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Should I do it or is it a scam?

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I work in a retail store. I work hard and treat customers with a lot of respect and help immedietely as soon as they need it (short person stretching for the top shelf, I help take it down and hand it to them without them needing to ask). My philosophy is that it is not the company paying me, it is the customers. The company is merely the middle-man.


I said that to help get a bit of insight on how I work with customers. The point of this thread: A man in a suit came into my store and I greeted him and told him to let me know should he need anything. I checked up on him now and then as well as others while tending the register. When he was in line he seemed to make sure he was the last one in line. While I was ringing him up he asked about if I'm in school and if I am part-time or full-time. I told him I am in college and part-time employee.


He wrote down on a piece of paper a website and a service number. Told me it was a job collecting license plate numbers if I was interested. He told me that I seem to be a good man as well as a "respectful and disciplined worker" and that he wanted to give me a way of making some money on the side. He says its kind of like my own business except it is in collecting license plate numbers. Right before he left he then handed me another slip of paper after writing his own cell number and said that if I wasn't sure, to give him a call because "I was a bit skeptical when I first heard of it".


What do you think of this? I was pretty much raised to be extremely skeptical if not completely untrusting of these types of things because me and most of my family have been screwed over by employers in one way or another. The site is I already looked at it and I think its legit, but I'm completely in debt so I don't want another problem added to my finances.


And he gave me his business site

Still, not sure what to make of this. Should I give it a shot? I really need the money but don't want to go into a scam.

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Sounds pretty scammy to me. Anything that generates good money on its own wouldn't require a pyramid of others to 'buy in' to do it FOR him.


This probably won't make you any money unless you (1) pay him a sum of money to participate, and (2) do exactly what he just did to you--meaning you'll need to run around and manipulate others to pay to get in and do their own running around to get others to pay....


This is as old as time.

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This is definitely a scam. While I didn't look too closely at it, it looks like a typical multi-level-marketing scheme, one the best known examples of which is AmWay.


All such scams work this way: you have some sort of fake "business" which you sell to suckers. Usually this involves selling knick-knacks, but I've seen it done with trading schemes where people are just trading money back and forth. Whatever the supposed "business" is, recruits must contribute something to the person who recruited them. Often they are required to buy "training" videos or something similar, but in any case you owe your recruiter a regular income.


The recruiter encourages his suckers to recruit clients of their own, who will owe them money. This is usually the thrust of the sales pitch, that if you recruit enough suckers of your own for your "downline," you'll have a regular royalty income. The website name itself refers to this: "residual income club."


There are typically several layers to this (hence "multi level"), and the people at the top of the pyramid are the only ones making any money.


Run away. Run far, far away.

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Well I've done MLM years ago, a bit different from pyramid scheme (illegal obviously) in a sense that if you have the Type-A personality and can sell ice to the Eskimo's then go for it. You just have to really research each company and know what you're getting yourself into.


I tried Herbalife, AmeriPlan...it's all about selling, if you can't sell or talk to people it just won't work. I'm not saying the companies the OP posted is legit but there are many legal MLM companies out there.


Take Arbonne, just like Mary Kay, legitimate MLM company that's very successful.

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