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1-3 beers a night.

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Both i think are healthy beer cause of the hops and wine cause of the grapes .


That may be true. I doubt alcohol contributes anything to it. hops can be healthy.


Just keep an eye on the calories and you should be fine.

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That may be true. I doubt alcohol contributes anything to it. hops can be healthy.


Just keep an eye on the calories and you should be fine.


Thats why i'm going after the cheap beers that are low in cals, and liek i said i was going after the taste not just the buzz feeling. So far 2 days no booze.

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So its basically been a week, and i'll say i am getting cravings, i seem to be drinking more coffee and lot more chocolate


I had almonds dusted with cocoa and coffee for breakfast. I'd rather have this problem than an alcohol problem any day though. Have seen that other and it isn't pretty.

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I had almonds dusted with cocoa and coffee for breakfast. I'd rather have this problem than an alcohol problem any day though. Have seen that other and it isn't pretty.


I'm hooked on coffee i need at least 1-2 cups a day, not the best but better then booze.

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I've found if I make it to two or three weeks I stop really caring if I have alcohol at all. Usually it's the 2-7 day range that's the "worst" as far as the occasional craving (Though it's more like "A beer would be nice." not "I need to have a beer RIGHT NOW!").

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I haven't read all the posts on this thread, but I hope someone has noted the fact that alcohol is a depressent. So you you are suffering at all, and drinking daily (even a little) you are perpetuating a cycle.


Just stop, struggle a week or so with the bordom or whatever reason that you do this...and see what happens to your outlook on life.

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I've found if I make it to two or three weeks I stop really caring if I have alcohol at all. Usually it's the 2-7 day range that's the "worst" as far as the occasional craving (Though it's more like "A beer would be nice." not "I need to have a beer RIGHT NOW!").



I'm like that right now when i see a beer ad i think " man i would liek a beer right now" its not like i got cravings all day and its on my mind.


I haven't read all the posts on this thread, but I hope someone has noted the fact that alcohol is a depressent. So you you are suffering at all, and drinking daily (even a little) you are perpetuating a cycle.


Just stop, struggle a week or so with the bordom or whatever reason that you do this...and see what happens to your outlook on life.


Number of times.

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A glass of beer or wine with dinner is proven to help with heart disease, and improve your health. This has been scientifically proven.


As far as 3 beers, man that's going overboard. And every night...that's not good.


Have you ever considered that you might be an alcoholic?

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At this point i dunno what the definition of a alcoholic is..


- I drink once a day i'm an alcoholic

- I drink every few days i'm an alcoholic

- I can go over a month with out any booze and i still can be an alcoholic it just doesn't end and no i don't think i am, tho other will tell you otherwise.

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You're not an alcoholic unless you're dependent on the alcohol to keep you going. Just like any addiction, if you constantly think about it, and constantly want to do it, you're an addict.


For example, I have a problem with Itunes. I spend way too much money on music, and now I'm trying to cut down. I don't need music to survive - I mean, I love music, I'm a musician myself and I enjoy hearing new stuff, but it's not necessary for my survival - but trying to keep myself from going online and buying a new album is sometimes torture.


Same for you. If you can't get through a night without at least one beer, you're an alcoholic, and addicted to alcohol. On the other hand, if you skipped drinking for one night and didn't feel any different, you're not an alcoholic.


It's a dependence. If you're dependent on it, that's not good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be free of alcohol you need to make a quality decision to stop. Some people stop completely on the spot. Another strategy might be a 'phase out' plane. One less beer a week and then continue to phase it out. I started with a phase out plan and eventually made the decision to stop drinking alcohol completely. I've been free of it for a year and let me tell you - LIFE IS BETTER!


God bless you and consider leaving alcohol behind. Beer has no nutritional value. Wine has Resveratrol, which is an antioxidant. However, you can get that as a vitamen supplement now, so you don't need the wine. The wine and beer is bad for your liver.


God bless...

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