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The more you seek, the less you are yourself


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Do you find that to be true from your own experience?


For instance, going out somewhere with the clear intention of trying to meet someone. Do you think that you are being yourself when you turn the possibility of meeting someone into a goal, even just for a short amount of time?


I had to rephrase that question multiple times before posting it, so I apologize if it's confusing.

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I think anytime you go in with a specific goal like say having sex with someone is a very different way of acting. Honestly I find the best way to do things is just going in casual and seeing what happens with no real plan on finding friends or anything like that. I had the most friends doing that and I found my girlfriend after just giving up and seeing what would happen.


I think when it is a goal you are more business like and that can really effect what you do.

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The more you seek, the more you are yourself because you're experimenting with different behaviors, challanges, goals, wants, curiosities, etc. all which in turn add to your wisdom and help to shape you more, into the always maturing you.


I think this is true. It depends on what you mean by "meet someone", though. If you mean going out to find either sex or a girlfriend, then yeah, you are putting a certain level of pressure on yourself. If you're just going out to meet people and are open to experiencing new people just for it's own sake then it can be an enriching experience.

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If you mean going out to find either sex or a girlfriend, then yeah, you are putting a certain level of pressure on yourself. If you're just going out to meet people and are open to experiencing new people just for it's own sake then it can be an enriching experience.


Yeah, that is what I meant.

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If someone senses that you are making them a means to your ends then they will often feel turned off by you. No one wants to see your little wheels turning in your brain, disassociating yourself from the present moment so much that you're just not present enough to really be in the moment.

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