes to show what a "loving" mother she will be to her child when he/she is born. *rolls eyes*

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