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Throwing up (Sorry)

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Alright, I used this calculator here: link removed


And I fudged the numbers, since I don't know your height or weight, and I'd guess your body burns 1500 per day doing absolutely nothing. Factor in moving around and other daily body motions, you could probably eat 2000 calories per day and not gain a pound. Up that to 2500-3000 if you actively exercise.


on top of that, breast feeding burns 500-800 calories a day (better than going to the gym!!!)

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I just want to point out... that when i started this "diet" back in January (and i have been counting calories every day since Jan 1) i've actually been eating MORE than i did before i was counting calories. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and i joined a bootcamp class that i attend twice a week. Maybe i could afford to eat a few more than 1500 a day, but she's healthy as ever... growing like a weed, and she is definitely not suffering from this. Before i started this i rarely ate 3 square meals daily... i had very bad eating habits... so as bad as you think "dieting" might be for me... it's actually alot better for me than if i were to go back to how i ate before.

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also i used that calculator you posted and...

Your resting metabolic rate is 1493 Calories per day. To learn more about the importance of this number for weight loss, go to Step 7 of Shape Up & Drop 10™. Understanding the importance of this number can help you master the next ten pounds.

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also i used that calculator you posted and...

Your resting metabolic rate is 1493 Calories per day. To learn more about the importance of this number for weight loss, go to Step 7 of Shape Up & Drop 10™. Understanding the importance of this number can help you master the next ten pounds.


Well then, you could probably eat 2000 calories per day and you will still lose weight. Just keep active. And have a good, "cheating" meal every once in a while. Pizza doesn't hurt!

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I heard that throwing up after a meal actually does not reduce the amount of calories you ate by much at all. It might feel like you are getting rid of a lot of the food you just ate, but really it barely makes a difference at all. A lot of the food is already being digested immediately after consuming it, there's no "un-doing" that. I read that people who throw up after meals will be ANY weight- underweight, normal, and overweight. It really causes very little to no impact on your weight.


As you probably know, it also causes bad breath, rots your teeth (even if you brush your teeth afterward... actually brushing them afterward can make your teeth worse). Esophogeal damage, maybe even cancer. And I think it even damages your heart. So basically it screws up your body in the long run and doesn't even help you lose weight.

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If you want to know some foods that contribute to weight loss, here's what I typically eat:



chicken noodle soup

rosemary tricuits

string cheese

skim milk

almonds (high in calories but really does help me maintain a low weight)

Gardenburgers fake chicken patties

sara lee 150-calorie microwavable cakes (amazing with milk!!)


G-2 Gatorade (like half the calories as normal)


That's all I can think of. But those are some pretty tastey foods IMO & totally guilt-free.

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I"m not endangering my baby by not consuming 2700 calories daily.

Thanks for your concern, but dont be ridiculous... i'm not going to start bottle feeding my baby because i have alot of excess weight i need to lose.


I thought I would share this:


A daily diet consisting of 1000 calories or less should be only attempted after the approval of your professional health care giver because nutritional needs will be almost impossible to meet.


A diet consisting of 1000 calories or less is generally recommended when drastic action must be taken to improve existing health issues where weight may pose a threat to life itself. 1000 calorie diets, or diets that are even more restricted in calories may also be recommended so that necessary surgeries and preventative care can be administered.


Breastfeeding is an extremely natural way to lose weight. I guarantee if you even allowed yourself a 2000 calorie diet, and just walked 30 minutes a day - the pounds would really melt off. A 1,000-1500 calorie diet is really unrealistic. Like i say it is WHAT you eat, not the calories. For that caloric intake you could fill up with leafy greens and whole grains and lean protein all day and be stuffed or you could eat two tv dinners and a soda.


I suggest you see a nutritionist or dietician rather than relying on what your mom read. In fact, sometimes our families shape our feelings about ourselves and relationship with eating.


If you are obese (70 lbs or more overweight) months after you stop breastfeeding your child, that is different but you can't expect to be a stick figure after just having a baby. Give yourself a break. And even then a 1000 calorie diet will hurt you.

