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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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The humidity and heat down here in So Cal is just gross. I hate the heat, despise the humidity more. I've never really been a Summer girl, always preferred the Fall and Winter seasons.


Took the grandbabies to Raging Waters yesterday. Dannon yogurt was having a promotion, for every 5 drinkable yogurt containers you get free admission. We get there 45 minutes before the park opens. The line for the promotion is just ridiculous. Everyone was holding their bags of yogurt containers. We find out about 30 minutes later that the promotional tickets had already been handed out to the first 400 people and there were still probably about 300 people in line. I'm thinking holy crap, I have 8 kids here that have been amped up for a week and have told all their friends that they were going to Raging Waters, not to mention that I had just paid 45 dollars to park 3 cars. We weren't leaving! My daughter and I pulled out our money and paid 296.00 for us to get in. Thankfully we had sandwiches, chips, soda, and water packed in coolers in the car.


The babies had such a great time. Honestly truly, I could be having the worst day but to see my little lovies so happy just changes everything. There is this little kid section there, I volunteered to watch 7 kids with my son's help of course while my daughter, her boyfriend, and his son went on one of those high extreme slides. Good lord, I underestimated how hard it is to watch that many kids especially when they are running all over the place. LOL My two concerns were Jade (my deaf girl) and Nathan the three year. Once we figured out a routine, it worked out well.


They are going back next weekend but I will be out of town so I won't get to see them.


definitely going to stash a little money away again each payday so I can take them on another day trip. Feeling good today.

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Last night was one of those crazy insomnia nights. You know the kind where you have to be up in a matter of hours for work, your'e dead tired but can't fall asleep? Yeah, that kind of night.


My eyes are so heavy this morning, it feels like there are rocks on my lids. I have a lot of work to do in the office but all I really want to do is find a corner and take a nap. GAH

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It seems these lunch dates with Jesse end up with us getting bad service. Last week it was Olive Garden, yesterday it was TGIF's. The server gave us our drinks but never returned to take our order. I had to ask the bartender if she could find someone to take our order since we had already been there 15 minutes. So annoying.


The date went well though. He's such a silly person when he wants to be. I did the whole hand holding thing again, told him that he's lucky he got me on a second date so soon, what nice words did he have for me today? He says "would you like one of my onion rings"? lmao


We are going to a concert this Thursday at the LA County Fair and then we leave for Vegas on Saturday morning. That is all he can talk about is Vegas. Yesterday at lunch, he had me checking the lines so he can get his bets ready. This man is die hard! It's actually kinda hot watching him in action at the sports book though, I won't lie. The knowledge he posesses about players and stats and applies that to his bets is hella sexy.

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Feeling so incredibly hormonal today, I don't feel like myself at all. I didn't sleep well last night either, my legs were killing me. I notice when I'm about to start my cycle, my legs cramp. I felt ridiculously hot this morning when I got in the office so I turned the AC on full blast. All of my papers on my bulletin board are just blowing in the wind. LOL


I just have to make it through tomorrow and then I am on vacation. Seriously can't wait to get out of here, get out of the state.

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Is the heat and humidity still pretty bad by you?


Hope you have a fun and exciting vacation.


The heat and humidity are ridiculous. We are supposed to have our hottest day either today or tomorrow. Jesse and I are going to the fair tomorrow for a concert. Last year we did that, he passed out from heat exhaustion and we weren't even out in the sun that much. Tomorrow our plan is to go into the air conditioned buildings where they sell stuff and just browse/shop until it's time for the concert.

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Hope Jesse will be ok with this heat and humidity. Does he have A/C where he lives?


Have fun at the fair and the concert tomorrow


He lives in a small studio apartment, he does have an ac unit but the only place that it could go was in the kitchen in a small window so it doesn't always cool down the living room. Plus I think the filter needs to be cleaned out but he isn't handy by any means so I need to check that out I guess.


He'll be ok, I'm taking extra precautions this year to keep him safe. Thankfully he has a handicapped placard to park close to the entrance which helps tremendously.

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Last day at work before I start my vacation! I'm pumped and really can't wait to get out of here. I'm going to have a lot of errands to run before I head out of town on Saturday so I decided to squeeze in a nail appointment last night. Hadn't had them done since the big toenail had been torn off months ago. I had been doing a lot of biting and tearing of the fingernails in recent months so she didn't have a lot to work with but she made my hands gorgeous. Since it's officially the start of football season and I'm going to Vegas for the weekend, my nails are done in Seahawks colors with a Seahawk decal. I posted the picture in the Seahawks so cal fan facebook group that I belong to and all the girls were commenting on how awesome they look. YES!


