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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I don't want anything from him OG. I've only wanted him to love me and me love him, that's it. Money is irrelevant to me, I've been poor all my life and I'm totally fine with that.


Another minor setback, his parathyroid gland numbers are way too high so he needs to start another medication and his calcium is really low so they are worried about calicification (sp). Partially his fault because he wouldn't take Tums the way he was supposed to so I talked to the doctor about switching his binders back to the previous ones that have calcium in them already. Problem solved, now he doesn't have to take the tums anymore and his calcium should come up soon.


I think the stress from the pending transplant is finally catching up to him. We had a really good morning on Friday during and after his appointment. We went for breakfast and he seemed normal to me, we were laughing and having a good time. It was only after we stopped at my house to check on the grandbabies that he felt compelled to pick an argument with me in the car on the way to the mall. He said something that really made me think about things in the long term. I'm still not talking to him. A screwed up situation considering we have all this stuff coming up but it is what it is and I can't pretend his stupidity didn't hurt. Oh well..

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I did a 13 hour shift yesterday, went home and gave the kids a bath and hit the hay. I had the biggest migraine and woke up with a smaller migraine. Meh....


I have an appointment today at 3 for another MRI. Since I'm going to be there, I have to go to medical records and pick up a copy of my images from my previous mammogram to send to Cedars. They were supposed to have sent it off last week but somehow never got around to it and now things have stalled again at the transplant center until they can see my previous pictures. Ugh, I swear it's always something. My back is feeling pretty good though. I did have one day where it was really achy, the day I took the kids to the mall for lunch and some shopping but otherwise it's been good.


I'm hoping Wednesday will be the first day back in the gym. Tomorrow is a no, I'm signing some pension retirement papers in downtown and LA traffic is going to hold me up.

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Jesse's doctor called him yesterday and wanted to discuss paired kidney donation but I was unavailable at that moment due to a MRI appointment so I guess the nephrologist is supposed to call me today. I really have a sinking feeling that the transplant we worked so hard for isn't going to happen the way I thought or had hoped. Sigh.


He and I were already at odds over some issues and basically arguing since Friday. That phone call yesterday put him over the edge and now we are really at war. It's so sad really, he's picking whatever fights he can about stuff that isn't even relative to me or us for the sake of fighting. I'm just so emotionally drained, I don't even have anyone I can really talk to. In the heat of the moment last night he said he didn't want the kidney anymore and would rather just die alone. Ouch...

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What's a paired kidney donation?



You are matched with another couple that needs a kidney. John Smith needs a kidney but his donor isn't matched to him but matches Jesse and I match John Smith. So I give my kidney to John Smith and John's donor gives their kidney to Jesse.


It's not a bad thing per se. The kidney receipients are now getting kidneys that are better matched to them and while this is great, he will have to continue on dialysis until all matches have been found. This could take time. Someone may have to travel. I essentially have to do clinicals all over and it just goes on and on.

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Have they said why they want to discuss going down this route now? It seems weird that they were all a go not too long ago.


No clue.... I haven't heard from the doctor yet. A lady that I know that has had a transplant and knows several people that have had transplants suggested that the plasmapheresis treatments might be too harsh for him. She said she knew someone that had to have a lot of them, ended up with C-diff (sp) and overall didn't have a good experience with it. I don't know. I'm trying to remain positive that everything will go the way it is supposed to, I'm just very stressed at the moment and of course the fighting just makes me feel worse.

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((Hugs)) about everything.


I know he is sick, but he needs to treat you with respect. You do everything for him. You're a saint.


Not to make excuses for him but he's never dealt with stress very well and you are right he does need to be nice to me because without me he would be up a river without a paddle.


I am dealing with the worst insomnia. You can see how tired I am, just looking at my droopy eyes. I still didn't hear from the doctor although he did call Jesse back yesterday. Jesse told him the best time to reach me is in the morning when I am here at work.


Yesterday I signed my paperwork and I am officially retired from the pension plan here at work. During the 23 years that I have worked here, I paid 153,000 dollars into the pension plan. Now I am in a program call the Drop program. The company will now pay into that account and my contributions stop. Since I won't be able to collect any kind of retirement benefits from Social Security for at least another 20 years, I plan on working here and letting the money build in the drop account. I should have close to 500,000 in that account by the time I retire plus the money in my 401k so I should be okay. I really feel blessed to have such a good job.


Today is my mother's 70th birthday. I was planning on taking her to Vegas but since my plans seem to have fallen through, I will kidnap her next week and spend the day out with her. I don't even think I can swing Vegas anytime this month because a couple of people are going on vacation and guess who is going to rake in the OT? Nothing makes me happier than a bigger paycheck. Speaking of which, it's August and that means I have to start my Christmas shopping. Where has the time gone?