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and breastfeeding burns more like 250-500 calories a day


Where are you getting all of your numbers? Also, I am sure the calculator doesn't take into account that you are breastfeeding. Stop listening to Mom and go to your ob/gyn or a dietician. The most important thing is HEALTH for you and your BABY. So what if you have a few extra pounds right now or it could be that you are at the right weight but have an unrealistic idea. Save drastic slimming for after the baby is weaned. Be patient - the pounds will come off. You may not be exercising as much now that the baby is here, but by taking gradual steps you will get back in shape. Walk, eat right, and you will be surprised.

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just for the record... i wasnt throwing up to lose weight... i dont know where that idea came from. I was just throwing up to get rid of the 3 pieces of pizza i ate.


Isn't that the same thing? Throwing up to control your weight, be it to lose weight or not gain weight. No matter how you choose to place your words, it's bulemia, rooted from the same core issue and has the end result of the same health problems.

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just for the record... i wasnt throwing up to lose weight... i dont know where that idea came from. I was just throwing up to get rid of the 3 pieces of pizza i ate.


And you felt you had 'cheated' and over-indulged on those pieces of pizza-three pieces; c'mon, you're hardly going to gain weight because of that anyway. That indicates a problem that you're scared of gaining weight, and the only opinion you could see was the quick fix of vomiting, instead of exercising a bit more.

So yes, you were throwing up to lose weight, which is called bulimia. And it is also not healthy for your baby to be dieting while breast feeding. Why is instantly losing all your baby weight so important when you should be concentrating on your child? Your body changes after you give birth, sometimes permanently.

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No your body still absorbed portions of the meal. Just for your consideration, controling the amount of calories is good, but a more effective way is not so much counting the calories but monitoring the "type" of calories you put in your system. I can guarantee you that a person eating 1500 bad calories a day will be much worse off weight wise than a person consuming 2500 good calories a day derived from natural foods.

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I did that a couple of times several years ago (after eating too much junky food/snacks), though thankfully it didn't develop into a habit and i didn't do it again. I guess i wanted to feel better after over-indulging those times, but it's definitely not a healthy thing to do, like the others have said.


It's much better to change your perspective and try to balance things out everyday. If you think you've eaten much more than you intended to, then you can go for a walk or eat lighter for your next meal. Allow yourself to have a treat once in a while (you can choose one day a week for example), to prevent any feelings of deprivation or guilt. If eating the pizza made you feel bad enough to want to get it back out, then i'm thinking you might be too strict with yourself and not having lots of things that you enjoy in your diet.

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so... if i ate 3 pieces of pizza that came to a grand total of 502.9 calories... and then i threw it up.. but my body still absorbed some of those calories.. how many calories do you think i actually got from it? ...i guess it really throws off your calorie counting...

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so... if i ate 3 pieces of pizza that came to a grand total of 502.9 calories... and then i threw it up.. but my body still absorbed some of those calories.. how many calories do you think i actually got from it? ...i guess it really throws off your calorie counting...


My guess would be 490.

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so... if i ate 3 pieces of pizza that came to a grand total of 502.9 calories... and then i threw it up.. but my body still absorbed some of those calories.. how many calories do you think i actually got from it? ...i guess it really throws off your calorie counting...


YES - your body will still absorb things that goes in. You may not get the benefit of the fiber, but it certainly does count. and besides if you throw up you could throw up stuff you intended to eat too. That's why they have certain vitamins like C and b12 in lozenge form - it starts to absorb in the mouth. It is not normal to obsess over things like this. Just exercise. Go for a brisk walk. And breastfeeding will take care of some of that too. Or eat some carrot sticks and leafy veggies. I also recommend counseling or a support group. Bulimia is putting your health and your baby's health in severe danger. You are burning your espophagus, ruining your teeth and depriving both you and your baby of nutrients. Please get help - NOT from your mom but from outside sources. Conquering bulimia is also about loving yourself. If you refuse to do it for yourself - think of your baby. Bulimia and anorexia are also tough on the heart and other body systems

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