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What should i do?


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I been going out with this girl, when we go out we both are happy but I don't know a lot of places so I can't really show her around. Usually I'm the driver and she tell me where to go. Also she is dating other guys too, and she denied many guys that like her.


I kind of like her to but I'm afraid if she denied me, we can't be friends anymore. Sometime she wants to talk to me or yesterday fB but yesterday when he went out with this Guy she begin to talk to me less. Could she find The person she like or just don't want to talk that day? I'm not good in dating cause I don't know what I need to do.

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I'm not good in dating cause I don't know what I need to do.

Personally, I would look for someone else given that you're going out with her (exclusively, I presume) and she's dating multiple guys. It doesn't sound like you have much interest in just being friends with her, so it's time to move on.

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