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so my ex girlfriend left me and she was on the rebound, she left her rebound for me because she realized that she misses me and that she loves me and he wasn't for her,

we have been seeing each other and everything was giong great.

weeks before this she started taking pills because she was depressed

(her parents gave them to her, they were not prescribed)

i saw her today and we were happy and she left saying we would see each other in the afternoon

she called me from the hospital saying she couldn't see me,

i talked to her mom she said everything was okay... to not worry,

then a sent her a text saying that was there anything i could do, or if i could go visit her because i care a lot for her,

she replied saying to just wait and that she might be out soon.

i texted her mom again an hour later asking for an update



she replied saing, i think its best if you don't see her anymore or call her. if you love her let her go,




=( what is up with that? i love her and she loves me,

i had stopped looking for her and calling her i was doing NC and she was the one who looked for me

what should i do??


i love her so much

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i sent her an email saying i just wanted to know how she is, that im hear for her, i dont know what her parents think about me but that her mother had asked to stay away so i have to respect her, but that im hear when ever she needs me.


i think her mom is blaming me for her depression, it might be partly my fault, but she dumped me and left me for someone else

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she called me today, her parents locked her in an asylum, they really don't know whats best for her. she says she only gets a 15 minute recess and her parents visit her so i can't see her, i asked her how long she was going to be there, she said she didn't know... she told me she doesnt want to go back home. im willing to take her away, not only because i love her but because i wanna help her. the phone call ended before we could say goodbye, i promised her she would be better and i told her she could call me when ever and that if she ever needed anything i am here for her, i hope to hear from her soon...


this tells me she does love me and isn't mad at me or anything, she chose to call me becaue she wanted,

she had called in the morning but i was able to answer and i had no idea who it was becuase it showed no number.


also it seems she is there by force and not voluntary,



i just hope this ends soon so we can be together,

she has always had problems and i have helped her,

she always wanted to escape and leave home....



honestly her parents do not know what is best for her,

they have done the worst to her and they are the major reason for her depression

she has been beat, abused, and so many things by her parents.

her dad caused her bulimia and at one point even sexually abused her,

her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom, but her mom used to be a junkie

and since she was 16 she had to work to feed her to little brothers and take care of them

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she called me today, her parents locked her in an asylum, they really don't know whats best for her. she says she only gets a 15 minute recess and her parents visit her so i can't see her, i asked her how long she was going to be there, she said she didn't know... she told me she doesnt want to go back home. im willing to take her away, not only because i love her but because i wanna help her. the phone call ended before we could say goodbye, i promised her she would be better and i told her she could call me when ever and that if she ever needed anything i am here for her, i hope to hear from her soon...


this tells me she does love me and isn't mad at me or anything, she chose to call me becaue she wanted,

she had called in the morning but i was able to answer and i had no idea who it was becuase it showed no number.


also it seems she is there by force and not voluntary,



i just hope this ends soon so we can be together,

she has always had problems and i have helped her,

she always wanted to escape and leave home....



honestly her parents do not know what is best for her,

they have done the worst to her and they are the major reason for her depression

she has been beat, abused, and so many things by her parents.

her dad caused her bulimia and at one point even sexually abused her,

her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom, but her mom used to be a junkie

and since she was 16 she had to work to feed her to little brothers and take care of them...



i wanna take her away from everything

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