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Throwing up (Sorry)

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I was just wondering, i'm on a calorie counting diet, and i ate 3 pieces of pizza last night, and then i threw it up... do you think that was kind of as though i didnt even eat it in the first place? Its kind of gross i know... i'd never do it otherwise... but i cheated on my diet and i wanted to uncheat somehow...

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bulemia is not the way to go. did you throw up on purpose? or were you sick?


i would not start throwing up to 'reduce' your calorie intake for the day. that is a bad idea.


instead, if you over-indulged one day, take a deep breath. forgive yourself. then go do an extra 30 minutes at the gym, and maybe eat a lighter lunch than usual.

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I was just wondering, i'm on a calorie counting diet, and i ate 3 pieces of pizza last night, and then i threw it up... do you think that was kind of as though i didnt even eat it in the first place? Its kind of gross i know... i'd never do it otherwise... but i cheated on my diet and i wanted to uncheat somehow...


Hopefully you threw up by accident on not on purpose. No, it wasn't as if you didn't eat in the first place. The only way you "uncheat" is by taking a brisk walk and just eating healthier stuff.. Also, calorie counting diets seldom work because they make healthy foods and unhealthy foods equal - because its just about calories. When people deprive themselves, versus forming healthier habits - they binge. A slice of pizza is NOT cheating. Just load it up with veggies and don't order extra cheese. It is better to have a slice of pizza and be happy than gobble down three and be guilty and try to hide it. In fact, having the dairy and crust can make you feel more full and less apt to snack. Then make sure to take the butter out of cooking and use olive oil instead, etc. Changing your habits will keep the weight off for life, not deprivation

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Sure, throw it up so you don't digest as much of it, but ruin your teeth in the process. Bulimics are well known for their terrible breath and rotted molars. You give your teeth an acid bath every time you decide you didn't want that extra slice of pizza after all.


In the time it will have taken you to eat that pizza, you will have digested some of it. Not a lot probably but some. However, if you have regrets about this sort of food then do as Abitbroken suggested and find a way to make it healthier. Or if you're on calorie counting - why not just eat slightly fewer calories at the next meal to balance it? That doesn't sound that difficult.

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thanks for the feedback, i did throw up intentionally, yes. My calorie counting diet has worked so far, i've lost like 25 lbs or something in 2 months.


That is not the way to go. Any weight loss that is dramatic will be put on just as dramatically when you get tired of living this way plus you will add another 10 pounds extra. Just eat normal portions of healthy food and do exercise a few times a week. Do not go the starving to death and throwing up route. I have a cousin who is anorexic and she has almost died from THREE heart attacks due to anorexia and she is only 38.

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That is called bulima and classifies as an eating disorder. Bulima in time will rot your teeth as well as possibly tearing your throat and stomach lining, which can lead to death.

And your 'calorie counting' diet could quite well lead to anorexia, as it sounds like you're very willing to go over the top. How many calories are you eating a day? The recommended amount is 2000 for a woman.

Do you want to die to be thin?

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thanks for the feedback, i did throw up intentionally, yes. My calorie counting diet has worked so far, i've lost like 25 lbs or something in 2 months.


Well - it won't be permanent by just counting calories. The most important thing is your overall health - and bulimia is not healthy.

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it's just not worth it. too many health risks. besides, i've noticed i actually LOSE weight when i have one high calorie meal a week! i think it has something to do with "confusing" my metabolism.


i would not do that again. it's so much worse for you in the long run than a few hundred calories.

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Recommended is actually around 1000-1200 for a women trying to lose weight. My mom did the same diet. I'm going up to 1500 calories daily... which is far from starving myself. Also this was the first time i've ever thrown up intentionally after eating something... although i've tried before it just didnt work. But i'm not about to go all bulemic now or anorexic... i cant live without food.

Also no, i wouldnt die to be thin... But i just had a baby and i'm trying to work off all the excess weight from that.

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Recommended is actually around 1000-1200 for a women trying to lose weight. My mom did the same diet. I'm going up to 1500 calories daily... which is far from starving myself. Also this was the first time i've ever thrown up intentionally after eating something... although i've tried before it just didnt work. But i'm not about to go all bulemic now or anorexic... i cant live without food.

Also no, i wouldnt die to be thin... But i just had a baby and i'm trying to work off all the excess weight from that.


Are you bottle feeding or breast feeding? Diets are NOT recommended for women breast feeding because it is harmful to the baby and the mother and breast feeding is a natural way to lose weight after pregnancy.

