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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Jade fell asleep without a blanket on last night. I woke up this morning to see her curled up, she looked like she was freezing. I bundled her up, kissed my babies and got ready for work.


I'm in one of my moods this morning. BLAH.. Hopefully it will pass by the time I get off work, then I can go home and hang out with the babies for a few hours before I take them home. I think I will stop at the 99 cent store and grab a muffin pan and some of those cupcake paper things and make cupcakes with them later. Last week my grandson and I baked a cake, so I'd like to do something with these two also.


The one thing I am grateful for, Sundays are super slow in the office. I'm currently closing out some bus inspection stuff and making sure preventative maintanence work was completed on my buses. Otherwise, it's insanely quiet here on Sunday's. I'm listening to Pandora to pass the time but at 10am, the tv is coming out of my desk and I'm watching football. I truly love my job, everyday but more on Sundays.

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I came home from work and made the babies some lunch. My mom had made them lunch but they wanted Nana's lunch too so homemade fried chicken tenders it was.


Typically on Sunday's I will go to Jesse's after work to watch football but I declined the invite to watch my game at his house. Considering how I have been feeling, I didn't think it was a good idea. So I'm home watching another game (the only one that is televised) and the kids are doing something on my kindle. I'm going to have them take a bath before I take them home and then I'll probably hit the market for a grocery run. Quiet Sunday.

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Oohhhhhhhhhhhh I swear my mother annoys me. She's a little too dependent on me, I guess it's really no different than Jesse being dependent on me. Whatever.... Anyway I'm getting ready to take the kids home, I'm already edgy because I know as soon as I say goodbye to them I'm going to feel that sadness that has been smothering me lately. I'm looking at the Walgreens sales ad and she asks me "is there anything good" and I replied, "no not really" and she says "Well there's nothing to eat in the house". What??


She walks back upstairs and I'm just burning. There is plenty to eat in the house, she doesn't just want to A......cook or B...... eat whatever is readily available at that moment. I think she's mad that no one has offered to take her to the store so she could get her frozen meals.


I don't even want to go to work tomorrow. I kind of have a feeling my coworker is going to call out because she's had a really bad cough this past week and it's only because I don't want to leave my boss hanging, that I'm going in. In all actuality I shouldn't even care, I'm ticked at him too. I had registered for the CPR and First Aid class, it's just for me to get re-certified since it's been a few years and all registrations have to be cleared through the manager. I was going to take a vacation day to attend the class but he just CC'd me in on an email that he sent to the coordinator saying he wouldn't approve the class for me since that class is offered directly at my job site. That's funny, I have worked there for 5 years and it's never once been offered there. Now that I think about it, I will go to work tomorrow because I want to have a word with him.

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Chicken tostadas for dinner, my son loves how I make the chicken. I didn't eat, just packed up my lunch for tomorrow. I saw a recipe online for a white bean soup with kale and andouille (sp) sausage. Im thinking about making that tomorrow. Soup is a comfort food for me and well I need to be comforted. Not sure what an andouille (sp) sausage is, Im hoping just a spicy sausage of some sort will work.


Watching Monday Night Football and I think Im going to hit the hay early tonite.

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I boiled some chicken thigh meat until it was tender then shredded it. I use this seasoning packet and it makes amazing flavored chicken.


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Sorry for the big link, I'm clueless when it comes to just posting pictures here. I garnished the tostadas with shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, salsa, and crema mexicana. (like a runnier version of sour cream). So good.


That is what I love about cooking, I can feel like total crap emotionally but my food still turns out well.

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Tried a new recipe today. White bean soup with kale and sausage. It was actually good and I will make it again but I will tweak the recipe just a tad. Next on my agenda, to make the zuppa tuscana soup that olive garden serves. I will try that next week I think.


I started getting sleepy so I took a hot bath and I will probably hit the hay early again.

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Apparently being tired and sleepy doesn't guarantee you will fall asleep. Yikes, took my sleeping pill at 7:15pm last night, didn't fall asleep until after 9pm. Woke up a couple of times too and had difficulty falling back asleep.



Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to make for dinner tonite. Maybe I should search some recipes online.

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Apparently being tired and sleepy doesn't guarantee you will fall asleep. Yikes, took my sleeping pill at 7:15pm last night, didn't fall asleep until after 9pm. Woke up a couple of times too and had difficulty falling back asleep.



Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to make for dinner tonite. Maybe I should search some recipes online.


Isn't insomnia just disgusting?!

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Isn't insomnia just disgusting?!


It's horrible. It was bad enough before but since I've been dealing with the heavy family stuff, it seems so much worse.


I know I need to see my doctor to get something stronger, I just fear that he will say something like "you know Metro, you've been on the pills for a long time now and maybe we need to get you off the pills" or something to that effect and I would probably have a full blown panic attack. The thought of not getting sleep stresses me out even though I don't really sleep that much anyway.

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It's horrible. It was bad enough before but since I've been dealing with the heavy family stuff, it seems so much worse.


I know I need to see my doctor to get something stronger, I just fear that he will say something like "you know Metro, you've been on the pills for a long time now and maybe we need to get you off the pills" or something to that effect and I would probably have a full blown panic attack. The thought of not getting sleep stresses me out even though I don't really sleep that much anyway.


I hear you hon I hear you. Hugs

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I came home and stayed in bed all day. Better luck tomorrow I guess. Im currently waiting for the sleeping pills to kick in so I can sleep. Oh god, my wish for tonite is to let me sleep at least 6 hours. Maybe tomorrow I will have a little more energy to get things done. I did promise my little loves that I would get their costumes tomorrow. Nana never backs out of a deal if she can help it.


