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Still a Virgin at 25


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Hi everyone. I'm 25 and I'm still a virgin. Hell, I've only ever french-kissed one girl in my whole life, and that was 1 year ago. I could've had sex with her EASILY on at least 2 occasions but for some reason I chose not to. I think I wanted to show her I wanted to take things slowly and that I respected her. I think it backfired though because she broke up with me a few weeks later, and I suspect maybe it's because I wasn't physical enough with her and she saw me more as a 'friend'. She broke my heart but that's not what I want to talk about.


The point is I'm still a virgin, which is weird because I know I'm an attractive guy. I'm short and skinny (5'7 or 5'8 and like 135 pounds) but I'm good looking. I'm a bit shy though, and although I'm a sociable person, I find it really difficult to connect with people on a deep level. What should I do to change this? I really want to have sex. Should I do it with a prositute? (not on a regular basis, I'm just tired of having never had sex, I just want to do it, even if it's just once). What do you think? What would you do?


I've been thinking about sex a lot lately and feeling super horny and it's driving me mad.

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I feel like if you've waited this long, you should keep on waiting just a bit longer. finding a good, committed woman to have your first sexual experience with will be so much more meaningful than if you hire a prostitute. plus, there are a lot of women who would really appreciate you having waited for them. like you said, you are an attractive guy, so it probably won't be long before someone comes along. good luck

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Wait. I lost my virginity at 21 with my first girlfriend ever. I could have had sex with plenty of girls in high school and in college but just because you can doesn't mean you should. Next time you find a girl that you are interested in just let her know that you have not done anything. Also don't be offended if at first she thinks you are joking. It will happen and you don't want to regret your first time because you did it with someone you didn't love. Just stop trying to have sex and finding that someone special because it is a lot easier to find when you stop looking. Also don't be afraid to take a risk if you know a girl is the one you want. Just don't do something you may regret later because you can never take it back.

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Thanks for your advice everyone. Wolf, to be honest I don't think I really care who my first time is with. I really doubt I would regret it if I did it with someone like a prostitute. I've reached the point where I just want to have sex lol. Or even if it's just a blowjob or handjob or whatever.


I just want to do something naughty with a girl, any girl (as long as she's not ugly of course). I want to do it because everyone else who is 'normal' is doing it, and after all we all need sex, it's in our genes. Some people are ok with not having sex, some even choose not to. I used to be ok with it, but I feel it is becoming more and more of an issue for me. I have just been listening to my body and it is clearly telling me that it wants to have sex lol.


Wolf, I really don't think telling a girl that you are a virgin BEFORE you have sex with her is good idea. A friend of mine told me he was about to do it with a girl and he told her, and then she became disinterested all of a sudden, he didn't get to have sex with her and then she went away. He was gutted. I also told my girlfriend I had never done it (I didn't make it a big deal though, I just said it in passing because we were talking about relationships and sex.) And she didn't make it a big deal either, she didn't even look surprised. But then she grew distant and broke up with me. So do you really thin it's a good idea?

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There are plenty of reasons for her growing distant other than sex. Also if you do have sex with a girl and you don't tell her then unless she is a virgin to then she will likely know anyway. I told my girlfriend well before we did anything and she took it slow and helped me out by telling me what to do. Also just because everyone else does it is not a good reason. But if losing your virginity is all you want then go for it. Just don't let it skew your view of sex for next time.

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