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Do I have a yeast infection?

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Sorry if my thread sounds gross but I really need your help. If any of you women have ever had a yeast infection before, please post! I researched online and apparently they are pretty common so I'm a little relieved to hear that. But anyway, I think I have one but I'm not sure. Just about 2 days ago, my vagina started itching alot and I have no idea why. It itches a little on one side of the labia and alot more inside. Right now it feels fine, but I'm pretty sure that in a few hours it's gonna itch again and it will drive me insane. I also have some discharge but I don't know whether or not to think it of anything because sometimes I'd get it on the past and it had no effect on me. But if it helps, the discharge is sometimes white or clear and it's odorless. Right now sometimes it helps to wash the area thoroughly with soap and water to relieve the itch but sometimes it comes back. I don't know how serious this is. Should I see a doctor or wait it out? I also don't have health insurance so going to the doctor would not be my first choice. Should I just try some over the counter medication even though I'm not quite sure I have a yeast infection? Would it be safe to do that? Meaning, if I use the medication, and it turns out that I don't have a yeast infection, will it be harmful on me? Well thanks for reading and I hope you guys can help!

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If you've never had a yeast infection before, then the best thing would be to go to a doctor and make sure. You can get a pelvic exam for free at planned parenthood.


Yes, I agree with this. You need info and it's always a bit more reassuring to have a professional opinion.


I'm sorry if it's Too much info but I actually have one right now. They are pretty normal. Usually occurring after taking a broad spectrum antibiotic (that;s how I got mine), any change in pH level in the vagina (douching, irritation through sex, soap entering the vagina, etc) or not drying down there after showering or swimming (sunbathing in a wet bathing suit, lounging in a bathroom and not toweling off first) will all do it. Some people are just naturally prone to have them too as they do not have the correct benign bacteria in their system, or not enough of it, at least.


If you truly cannot afford a doctor and a free clinic or planned parenthood is not in your area, then you can go out and buy a system called 'Monistat' (there are others but I don't know their names). While a little expensive (around 20 bucks depending on the package you buy), it'll take care of your infection for you if you use it correctly.


If you use it and it comes back, you need to see a doctor and get a prescription for a pill. Monistat has always worked for me though.

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Yes, please do go somewhere to get it checked out for sure. Planned parenthood is a good option if you have one in your area, otherwise maybe an urgent care clinic or walk in clinic.


The Monistat won't hurt you if you don't have a yeast infection, but it seems like even more of a waste of money than just going to the doc to me.


Honestly, I would stop with any excessive washing with soap and water. It may make it "feel better" in the short term, but could be making it worse in the long run. Your vagina has a specific PH (as C_C says above) and soaps, etc can throw that PH off and make matters worse. My all time favorite quote (can't remember if I saw it here or another forum I go to):

"The Vajayjay is a self-cleaning oven. No need for outside intervention unless something is seriously wrong"

Good luck and hope it gets better soon. Yeast infections are no fun!

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Thanks guys


I went out and bought that screening kit by vagisil. It tests for pH and determines whether or not you have a yeast infection or if it may be some other vaginal infection. I tested mine a few minutes ago and I got the normal pH, but on the little chart that comes with the package, it says if you have a normal pH, but with itching, burning, or odor then you may have a yeast infection. Well I don't have burning, or an odor but I do have an itch. I am probably going to call Planned Parenthood and schedule an appointment for sometime next week. I just really don't want to deal with this right now, because it's my birthday weekend, haha. I might call Planned Parenthood tomorrow..

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Itching is the first symptom...the other ones come later. Or they may not come at all. Everyone experiences it differently, just like how everyone experiences a cold differently.


My suggestion is that if you buy monistat, buy pantiliners too. Just thin ones that you could use during your period. The discharge increases with monistat as the medicine slowly is flushed out.

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Just a thought... have you changed anything lately that might affect the vaginal area? For example, recently did you try waxing or shaving down below for the first time, tried using a new brand of condoms or lubricant, used scented feminine products, or have you switched laundry detergent?

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Just a thought... have you changed anything lately that might affect the vaginal area? For example, recently did you try waxing or shaving down below for the first time, tried using a new brand of condoms or lubricant, used scented feminine products, or have you switched laundry detergent?


Well about 2 weeks, or so ago, I've started using this shaving gel to shave down there, in hopes to get a "closer" shave. And I usually shave down there when I take a shower. I used to shave down there about every 3 days or so but for the past 2-3 days, I haven't because I'm scared it's gonna irritate my skin. I'm not sure about the laundry detergent, but I've noticed a lot of my underwear has a stronger scent. I think it's the same detergent but maybe my mom used more this time? (My mom did my last round of laundry this week so I'm not sure).


Well, if I do have a yeast infection, I have NO idea how I got it. Maybe it was the shaving gel or the laundry detergent? I'm not exactly quite sure. I heard eating yogurt helps restore the pH? Maybe I can keep eating yogurt and the yeast will go away? I actually don't even know if I have yeast infection because mostly today, I haven't been irritated down there at all.. except noticing the discharge (but isn't discharge normal sometimes?). I guess if it still feels different in this coming week, I'll go to Planned Parenthood.

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Well I tried to do a walk-in at planned parenthood today but they were all booked with people who had appointments so I couldn't see the doctor today. Then I tried calling the other planned parenthood that's close to me too and asked them if they were available for walk-ins but they said that they don't do walk-ins for pelvic exams so I ended up making an appointment with them for Tuesday March 23rd. I hope it doesn't take too long since that is my brothers birthday and I'd feel bad for not being there. In the meantime, I hope my "symptoms" don't get any worse.. And I dunno if I should tell my boyfriend. I feel really embarrased about it and only told my mom but she didn't seem to care. She just told me to research it online which didn't really help since that's all I've been doing. I hope I can get this fixed and resolved before my boyfriend comes home (he's currently out of state for work). But yeah..hopefully I don't have anything harmful.

