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Hold on

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I'm new here, let me start of by saying hi to everyone

I have a bit of a problem right now i have been going out with this girl for about 4 and a half months. Anyway the problem is we still havent kissed yet aside form a couple of pecks on the cheeck and one on the lips but there hasent been any proper kissing or hand holding as of yet. all the peck on the cheek and lips were from me. I was just wondering if this is normal i mean when we go out i have my arm around her waste and we laugh and its just the two of us. Any ideas about whats going on? Opinions?

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I was just wondering if this is normal i mean when we go out i have my arm around her waste and we laugh and its just the two of us. Any ideas about whats going on? Opinions?


Why haven't you tried to kiss her properly yet? And why haven't you tried to hold her hand?


Yes, I know this is 2010 but many girls have this innate need or sense that the male should lead, make the first move, especially if they prefer a masculine male.


Let me ask you this, what do you prefer, that she make all the moves? If so, then you need to date a more masculine or aggressive female and then you can be the feminine male in the relationship.

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I guess its because we were friends for nearly two years before i asked her out and its just been diffifcult to progress from friends and someties she takes days to get back to me when i text her so there seems to be some mixed signals. I mean what would people b thinking if they were her?

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KISS HER!! Don't you think she is wondering why you haven't yet? She will probably be waiting for you to make the first move. Irregular texting could be because she thinks you aren't that interested. Just do it..seriously

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