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ADVICE NEEDED...LOTS OF ?s about girl i like A LOT!!! HELP!!


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Hey all,

well, i am 16 and there is this girl i have liked for probably 3 months or so and i always thought she was attractive but this quarter i have a class with her (its a really stupid musical theater class)...since i have been in the class i have realized that she is really cool, smart (which is very important to me because ditsy girls really frustrate me) and seems to have a good sense of humor...so now i REALLY like her...


well, im not really sure if she likes me or not but sometimes when i look over at her she is looking at me but i always look away when this happens and she doesn't...does this mean anything?...sometimes i talk to her a little in class but i find it hard to look at her for more than a second or so...but sometimes i say things that are slightly funny and she seems to laugh and think they are very funny...i dont know if she has a good sense of humor or this means something? do you all think it means anything?


i dont really purposefully sit by her in the class but we sometimes end up sitting next to eachother and it makes me nervous and i dont really know what to do....also, i see her hanging out with other guys at lunch sometimes and i dont sit near her at lunch because i am two grades and about a year older than her (im young for my class)...but sometimes she is looking at me if i glance at her at lunch...this seems like it may be good but i dont know if she has a bf or nething...i havent really told ne1 i like her so i dont want to ask any of our common friends if she likes me or has a bf...


also, summer break is coming up in about 3 weeks and our play for the class is next thurs/fri so we will have 2 weeks of that class with nothing important to do....should i wait 'til that to do something or should i start to do something now?...whenever that is, what should i do??? i really dont want to have to think about her all summer and never see her, it would be depressing...should i ask her to hang out w/ me or what?...


because i dont know her that well we're not really friends, but i like her company...and i can NEVER stop thinking about her, i have written a few acoustic guitar songs about her with my friends but no1 knows who it's about...i think about her all day long and can't sleep because im thinking about her but its not in a sexual way, it's more in a curious/want to get to know her and have a relationship way...




well, basically i from what ive said, do you all think she likes me?....

what else can i do to see if she likes me? (like some kind of test)?...

what kind of conversation should i start with her to impress her and maybe let her know i like her in a subtle way so that she thinks i didn't let her know on purpose? (if that made sense)

when should i do something and what should i do?

how can i overcome my extreme shyness and TALK TO HER?

how can i get a meaningful conversation going and keep her interested without freaking her out?


sorry for the long post but i am very thoughtful and really needed to get all of this out, so please take time and answer the questions thoroughly so i can really get a good idea of these things...

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well, basically i from what ive said, do you all think she likes me?....

It sounds to me that she likes you a little, but it's hard to tell.


what else can i do to see if she likes me? (like some kind of test)?...

I would maybe try to talk to her more in a friendly way, to see if she's interested in you.


what kind of conversation should i start with her to impress her and maybe let her know i like her in a subtle way so that she thinks i didn't let her know on purpose? (if that made sense)

Hmm...well maybe say that you like in her in a joking way, just to let her know you like her, that's the best way I can think of not to do it on purpose.


when should i do something and what should i do?

I'd wait a little longer, but definetly do it before school ends.

how can i overcome my extreme shyness and TALK TO HER?

Just muster up all our courage and talk to her more. It sounds like you've already started that, so just keep it up.

how can i get a meaningful conversation going and keep her interested without freaking her out?

Maybe talk about the weather, politics, various issues, etc.


Well....hope that helps!

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It sounds like she likes you, or atleast interested in you. I think you should ask her out because what do you have to lose? If you ask her out she might not go out with you, but if you don't ask she definitely won't go out with you. Life is too short just go for it man. I was recently in the same situation this year and i waited too long. Suck it up and go for it!!!!!! Good luck 8)

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Hey, well the thing that i would do is suggest having a "cast party" for all of the people that are in your musical theatre class. Maybe try to get your parents to allow you to host the party. Then she knows where you live, she meets you and gets to know quite a bit about you by your house and family and everything.


I was in this EXACT situation except for the fact that i knew her before the class. and i had a cast party at my house (I know not everybody's house is like this) but we have a pool table, foosball table, darts, etc. and she ended up loving my house and we played doubles in foosball and she was on my team and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship and even though she had to leave early (she had to work early the next morning) i felt very satisfied with what we had done together.


I also got in A TON of flirting time... We had a tourney and we were the champions and everything just went right for me.


This idea worked for me and I hope it will work for you should you decide to use the idea i've provided.

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You will never know unless you ask. I would suggest just catching her as she leaves one of her classes and asking her to go somewere with you on a weekend. Then she will either say yes or no. Thus ending any question of if she likes you or not.

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thanks for all of the advice, good ideas...does anyone have any ideas for what i should ask her to do because i dont really know what she likes to do at all, i can ask her but its kinda weird just asking what she likes to do in her spare time, dunno how i would do that but maybe ill try it...also, about the house thing, i know where she lives because i took her home from a play practice one time and it's very close (about 3 houses away) to a house where me and my friends (we started a band a few months ago) practice and there's a stage and pool table and stuff...i was thinking maybe i could invite her to come hang out there while we play or sumthin, maybe w/ some friends or alone (which would be better?)...the house belongs to my bandmate's aunt...does that sound like a good idea or would that be too weird? what should i ask her to do w/ me?


thanks all....

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