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Is there any possibility that you can have an STI? If not, it likely is a yeast infection.


Until you can go to the doctor, you should avoid anything that could cause possible irritation. Don't use soap when you wash. Just use water. Soap can upset the Ph balance. Don't use that shave gel you bought either-you may have reacted to it.


First time I had a yeast infection, I used the over the counter medicine. It was just my luck that I'm highly allergic. That's really uncommon though. Anyway, I have to go to the doctor every time I think I have a yeast infection so that I can get a prescription for Diflucan.


Have you taken any antibiotics recently? Those can also cause yeast infections.

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So I just came back from Planned Parenthood. I have Bacterial Vaginosis... They gave me medication to take for 7 days and then after that, I have to go schedule another appointment for another infection check to see if it's gone.


Anyway, this is so frustrating. How common is this? I have to tell my boyfriend today. The doc told me not to have sex for 7 days, but knowing me, I'll probably won't want to have sex for a very long time. I don't even know how I got this infection. Does anyone know if this infection could be passed to my boyfriend?

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So I just came back from Planned Parenthood. I have Bacterial Vaginosis... They gave me medication to take for 7 days and then after that, I have to go schedule another appointment for another infection check to see if it's gone.


Anyway, this is so frustrating. How common is this? I have to tell my boyfriend today. The doc told me not to have sex for 7 days, but knowing me, I'll probably won't want to have sex for a very long time. I don't even know how I got this infection. Does anyone know if this infection could be passed to my boyfriend?


I had BV just a couple of weeks ago. It happens. Men don't really get infected from it because their genitals don't provide the correct environment although I suppose it's possible for him to carry the bacteria and reinfect you later.


If you're embarrassed about it, you can just blame it on him since sexual activity increases the likelihood of getting BV. lol =P

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I had BV just a couple of weeks ago. It happens. Men don't really get infected from it because their genitals don't provide the correct environment although I suppose it's possible for him to carry the bacteria and reinfect you later.


If you're embarrassed about it, you can just blame it on him since sexual activity increases the likelihood of getting BV. lol =P


LOL. Possibly.. and we don't use condoms (since I'm on the pill). I guess it's highly likely that I got it that way, but I really have no idea how I got it. I really hope he can't infect me later. I really don't want to have to deal with this again. I'm not sure when or how I should tell him. We've only been going out for like 6 months and the topic of STDs rarely come up anyway. Should I just be like "Oh hey.. so I went to the doc today.. I have BV... sorry, no sex" ? Haha, sigh. I don't know how to tell him! Is BV an STD???

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LOL. Possibly.. and we don't use condoms (since I'm on the pill). I guess it's highly likely that I got it that way, but I really have no idea how I got it. I really hope he can't infect me later. I really don't want to have to deal with this again. I'm not sure when or how I should tell him. We've only been going out for like 6 months and the topic of STDs rarely come up anyway. Should I just be like "Oh hey.. so I went to the doc today.. I have BV... sorry, no sex" ? Haha, sigh. I don't know how to tell him! Is BV an STD???


No it's not, but sexual activity does increase the likelihood of getting it. That could be due to different vaginal pH during sex or things like that. It's not a big deal though. If he looks down on you for it, then you probably shouldn't be with him. Also, if you do have sex though, use condoms. Some antibiotics interfere with hormonal birth control.

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No it's not, but sexual activity does increase the likelihood of getting it. That could be due to different vaginal pH during sex or things like that. It's not a big deal though. If he looks down on you for it, then you probably shouldn't be with him. Also, if you do have sex though, use condoms. Some antibiotics interfere with hormonal birth control.


Bolding this to make sure the OP sees this.


BV is no more an STD than a yeast infection.

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Thanks guys for responding Yeah I'm currently taking birth control as well.. but I guess if I'm not planning on having sex for a while, then I shouldn't have to worry about that right? I'm really curious as to how my boyfriend will react to it. I haven't told him yet, but I'm planning on telling him the next time I see him. I think I'd be able to explain it better in person than on the phone.

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Thanks guys for responding Yeah I'm currently taking birth control as well.. but I guess if I'm not planning on having sex for a while, then I shouldn't have to worry about that right? I'm really curious as to how my boyfriend will react to it. I haven't told him yet, but I'm planning on telling him the next time I see him. I think I'd be able to explain it better in person than on the phone.


It's really not a big deal at all. I've had yeast infections, BV, and UTIs often over the last few years, and it wasn't a big production with my exes. They're typical infections that women get - they're not STDs, and they're not caused by anything a man did.


I would recommend not having sex for more like 10 or 12 days - give it a few days after you've finished antibiotics to make sure everything's out of your system and you feel healthier. Sometimes having sex right after one of these infections can be painful. But really, it's not a big deal!

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So I told my boyfriend I had BV today when he called. I couldn't wait til the next time I see him in person (this Friday). But anyway, he was really cool with it. I kinda explained to him what it was and yeah. I just feel relieved that I told him and he was cool with it. I even apologized and said something like "sorry no sex til it's gone" haha. I told him about the antibiotics that the doc put me on and he asked if I was feeling okay and everything too I love my boyfriend. Sorry, just rambling cuz I'm happy, haha

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