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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I love Groupon, always buyin Groupons and I do get the emails for the trips too. I would do a Groupon deal if I had the money all at once but the other trips Im researching, I can pay on them so by the time I travel it will be paid off.


Annie, beaches and an abundance of food sound perfect for me. LOL

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I took my son to TGIF's to for dinner to celebrate his new job and we are stuffed. We went next door to Office Depot, the store is closing so we looked around and I was going to buy this repair disk thingy for my laptop thinking it would make it better and he reminded me that my disk drive doesn't work, nor does the cooling fan which is why I wanted to get another laptop to begin with. I can be so dingy sometimes.


Checked on Jesse because he's been overly tired lately, he was okay. I talked to him for a few minutes, he said my granddaughter has a performance tomorrow. Naturally my daughter didn't say anything about it other than I wasn't going to get her tonite because of her performance tomorrow. I asked Jesse if he knew why she isn't talking to me and he said according to her I'm the one that is standoff'ish. I'm not quite sure how she came to that conclusion but I guess I should reach out to her sometime soon so we can try and figure this out.

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I went to cvs to do some couponing and naturally because I procrastinated the entire week, nothing I wanted was available today. I did okay at Target though. I scored on some Downey, thinking I will probably repeat the deal tomorrow. After coupons 3 bottles of Downey for 5.00 dollars.

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LOL^^ Ok, I don't even remember that. I guess the Ambien was doing it's thing. It didn't keep me asleep though, I remember getting up at 12:15 and tossing and turning a lot after that.


Bah, I had a migraine yesterday not a bad one but a migraine none the less. Today my head is pounding, ugh. I went upstairs to the lunch room to heat up my breakfast and the weather report was on. I see the temps are cooling which means the barometric pressure is changing and that for me triggers pounding migraines.


I'm going to do as much paperwork as I can muster, hopefully it will be a quiet day. I'll watch some football at 10 and then I'm picking up my girls when I get off work and taking all my loves to Soup Plantation.

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I noticed that when I switched my method of organzing coupons to a big 3 inch binder, I started couponing less. It's such a tedious process, trying to keep them organized that way. Cutting them and sometimes folding them to fit in the little sleeves. Nah, I'm done with that. I told my grandson yesterday that he can have my big ol' binder for his trading cards and I'm going to go back to the purse organizer one. In fact I'm going to get two of the big ones, so everything can fit comfortably. I used to kick major butt in the stores and lately it's been blah and it's because the thought of getting everything in that binder is just so tedious to me.


I'm checking out Amazon and Etsy right now, looking for my new organizers.


I have a brand new deep freezer that I haven't even plugged in yet because I don't have the willpower to deal with markets and I think that's in part to not feeling the coupon thing. Can't wait to get back to my old method, going to stock up that freezer and my pantry and the little shelves I have outside with stockpile items again. Maybe this will help me get out of that depressive funk I've been in.

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I swear you are my twin sometimes when it comes to those coupons. I ditched my binder for the exact same reason. I just use a small one now that I found for $3.00 at Target.


At first I used just one expandable type of organizer that hangs on the cart. Well I had way too many coupons to fit in there so I thought the binder method would work out better but it's far more time consuming.


I'm thinking something like this.....

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Two organizers of that size should suffice. I just need to break the categories down a little more which is why the one organizer wouldn't be enough for me.

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No I haven't. Well not properly anyway. We talked for a couple of minutes regarding the kids. She sounded more relaxed and less hostile t h an previously. I will have a sit down this week with her. Still feeling funky but I guess in time it will pass.

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I am so sleepy today. Migraine is gone, probably from all the medicine I took yesterday. Trying to keep my eyes open at work, that is proving to be a struggle.


It's cold and cloudy out, my perfect weather. I wish I didn't have to be in the office today, I would have loved to be sitting somewhere outside with a pumpkin latte.


Monday night Football folks, think about me if you are watching my Seahawks tonite pound on the Rams. I'll be at TGIF's watching the game with my Seahawks gear on and stuffing my face with appetizers.

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Well I wasn't expecting my Seahawks to get beat up like that. Rams were playing really good defense tonite, my God. We still won, but it was literally down to the last few seconds.


Turns out we didn't go toTGIF's. I was really tired today, all I really wanted to do was nap. I went to Jesse's to watch the game and it turns out he was having a hypotensive episode. I gave him some vegetable broth to bring up his blood pressure and he was better after a while. Now I'm home watching wrestling with my son.


Best part, I only have to work a half day tomorrow. Woohoo

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It really steams my clams when I schedule work to be completed on the buses and not only does the request get ignored, the request is taken out of the computer so it looks like the scheduling was never done. I come into work this morning to an email advising me the buses weren't scheduled blah blah blah. I guess now I have to resort to screen shots of the scheduling to avoid any conflict. Honestly! smh


It's a beautiful fall day out here today. Sigh......so glad I'm leaving the office at 2:00pm, I think I will head out to the market and get some groceries and just take in how beautiful it is outside. I love love love this weather, honestly the only thing that would make the day better was if I were to spend it with the babies, sweaters on and sipping on hot chocolate but I will have to wait for the weekend for that.

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I had some kind of allergy attack or something last night because my left eye got really swollen and irritated. I already hate how that eye looks, that is the eye with the bag that I want so desperately to get fixed but don't want to shell out the money. My eye is super puffy now and the bag is more pronounced now.


I'm going to the store after work to get the ingredients to make zuppa toscana soup and I think I'll get a cucumber to slice and put on my eye. Does that even work?

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Didn't go to the store yesterday so I didn't get to make soup. I was keeping my son company while he was cleaning out the back patio. We're trying to figure out how to arrange it so I can put some of my stockpile stuff back there. It's a small area that already has 2 bikes, a deep freezer, and a gas bbq.


He came accross one of my leather Coach bags, not sure how it ended up out there but it was on a chair and it had been sprayed by one of the neighborhood cats. I also noticed they sprayed the side of my new freezer. I swear I hate those neighborhood cats, always in my back patio fighting and spraying. UGH.


I'm taking my purse to a place that repairs and cleans shoes and handbags. I wonder if he will be able to get the smell out of my purse?

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My babies look so cute in their costumes. I'm glad I was able to spend a few minutes with them before they went out. They were hoping I was there to go with them but I have to be at work at 5am so I just took pictures and left.


I didn't buy any candy for the trick or treaters. I don't want to listen to kids pounding on the door since I have to be in bed earlier tonite so I hung a sign that said no candy. I kinda feel like a jerk because the house is decorated and looks Halloween friendly but no candy.

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Matthew was a glow in the dark skeleton, Aidan was a swampy looking skeleton thing, Tootie was Spiderman, Kayleigh was a panda princess and Jade was candy corn.


My daughter had ordered the girls costumes from Ebay a few month ago. The main costume came from China I believe and then she sought out various sellers on ebay where she could get the accessories for their costumes. Jade actually won most original costume at her school's parade.

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My son did an 8 hour safety orientation for his new job today. He officially starts Monday, he's super excited. Even more exciting, today he got a letter from the school, he made it on the Dean's list! So proud of him.


So I guess I need to stock my house with food since my car will be gone during the week. It appears that his girlfriend isn't handling the news to well. She's always here, I mean always. They have been dating for 3 years and whenever she isn't at school or work, she is here with him. Well now he won't be here at all during the week except when he comes home to sleep.

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