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As long as you're sticking to a healthy routine, the occasional couple slices of pizza won't hurt you at all. Just be sure to eat healthy nutritious foods as your norm and get some moderate exercise daily, drink plenty of water, and you're golden.

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Are you bottle feeding or breast feeding? Diets are NOT recommended for women breast feeding because it is harmful to the baby and the mother and breast feeding is a natural way to lose weight after pregnancy.


the diet i'm on would never be harmful to my baby... i'm not eating things i shouldnt eat (except that pizza)... and i'm eating lots of everything i should be eating.

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the diet i'm on would never be harmful to my baby... i'm not eating things i shouldnt eat (except that pizza)... and i'm eating lots of everything i should be eating.


My point is restricting your calories IS harmful to your baby and you. Eat healthy that is all that is required. Restricting calories while breast feeding you wont have enough milk or of the right quality. Eat normally and take your baby for a walk every day you should be fine.


The calories required for a breast feeding woman PER day is 2700.link removed

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My point is restricting your calories IS harmful to your baby and you. Eat healthy that is all that is required. Restricting calories while breast feeding you wont have enough milk or of the right quality. Eat normally and take your baby for a walk every day you should be fine.


The calories required for a breast feeding woman PER day is 2700.link removed


if you're not trying to lose weight... which i am. and 2700 calories is way more than what the average person consumes in a day...

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if you're not trying to lose weight... which i am. and 2700 calories is way more than what the average person consumes in a day...


You should NOT be on a diet when breast feeding is what I am telling you. The guidelines for proper feeding of an infant is 2700 calories. If you go under this you are endangering your baby by not producing enough nutrition. If you want to go on a diet please bottle feed your baby then you can do whatever you want with your calories.

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throwing up isn't the right thing to do though. it's not good for your body.


if you ate too much pizza, then take a stroller walk with your baby if the weather is nice. or if it is not, try to do some situps and pushups and exercises while your baby is sleeping.

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Lots of mothers want to lose weight and get to their "before baby" body. But Victoria is right you can't go about it the wrong way, it will hurt you baby in the short term and your distorted body image will hurt your baby in the long run.


Please consult doctor about a health plan that will not harm your baby. Although I don't think dieting is the right way, it will lower the quality of your milk. The best way to go about it would be to eat healthy foods and exercise, both of which you should be doing anyway.


2700 calories is above normal for the average person. But you don't fall into the 'average person' category you are a breastfeeding mother. Which means you put your needs aside and get the health you need to make your baby healthy.


Even if you choose to bottle feed your baby you need to take a step back and evaluate this. You are very close to wandering down a very dangerous road. Your mindset needs to be re-evaluated. Counting calories isn't a good way to lose weight, and you'll go nuts trying to tally everything up. Throwing up isn't a good way to lose weight. It's a great way to lose hair, teeth, and even your life but it's not a good way to lose weight.


And the way you're getting so defensive when we're trying to help you...it's all part of the pattern. Why did you even ask for our advice then? You are reaching out. You know this isn't normal behavior and you wanted someone to talk you out of it.


Please possibly think about therapy, or at least talking to your husband/boyfriend/best friends about this. Losing the baby weight is normal but it's more important to take care of your body so you can take care of your baby.

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You do realize that your body, depending on many factors including your current weight, burns 2500-3000 calories per day just by being alive? As in, before any exercise, not even counting moving out of bed in the morning.

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The milk in your breasts can't come from nothing. 1000-1200 calories would be low even for someone not breastfeeding. I think Victoria is referencing the fact that your body needs additional resources if it's going to produce milk. This is a topic you should research before you start any diet.

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Alright, I used this calculator here: link removed


And I fudged the numbers, since I don't know your height or weight, and I'd guess your body burns 1500 per day doing absolutely nothing. Factor in moving around and other daily body motions, you could probably eat 2000 calories per day and not gain a pound. Up that to 2500-3000 if you actively exercise.

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The milk in your breasts can't come from nothing. 1000-1200 calories would be low even for someone not breastfeeding. I think Victoria is referencing the fact that your body needs additional resources if it's going to produce milk. This is a topic you should research before you start any diet.


Correct. I almost lost the ability to feed my son when I had an operation 2 months after he was born because I had to produce milk and repair my body at the same time. It was a minor operation too. It does not take much to upset the apple cart. There is also the fact that your baby can get failure to thrive from inadequate nutrition. When you go to your well baby visit talk to the dr about dieting.

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