Were going to the fair later this afternoon, primarily to see a concert. We will get there a couple hours early and just relax a bit. There are several bar areas that will be showing the Broncos/Ravens game so I'm sure he will have no objection sitting with me to watch the game before the concert.


Saturday we leave for Vegas. After that, you may not hear from me for a few days. lol

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Didn't win anything in Vegas, in fact I lost horribly but all in all I had a good time. Jesse wasn't really feeling well and retired to the room early and never left until it was time to leave Vegas. I kept telling him that he should call his nurse but he's stubborn and said that he was just tired.


So Tuesday, he stayed in the house all day and clearly wasn't feeling well. I called the nurse and she wanted to see him the next day. Turns out he wasn't feeling well because he has a bad infection at the catheter site and in the tunnel. They aren't sure they can save the catheter. We are waiting for test results to come back tomorrow to see if I will have to give him antibiotics through his dialysis solution in addition to the oral antibiotics he's on now.


There might be some developments on the transplant front. I picked up my mammo pics and reports from the transplant center and drove them to my doctors office. He and I met on Tuesday, I explained everything that happened in regards to the cysts in the breast and not having final clearance for the transplant. He gave me the referral to see the breast specialist. That appointment is on the 25th of this month. I was reading the reports yesterday to see what has the surgeon so hesitant. I have what they are calling a 'complicated' cyst 26mm in size with several smaller cysts adjacent to the big one. There were no solid masses found, nothing cancerous just a big ol' cyst. So I'm hoping that with a little needle aspiration and perhaps another ultrasound for good measure, the doctor will clear me. I'm going to push for the clearance because if there is nothing cancerous that is being detected, there should be no reason for them not to proceed with the transplant.


I really hope I'm not setting myself up for another heartbreak.

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Holy moly.....what a turn of events.


So he has staphylococcus aureus and psuedomonas. Currently it hasn't entered his bloodstream and is localized at his catheter site and in the catheter tunnel. They put him on 5 different antibiotics, 3 oral and 2 that I have to prepare in a syringe and inject into his dialysis bag. We will know in 5 days if they can save his catheter. If they can't then he will have surgery to have it removed and a temporary chest catheter will be placed and he will have to go back on hemodialysis. Of course there is always the possiblity that it can enter the bloodstream at which point it could turn very bad for him.


Naturally I'm terrified but I won't tell him that. He'll tell you that I'm cool as cucumber handling all of this. What he doesn't know is that when Im not around him, I want to just fall apart.

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Yesterday's clinic visit went alright. The nurse looked at the exit site to see how it's healing. She said I'm doing a fine job of taking care of it. It was very clean, healing well with minimal drainage and the swelling is coming down. We see the doctor on Friday, to go over all of his test results and find out about the catheter. I actually have a somewhat good feeling about it only because I see how well the exit site looks and I have to think that compared to how it did look a week ago, he has to be doing better. Plus he has more energy and his appetite is back.


I've been pretty tired lately. He seems to get a little down when I want to leave his house to run errands or just be alone at my house. I have to remind him that it's nothing to do with him, I just need a break from all the medical stuff even if for a few hours. He didn't give me much of a bad time about leaving yesterday. I think he wanted to nap and I can't nap during the day so it was a good time to head out.


Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. It really means a lot to me I know my journal is such a debbie downer type of thing lately but hopefully soon I will have better things to talk about. LOL

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You're doing an awesome job!!! It sounds like Jesse is getting a lot better! I will keep praying that you guys get a successful answer for transplant soon!



Thank you! The only thing in the way of the transplant is the breast issue for which I have an appointment with the specialist next Wednesday. Hopefully once all of that is resolved we will be good to go. Keeping my fingers crossed, I'm ready for some new adventures with him. He wants to travel, I want to travel and we want to do it together with no medical equipment to lug around. Staying positive for now.

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This is your place to vent Mama, and for all of us to remind you that you are doing an amazing job and things will work out. Keep your eye on that Seahawks game with him.



I sure hope I get a game one of these days. We were watching the game this past Sunday on tv and I was completely googly eyed watching all the Hawks fan at the Clink (that is what they call Century Link Stadium). Sigh......


He's coming back to work tonite, hopefully all will go smoothly for him. I'm still here in the office, I did a 14 hour day and I'm tired. My back started hurting earlier. I felt that familiar pain in the disk area so I know it's happening, just a matter of how long before I'm dying from pain. I want to swing by the pharmacy when I get off work to pick up some pain pills but I'm dying to get home and just lay down because I have to be back here at 6am. Decisions........Decisions.

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