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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Beautiful day outside right now, cold and foggy. Thick marine layer but it's supposed to burn off later and it's going to be hot again. I swear that is the only thing I hate about living in So Cal, we can't get that nice fall weather until it's almost winter. Blah


Very quiet day at work, my typical Sunday morning here. I have my tv, going to watch some football at 10am. Most of my work is done, all the scheduling anyway. Had to make some changes to the master schedule to make sure some extra bus work gets done tomorrow. I guess that's why they pay me the good money.


My babies are at home, we are hanging out again today. I'm going to pick up two more kids when I get off and then I have to figure out where we are going for lunch today. I think they are getting tired of Soup Plantation and we ate at Home Town buffet yesterday so I need to find a place where I can feed 5 of us and not go bankrupt.


Side note... they L O V E D their costumes yesterday. My Matthew loved that his glows in the dark. Nana did good.

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All my babies are gone. Two of them wore their Halloween costumes home, silly boys. I made a big pan of baked pasta, not eating any tonite but it's here for my mom and sons if they want. It actually looks really good. Some kind of spiral noodles, ground chicken, spicy italian sausage, sauteed mushrooms, bell peppers, onion, garlic, and dumped a tub of cottage cheese in it. Mixed it all together with some jar pasta sauce and baked it with a bit of mozzarella and parmesan on top. Holy cow, it looks amazing. Just packed some for my lunch tomorrow.


Im on the bus tomorrow, my son is taking my car to school and then he's off to his interview for hopefully what will be his first job. He's interviewing for diesel mechanic for a construction company. All in all it was a good day, I love spending time with my lovies. I miss them already but Nana is already working on plans for next weekend.

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I seem to be having a better day today. My spirits are better, not in this horrible funk that I have been in recently. That is a blessing, I honestly didn't know how much longer I could function like that. Really hoping to hang on to these good feelings.


Quiet at work, I do have a lot of work to get done but I think I'm gonna do some online window shopping if you will.

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It was an ok day yesterday. Jesse picked me up from work yesterday since my son had my car. We went back to his place and I was actually dozing off watching tv. He wanted to go eat something so we left, went to Office Depot to check out their store closing sale and then he started feeling sick. He had taken his meds at home a little before we left. I checked his blood pressure and it was 179/80 so he took his meds but for some reason this time it made him hypotensive and he started feeling sick and dizzy. I ordered soup, made him eat some to get the salt in his system. It took about 30-40 minutes for him to start feeling a little better.


I went home and I guess he went to sleep since he has an appointment this morning with the kidney doctor.


I'm going to the nail salon after work. I have my shorts and sandals in the car and if I still have the courage will probably go get the hair chopped off today.

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Spoke to the breast specialist just now. No cancer cells and he will be preparing a clearance letter along with the negative pathalogy report for me to send to the transplant hospital. I wasn't worried about cancer cells, I knew that part would be fine. I think I'm just more stressed out and drained because of how long this whole process is taking.


I have done absolutely everything the transplant hospital has asked and this will be my final go and getting this transplant done. I really hope this journey is coming to a close.

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Nails done, hair chopped off and hopefully about to be colored dark.


My son thinks he may be getting that job. What a blessing that would be for both him and me. He will now have his own money and he can start contributing to the house. Fingers crossed.

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Nails done, hair chopped off and hopefully about to be colored dark.


My son thinks he may be getting that job. What a blessing that would be for both him and me. He will now have his own money and he can start contributing to the house. Fingers crossed.


Enotalone needs a "like" button!

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When my son was interviewing the other day, the HR person asked him about his friend Shaun who also applied with the company. My son had nothing but great things to say about him. They hinted to him that they were looking to hire his friend. Shaun got the call yesterday that they were hiring him. Shaun said to my son "During my interview, they asked what I thought about you and I told them how you were project leader last semester and successfully led the other students". My son said his teacher congratulated him. He asked for what and the teacher said "I heard you may have landed a job at Holliday. So far it's looking good.


So I dyed my hair last night, it's dark! lol I feel almost gothic but I've had a few people tell me it's looks good so I guess it's ok.

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Of course this means that now I will be without a car for a few months because he will need to go from school directly to work. His school hours are 7am to 1230pm and then work will be from 2:00pm to 10:00 pm. Fortunately I only work less than two miles from home so I can bus it home but I'm wondering how I will get everything else done?


He said he's going to save his first two or three month's paychecks to buy a used car. Hopefully he will take advantage of some overtime opportunities (HR person there will be many of those) to make extra money and get his car quicker.

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I've felt sort of off all day, more emotional that the past few days. Not quite sure what's going on, although I am disappointed that my daughter still seems to be mad at me or at the least doesn't want to talk to me unless it's regarding the kids or when she needs an occasional favor. Today she wanted me to look after the kids for a little while while she took 2 of them to the doctor. I dont mind having the kids here, although it was her step kids as well. Totally fine, I was just really tired today and was hoping to come home and take a nap.


So she gets here and she's talking to my mom, talking to my other son but didn't utter a word to me and the more I think about it the more it depresses me. I'm really sad that she can just disregard me like that. We are close, well we were close. I don't understand why she's so bitter with me. I can't imagine that it would be because of the house thing because she's talking to Jesse or maybe she is just tolerating Jesse because he has such a strong presence in the kids life. I don't know.

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I'm so sorry your daughter is treating you that way met. You certainly do not deserve it, and I wish she was a bit more understanding. Sweetie, you do so much for everyone else and you're such a good woman, I really don't know how anyone can ignore you. Sending you lots of hugs!

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Didn't sleep well at all. Woke up a few times last night, finally gave up sleeping around 2:45am.


I'm doing an OT shift this morning. It appears it's going to be a long day, buses are breaking down everywhere and I have my mechanics scrambling to get these buses off the street.


My son is going to sign his papers today and drug test for the new job. He's excited, I'm happy but I'm just not feeling that excitement I thought I would. I think I'm just mentally drained from everything.


I saw a commercial on tv like at 3:30am it was for Sandals vacation in the Bahamas and I started thinking, I have never had a vacation anywhere other than Vegas or Phoenix. I want to go on a vacation so I'm going to research later today. Hoping to find something reasonably priced, perhaps even something I can make payments on over time. I don't even have a passport. I guess I should get one of those soon.

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