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don't know whats wrong with me ( WARNING: GRAPHIC )

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for the past 2 days I've been having upper abdominal pain. a few inches below my left rib cage. It doesn't hurt. just feels bruised to the touch.


my stool has been runny and literally smells like rotten eggs ( if i dont flush in time ill pass out probably lol )


And i have no appetite. I only eat like once a day now because of it and very small portions. Im only eating because I need the energy and im tired cause i dont have enough of it.


I'm 19 by the way.


I feel like im completely healthy. it only hurts if i bend over real sharp or if i touch it. other than that, i feel good.

and lately ive been REALLY stressed . my parents say it could be bowel obstruction cause ive been constipated for months before these problems happened or it could be the stress ive been having lately.


if anyone can help, ill be happy even if im dieing lol..

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You still need to be seen by a medical professional. There is no way to diagnose you over the internet and what you are describing sounds like it could be potentially serious.


Insurance or not this isn't something you can really mess around with.

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nvm looked it up.. so no one knows what this could be? damn thats not good. could it be cancer?


Only a doctor can tell you. Don't guess or try to figure it out on your own, you'll only add stress to the problem and won't get any closer to an answer. If you don't have any money today, then go to the ER. They will bill you later, but you need to have someone look at you asap.

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I had acid reflux as a kid.

my gf's mom had same symptoms and she got a colonoscopy and they told her she had a lot of acid and they couldnt prescribe anything to her to help. they said eventually it'll burn a hole in her heart if it doesn't come under control.


im going to ER tonight.. will i get my results tonght? or will i have to wait weeks to get results?


i just hope i dont have cancer. i dont want to die..


i thought cancer was supposed to be painful...?? i feel no pain but a little bruising. what a ripoff... i hope its a little acid build up or IBS or chrons maybe.. anything other than cancer

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Some doctors offer a payment plan. I have made payments to urgent care - they have billed me. This does not sound good. Force yourself to eat even if its a few bites at a time. Not having anything in there may make it worse. Nothing junky - if you could even get a little whole grain cereal down it would be an improvement. Please go right away to your walk in clinic - also if you are unemployed or low income there may be additional benefits you can look into.

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Some doctors offer a payment plan. I have made payments to urgent care - they have billed me. This does not sound good. Force yourself to eat even if its a few bites at a time. Not having anything in there may make it worse. Nothing junky - if you could even get a little whole grain cereal down it would be an improvement.


ive been taking 1 a day mens vitamins to get atleast some nutrition. and ive been eating high calorie foods to give me some energy.

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ive been taking 1 a day mens vitamins to get atleast some nutrition. and ive been eating high calorie foods to give me some energy.


Well...eat more than one meal. Force yourself to snack. If you have no appetite and what is coming out of you smells rotten, something is wrong. Go to a doctor before it get worse.

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I had a pain like yours. It can be anything from a tear from constipation, to a pulled/ripped muscle, to something serious. Mine was a swelling and a minor infection from drinking too much of a certain coffee brand that didn't mix well with me. It hurt a lot and felt like stabbing.


I'd get it checked out. An x ray is like nothing. You go in, wait, x ray, wait, done and it's little things like that, that can save a life.

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I had a pain like yours. It can be anything from a tear from constipation, to a pulled/ripped muscle, to something serious. Mine was a swelling and a minor infection from drinking too much of a certain coffee brand that didn't mix well with me. It hurt a lot and felt like stabbing.


I'd get it checked out. An x ray is like nothing. You go in, wait, x ray, wait, done and it's little things like that, that can save a life.


Yeah, I really don't think it's cancer. I feel healthy.. I think if i had cancer, I'd be laying on my death bed with horrible pain. However, I THINK ive had this happen before and it went away. I've been having constipation off and on for about 6 months. I'm pretty sure it was my diet, because things would get better when I ate better. Fast food probably doesn't help to much either. I drink a lot of sodas ( idk why.. cant stand water unless its hot outside ).


I have a lot of stress in my life as well, so I hear that can irritate the colon if you have IBS.


I don't know if I should go to the ER or make an appointment with the doctor. I have enough money for deductables, but incase it was serious, i don't have "that" much money.


Since you have first hand experience at my symptoms, what approach did you make?

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It could be an ulcer. Where do you live? I'm sure there are some free clinics around where you live.


i'm thinking the same thing. ulcers can be really bad and cause these symptoms. your tummy can feel like it's got a hole in it, when in fact that is exactly what an ulcer is.


get it checked out.

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Went to ER today.

They gave me cat scan and took my blood. They said they couldnt imagine anyone like me havin healthy problems. healthy lungs, good blood preasure, good heart rate, etc:


cat scan came up clean and they diagnosed me with IBS. They gave me 2 meds for it.


Colace Tablets


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Went to ER today.

They gave me cat scan and took my blood. They said they couldnt imagine anyone like me havin healthy problems. healthy lungs, good blood preasure, good heart rate, etc:


cat scan came up clean and they diagnosed me with IBS. They gave me 2 meds for it.


Colace Tablets



I am so glad you went. I would now look up good diets/foods to watch out for for IBS, because if you eat right (and there may be some GOOD foods that irritate it too) you can control things better. I would follow up with a primary care doctor or specialist so they can monitor if the dosages are right for you or as you get yourself under control if you require less or different treatment.

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Doctor ASAP! These are symptoms you simply should not ignore. Trust me I am not someone who encourages docs over every little thing, but this is a case that should not be ignored.


EDIT: Saw your recent post. Glad you went. NEVER Take those kind of things lightly. If it ends up being nothing, good. But you never know!

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I am so glad you went. I would now look up good diets/foods to watch out for for IBS, because if you eat right (and there may be some GOOD foods that irritate it too) you can control things better. I would follow up with a primary care doctor or specialist so they can monitor if the dosages are right for you or as you get yourself under control if you require less or different treatment.


Yeah he told me to follow up with a gastroligist i think thats what its called. He's gonna suggest some high fiber diets and maybe some medication to help break down the fiber a little easier.


basically a completely different diet. He told me my colon was probably bruised cause i put it through a lot with my bad diet and its bound to happen once in a while..



funny thing about all this.. the insurance i used to have (blue cross blue shield) is still working after all these months lol. guess it was included in my moms severance package or somethin. i love paying .75 cent for meds



I have an appointment monday with a specialist, so before then, I'd like to get an idea of what kind of foods I might have to eat so I can prepare for it so if anyone knows then tell me ty

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