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Shall I ask her out? argh i'm going crazy!


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Well, heres my problem:

There is this girl in my year at school (we are both 13) and I really like her

I think she really likes me (she touches my hand when we talk and always seems really excited to see to me) we see eachother everyday and we are in the same class for EVERYTHING but i have only 5 weeks left at school and i am finding it hard to just, well, ASK her! I've got her number and MSN address, actually on friday she was absolutely Scheißen (its german, look it up) herself to give me her number I think I should ask her out but i just dont know HOW or WHEN!!! she invited me to her end of year party and the invitation sed at the end

"love Bex, xxx"

do u think i should ask her then? there will be quite a few ppl. I have known her for about 4 yrs but she started being "friendly" about 3months ago and i "cought on" about 2 months ago. I am really funny and can always make ppl laugh, i think that is why she likes me, o yeah she aslo chose me out of 125 ppl to spend the entire school day with when the 11yr olds were doing tests (thats when i caught on). so, i think she likes me! but does she fancy me? and should i ask her? and HOW?


Thankyou people.

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well i definitely think she likes you. I mean, if she doesn't she would REALLY be playing you. but i dont think she is. I'd say, ask her within the next couple of days. do this by a number of ways, leaving a note in her locker, or going up to her, or asking her online, or by the phone. i would chose face to face, nerve wracking definitely, but it's well worth it, it shows that you have the confidence, and girls like that. 8) When? well i'd say if you two were studying together, such as meeting at the library. then casually say that it'd be really cool if you two could go out and if she would want to, and if she DOES say no, well you've only been friends with her for about 3 months, so you could still go on being friends, or try to stay away from her for the rest of your life , but i'd perfer staying friends. And as a last note when you ask her out when you study, ask her when she's leaving, so then you won't be sitting there getting all red if she says no and isn't leaving soon. Good Luck!

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man, take it from a girl, she would love for you to ask her out. Don't wait 5 weeks! Go for it now! call her on the phone, less pressure on both of u, (cuz i kno its kinda weird when a guy asks you out in front of other people), plus u guys are only 13 so u don't need to bother with the whole mature face-to-face deal. Good luck!

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