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Whats with my sleep ?

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I dunno whats going on, but last few days i would go to bed abit later then normal. My main problem i would wake up and still feel tired i could close my eyes and go straight back to sleep, its like an alarm clock woke me up. This morning when i woke up i still felt tired and sleepy but i still got myself out of bed. Anyone know whats going on here ?

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So you're sleeping fine, but waking up tired? Do you think you could be snoring? They say snorers don't get into REM sleep. Also are you drinking or taking anything with caffeine in it after noon? Those are couple thoughts I have about sleep. Hopefully something resonates.

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So you're sleeping fine, but waking up tired? Do you think you could be snoring? They say snorers don't get into REM sleep. Also are you drinking or taking anything with caffeine in it after noon? Those are couple thoughts I have about sleep. Hopefully something resonates.


Not really i'm just not sleeping the full 7hrs or so that i normally get it feels like i get 4-5hrs instead. I've always drank caffeine hours before sleep and it has had no effect. I have been abit stressed but not enough to be losing sleep so i think

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Sounds like you are experiencing a lack of energy. I go through that from time to time, you get a full nights sleep but are tired throughout the day.


Some things that can help you are


1) Exercise - very beneficial - even if its just a half hour walk in a day


2) sunlight. Try to get outside - your body needs oxygen and fresh air


3) Vitamin B.

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I feel tired nearly every day when waking up however when I sleep in for a few days and just do nothing I feel much better...fresher. I think just try to get to bed a tad earlier and if you are currently exercising take a few days off to recover.

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Sounds like you are experiencing a lack of energy. I go through that from time to time, you get a full nights sleep but are tired throughout the day.


Some things that can help you are


1) Exercise - very beneficial - even if its just a half hour walk in a day


2) sunlight. Try to get outside - your body needs oxygen and fresh air


3) Vitamin B.


I get alot of air, well mainly driving have the window down in the winter lol. Think i get alot of vitamin B drink enough juice, i know those are more vit-c but they still have the B in it.


I feel tired nearly every day when waking up however when I sleep in for a few days and just do nothing I feel much better...fresher. I think just try to get to bed a tad earlier and if you are currently exercising take a few days off to recover.


Normally i sleep in i work night so i sleep in the mornings and i get the full 7hrs no problem or time i would wake up is if i had to much to drink water, juice, milk, beer whatever. It just lately i would sleep for 4-5hrs and my body would wake up and i feel still sleepy, and of course i don't wanna go back and sleep more then i would over do it.

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I'm working on improving my own sleep patterns at the moment.


I'm a bit confused by your story so I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. If you're going to bed later than usual and only sleeping 4-5 hours then that's probably not enough sleep and mightn't that be why you're still waking up tired?


Your body has an internal clock so that's probably why you're waking up at the same time each morning. Also, the body gets into patterns and habits so tends to do things like wake up at the same time - even when you don't want to.


I'd try to consistently go to bed a bit earlier for a while. Also, try not to get worried about it as worry about sleep is a cause of insomnia in itself.


Have you had a bug recently? It could be a kind of post-viral tiredness or soemthing.

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Are you getting enough physical activity/exercise?


Due to my job and how I spend my 'free' time, historically I've tended to not get much exercise. The result is that the normal 16 hours awake, 8 hours asleep cycle stops being valid. I end up not being tired until I've been awake 18+ hours, and then when I do sleep it doesn't feel that restful, so I crave more like 9/10 hours sleep or more.


Getting enough exercise to tire you out might be something to try.

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Are you getting enough physical activity/exercise?


Due to my job and how I spend my 'free' time, historically I've tended to not get much exercise. The result is that the normal 16 hours awake, 8 hours asleep cycle stops being valid. I end up not being tired until I've been awake 18+ hours, and then when I do sleep it doesn't feel that restful, so I crave more like 9/10 hours sleep or more.


Getting enough exercise to tire you out might be something to try.


I'm on an up and down when it comes to working out, it all depends on how i'm feeling lately not so good. But for work i basically walk around for 5hrs +.


Last night i slept like crap woke up a few times and wen't back to sleep

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