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So I was dumped by my then girlfriend probably 7 months ago. NC for probably 2 or 3 months. Its spring break and im back home and I was thinking about calling her. Honestly I can say im over her but i am moving back in town May and was thinking of trying to be friends again. Everything ive read said wait till the dumper contacts and I guess it could come down to a pride thing but I dont know just ranting here. What do you all think?

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Mmm. Initiating contact after a break up is more difficult than you might think. Seven months is a good long time, though.


It's been my experience that being friends with exes never works out that well in the long run. You feel good with some kind of fulfillment from the other person. But generally, territorial feelings come out when you start dating other people. Also, it's awkward for your future girlfriends to know that you keep contact with your ex. (Trust me, I speak from experience. It's a difficult balance.) And if you plan on ceasing contact with your ex when you start dating someone else, it's kind of like, what's the point anyway?


Sorry. Didn't mean to rant. The bottom line is that it's a fine line to walk. You face rejection and possibly jealousy in the future. I say, if you're over her, then just keep moving on. If you see her at Blockbuster, then say hello. But don't go out of your way. You've got a lot of life to live. Why dwell on the past when it has so much opportunity to drag you down?


Anyway. Good luck with whatever you do.

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Thanks for the replys. I guess the break up went only ok leaning on the bad side. I kind of feel indifferent to it, its spring break and im stuck at my boring hometown. I just think it would be interesting to see what would happen. If she said no or whatever im going back to school at the end of the week anyways. NC would just naturally start again no problem there for me. Then again if we did come back into contact, when I go back to school it could open up for LC and maybe more when I moved back for good in May. This is all pure speculation though.

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