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One minute I'm happy, one minute I'm sad, one minute I love him

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Yeah i feel the same way right now...one minute I think I'm doing okay and will be fine...then the next I am utterly depressed. I love her...I hate her...so many mixed emotions in my head because I don't know what i should feel towards her...but my love is slowly fading to hate.

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right now I HATE him...hate is such a strong word but my self esteem is in the toilet and I feel worthless right now because of the relationship. I feel like I'm garbage and he threw me out and forgot about me just like you do when you throw out the trash..you throw it out and never think about it again.

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Hey CoCo2009 i feel your pain.. I am almost 6 months into the breakup and i understand the emotions you are feeling. Like everyone else has said this is just all very normal and it will pass. I don't know how long you been broken up but with time it gets bearable and you won't be thinking about it all the time and letting it ruin your days. After it gets bearable hopefully you just start to feel indifferent to the whole thing.. This is where i am and i hope i continue to heal and just become indifferent to the whole damn thing. My days are getting better but it is a roller coaster so possibly next week i will be down again but i think i have come along way since the beginning and i know you will too.


Even if its not his lost it definitely isn't yours either. You deserve someone that will not inflict this type of agony and pain on you. It doesn't matter how you guys broke up or who's fault it is. Your deserve a better love that won't leave or hurt you.. I hope you feel better soon, just hang in there.

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