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My cat is driving me nuts


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If he's not sleeping, he wants to go outside. But he's not content with just staying outside, he rushes back in, rushes back out, rushes back in...all the time meowing at me and acting hyper. I honestly don't know what to do...I'm a college student, and I can't always pay attention to him, and he's very vocal.


He likes to play this game at midnight where he runs over to the window and wants to be let outside. I can't let him out at midnight; for one, all the crazies come out at night, and secondly, I should be sleeping. If I ignore him, he meows like crazy.


I don't know how to settle him down, so that he doesn't meow like that. I love him, but sometimes I feel like opening the door and just kicking him outside.



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If he's not sleeping, he wants to go outside. But he's not content with just staying outside, he rushes back in, rushes back out, rushes back in...all the time meowing at me and acting hyper. I honestly don't know what to do...I'm a college student, and I can't always pay attention to him, and he's very vocal.


He likes to play this game at midnight where he runs over to the window and wants to be let outside. I can't let him out at midnight; for one, all the crazies come out at night, and secondly, I should be sleeping. If I ignore him, he meows like crazy.


I don't know how to settle him down, so that he doesn't meow like that. I love him, but sometimes I feel like opening the door and just kicking him outside.



I wonder if he has a bladder infection, or kidney issues. If you can afford it, have your vet check him out for that. He may have physical issues and could be suffering. I have had 8 cats in my life so I know that sometimes strange behavior is indicative of something wrong.

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My cat can be like this at times. He is nearly 6 years old and I've had him since he was 10 weeks old so I've learned an awful lot about his personality in that time.


At first though, sometimes I felt like you... I'd never had such a needy cat before. I'd generally always had low-key cats who were much more content to just lay around and sleep their 15+ hours a day and be quieter.


How old is your cat? How long have you had him? ...Is this a new behavior of his or has he been like this since you've had him?


Cats behavior can change according to age, location (if they are in a new home), level of activity (boredom as annie suggested), and other factors such as health.


If he is full grown and you have had him awhile and this just seems to be his normal personality (or is becoming his normal personality), I'd tend to agree with annie - he is craving social time/play. With a busy schedule it may be hard to always find time to give him attention, but cats need it, just like people do. Make sure he has toys, things to scratch, chew... I recommend a laser pointer for easy play hehe. And give him affection as well.


I wouldn't give into his negative behavior too much - like constant in and out stuff - if you don't want to reinforce it. Cats are very hard to train .... the way it works tends to be that if you give them an inch, they take a mile and they end up training YOU.

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Hahaahaha - I just came onto this page as my (almost 15 year old) cat was dashing round the room chasing a bit of cat-litter that she's managed to bring into the room on her paws! lol She's CRAAAAZZZZZZEEEEEEEE!!!!!


Sometimes, they just ARE. However, in my experience, this behaviour you describe can be fleas...

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It sounds like you just have a cat similar to mine - very healthy and very active.


Rather than feeling annoyed with him you should stop and try to feel grateful for that and realize that he's just being who he is. He's not trying to drive you insane, and he doesn't understand that you have work to do - a cat isn't like a significant other that you can reason with and say "not now, I'm busy." Sometimes you just gotta give in a little.


I'm guessing if you try to play a little more with him when he's feeling playful, and maybe get him some more toys that he likes, he may calm down some. You keep saying you can't play with him all the time, but I doubt it would be all the time. My cat is VERY active, yet I don't have to play with him all the time. But if I have fallen into the pattern of neglecting play time with him... he lets me know. Social cats hate to be ignored. It can be a burden to a busy human, but they can make often make the most wonderful cats to have when you need a friend - tons of personality, attention, affection and even someone talking back at you.

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He's 4 years old, so he's not that old. And he's healthy, so there's no problem there.


I guess he's bored, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do when studying. I can't play with him all the time.


not all the time, but do you play with him at least 30 minutes a day?

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My dog is like this, he comes to work with me so we are constantly together, the only way I get rid of him is when he is playing with his toys/treats which he loves!! Has your cat a selection of toys, treats etc?? I am sure you could find some great toys on ebay if money is an issue what with being a student.

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It's that time of year... your kitty's got SPRING FEVER! (my 3 cats are acting like lunatics too)


Is your cat fixed? If he's not, then you might consider getting him fixed - it will greatly reduce his urge to want to go out to "spread some love". But even when they're fixed, they're still going to get a touch of spring fever and act like maniacs. It's what we all have a tendency to do after a long, cold winter!

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haha love the title of this. I once saw a magnent that said "Agenda for the Day: Let cat in, let cat out, Repeat".


He just sounds very active. I don't know if this is a great answer to your problem, but have you ever considered getting another kitty so he could have someone to play with? Though that can be problamatic in and of itself since most cats can be quite territorial and will take a long time to accept a new animal in their space.


I personally don't ever let my cats outside, but maybe try letting him out for longer periods during the day so he will be more tired at night? But you have to also keep in mind that cats are nocturnal animals... If that doesn't work contact your vet and ask for suggestions

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Is your cat fixed? If he's not, then you might consider getting him fixed - it will greatly reduce his urge to want to go out to "spread some love"


I didn't even think of this. This could definatley be a big factor. Though hopefully if your cat is an outdoors cat you've had him fixed by now.

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Cairo's been driving me up the wall too. I think it's the time of year. Oh god, she gets this different meow, a howl really. It seems nighttime is her worst. She's an indoor cat so thank god I don't have to worry about letting her out.


At night, I have to hide her toys otherwise she shoves them in my face repeatedly, while howling.


Try to tire him out as much as possible. Does he fetch? I'll fetch with Cairo until she can't run anymore. Do you have a catdancer? You could run around and around and around and have him chase you. I do that with Cairo too.

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Yes, my cat was fixed as a kitten. He had a sister (who lived with him and me in my first apartment, this is my second; Tori died of an undiagnosed heart condition, though. ), and both of them were fixed at the same time.


He's an outdoors cat. His mother was a stray, and VERY outdoorsy. My cat seems to have inherited that gene, because I've tried to make him an indoors cat, and he rips claw marks in the door trying to get out.


He's calmed down a little. I opened the window again, so he's enjoying the night air. I'm going to play with him tomorrow - I don't have classes or homework, so I'll have the whole day to devote to him.

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Well, I played with him today, and he calmed down at once. Now he's sitting on the window looking out.


I just need to set aside 15-30 mins per day to play with him. He doesn't have his sister to keep him company anymore, so it's a pretty boring life staying inside my apartment.

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