I think they might be workign because I feel kinda sleepy looking at the computer. Thats good, Yay goodnite

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I guess I did feel sleepy and knocked out and woke up at 11 something, struggled to get back to sleep. Woke again at 1 something and still struggled to go back to sleep. Up at 3:20am and been up ever since. The only positive was I had time to take a hot bath this morning and I have full makeup on. I'm tired and very irritable.


I am however going to pick up my loves after school and we're going to get their costumes and that will make me feel better even if only for a couple of hours.

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I've not been on for a a few days but I just wanted to say you're a great person, I am sorry that people in real life haven't checked up on you when you needed it, but you're amazing, caring, and you do so much for others. Such a selfless person! Many hugs and lots of love for you. I hope you get some sleep tonight.

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I guess I did feel sleepy and knocked out and woke up at 11 something, struggled to get back to sleep. Woke again at 1 something and still struggled to go back to sleep. Up at 3:20am and been up ever since. The only positive was I had time to take a hot bath this morning and I have full makeup on. I'm tired and very irritable.


I am however going to pick up my loves after school and we're going to get their costumes and that will make me feel better even if only for a couple of hours.


Oh, fun!! Do they know already what they want to be?

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Oh, fun!! Do they know already what they want to be?


You'll see with Mateo as he gets older, he will want to be everything all at once much like my babies.


Nathan (3) wanted to be the hulk, spider man, kick A** (some super hero movie guy?) and now the big bad wolf. He was practicing blowing down houses. I'm not quite sure what he will finally decide on.

Aidan (5) wanted to be a zombie but now he's not sure. Matthew (11) is undecided and will figure it out when he sees what costumes are available.

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seriously, no joke...they want to be EVERYTHING NOW. You see all of Hayden's costumes on facebook, lol...


I have and I laugh because I know Hayden and Nathan are very close in age and so similar.


He has a Mickey Mouse costume that his mom bought for him in the Spring at a yard sale. He wore that around for awhile earlier this year, just to wear it.

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Took the boys yesterday to find costumes. My daughter still isn't speaking to me but did tell me that Matthew had a lot of homework and had to be back soon. The plan was to check out the local Rite Aids for costumes since they were on sale 50% off. Three RiteAids, I was only able to find a Spider Man costume for Nathan. I told the boys I would pick them up Sunday after work and we would hit every store in town until we find something. It will cost me more money but whatever, that is what overtime is for.


I went to Jesse's last night, really just to watch my Seahawks play since he has the NFL channel. He wanted to talk and to be honest I did too but I also know that he's not good at communication, never has been so I figured it would be a lost cause trying to talk about things. He doesn't get why I'm sad, somehow feels that whatever issues I have with my daughter were somehow my fault and he thinks the relationship is just fine between us because he loves me. Sigh.


He doesn't see that I don't feel like a girlfriend, that our relationship feels more like we are just good friends. We don't do much outside anymore, our time together is limited to his studio apartment which is ok sometimes but I would also like to go out once in a while. I miss intimacy, I miss kissing, I miss feeling like I am someone's girlfriend. Regarding spending time out, he said that we both work and he's on dialysis so it doesn't leave time, but we have both always worked and he's been on dialysis for 2 1/2 years and we've gone out. It's only the last several months that he just doesn't seem interested.


Nothing was resolved, I left feeling even more frustrated. I don't know how anything can be resolved or how we can even talk about it when he doesn't see anything from my point of view. I don't want to leave, I do love him but something is seriously wrong when I start fantasizing about what my life would be like with someone else.


A mutual friend of ours who knows a lot about what is going on currently said that she knows without a doubt that he loves me but he just lacks the ability to express his love through physical or emotional actions. He likes to buy gifts, he believes that by doing things for my family and being there for my daughter and grandbabies and even paying for my son's last semester of college tuition shows that he loves me. I appreciate those things, of course I do but as a female in a relationship of almost 9 years with someone that I love immensely, I crave all aspects of a relationship. The physical and the emotional, I need that.


Oh well, I really don't want to dwell on it today. I'm picking up my babies today for the weekend and I want to enjoy my time with them without feeling stressed out. I wanted to get my nails done today but my sons took my car to go fishing and I'm debating if I want to take the bus to the nail salon. Not a big deal really, I ride for free and it's not far it's just hot outside. Blah....

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I couldn't find the energy go to the nail salon. I'm really hoping my son returns with my car soon so I can go get my little lovies. I was trying to figure out when I could do my nails again and I thought Monday might be a good day, then my son calls me and asked if he could borrow the car on Monday because he has a job interview. Can't say no to that, he has been extremely aggresive in looking for a job. This company that he is interviewing with came down to his school. He did all of his research before their arrival and had the employment application and his resume in hand. He took the initiative to approach them and introduce himself. He spoke with the human resources person and a manager.


They seemed impressed with his go getter attitude and even more impressed that he was the only student that had everything ready to go. They liked that he did an unpaid internship miles away just for the experience. So they called him today and invited him for an interview on Monday. I'm very excited for him, this would be his first job and they said if hired, he would start at 15.00 dollars an hour with advancement opportunities. Their top mechanics make 38.00 dollars an hour.

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My lovies are taking baths. I've just showered. We are heading out shortly. Ggoing to take them to lunch, go to the mall and do a little shopping. We still have to look for costumes. I will probably get my car washed and really thinking about going to the hair salon and cutting off my hair. Since my hair doesn't really take hair dye well, I've opted to save the extra money and do it at home but only if I decide to cut it. Decisions.

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