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I hope it works out in the end. It's very hard on the partner because they are depressed about being sick and they dump it all out on their partner. My dad does it to my mom which is why she doesn't want to retire because at least work is an escape. He needs to see how lucky he is to have you.

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I hope it works out in the end. It's very hard on the partner because they are depressed about being sick and they dump it all out on their partner. My dad does it to my mom which is why she doesn't want to retire because at least work is an escape. He needs to see how lucky he is to have you.


Work is my escape. At least if I am here, I'm not doing all the other stuff that comes with taking care of a sick person. Speaking of work, something that really steams my clams are the non-team players.


There is another clerk here that is scheduled to take vacation for 3 weeks. He could have just put his vacation time on the board and let us cover his shifts but instead he decided to just be hush hush about it and let manpower send someone who isn't familiar with our office here to cover.


I asked him 2 days ago if he could call manpower and tell them that we will cover his shifts while he is gone. All the required reports get done correctly and we get to make money. He's stalling. Ugh...........

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I sent my babies home yesterday. I'm going to work a graveyard overtime shift tonite and needed to be able to sleep tomorrow morning when I come home and then I am doing another graveyard overtime shift tomorrow night. I think I will go the weekend child free and then get them again on Monday for at least another week.


They love being at my house and I love having them. It was weird last night, my house was so quiet. I kept looking at their blankets and pillows neatly folded in the corner and started to get a little teary eyed and had to remind myself that they can't stay there forever and they will be back next week. Sheesh, I'm such a sap lately, crying for everything.

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Oh it's a gorgeous venue! I know you must be so excited.


Yeah I am actually. I was looking at mother of the groom dresses online today to get an idea of what might look good. I hate hate hate dressing up. Anyone that really knows me knows that I am a jeans, tshirt, and chuck taylor kind of girl so I'm really stepping out of my element here.


They aren't doing your traditional wedding either. He is dressing something like this...


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And she wants to find a vintage looking tea length dress, I guess something lacey.


So he wants his groomsmen to dress the same as him and I'm not sure how the bridesmaids are dressing. So that leaves me wondering, what am I supposed to wear? lol

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AHHHH! So exciting! Whatever you wear, you're gonna look hot! You really remind me a lot of one of my aunts...she looks young for her age and really has a youthful look about her, just like you do.


That's sweet, thank you Dang. Genetics are bad in my family, the women tend to age rather quickly. I look in the mirror and I see a lot of my other which is scary. She just turned 70 but looks much older. I see my droopy eyes and wrinkles peeking through and I think 'oh crap;. haha


It's really true what they say, that you need to take care of your skin early on and of course live a healthy lifestyle. I don't think I've done much of either but I'm better now than how I was many years ago. If only I could find a magic cream to make me look 30! lol

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I worked 2 graveyard shifts and it kicked my butt. LOL I remember when I worked graveyard for 6 1/2 years without a problem but decided I wanted a change and went to day shift. I'm not a night person anymore, haven't been for many years but I wanted to score some OT and graveyard is where it was at. I think I'm still paying for it. hahaha


It's a nice quiet day at work right now. I love being here on Sundays, no mgmt and very few phone calls coming into the division.


Did my grocery shopping yesterday and scored some killer meat markdowns. I went to Sears after that and they were having a huge clearance sale. I found 2 pairs of workout pants for 5.00 dollars each. Went to Target after that and hit the toy clearance sale. Many of their toys are marked down 70% off. I was able to grab some Christmas gifts for the grandbabies and will be going to a different Target after work to see if there is any difference in the toys. Hopefully I can pick up some more stuff for the grandbabies and also get toys for the Christmas toy drive. It was definitely a great shopping day yesterday!

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Target was a bust but I did find some amazing deals at Kohl's. Found some pj's for my granddaughters and step granddaughters. After all discounts, coupons, and clearance markdowns I paid 15.70 for 4 sets of pj's. I bought them one size up just in case they get a little growth spurt between now and Christmas because that is when they are getting them. LOL


Going to do lab bloodwork after work and then I guess I will drive to the transplant center to drop off a cd with pictures from my last mammogram since everything seems to be hung up on that one issue. I really hate driving to that side of town. There are no freeways near and the street traffic is terrible, doesn't matter what time of day you go. Getting home will probably take me forever and a day. At least they will finally have the pics to compare to the new ones and maybe just maybe we can get the ball rolling on this transplant.

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Oh I love weddings like that were they don't follow the traditional route! And I agree with Dang, you will look amazing in whatever you wear!



I asked him if it's going to be catered and he said "yeah everyone's bringing food". LMAO Gotcha, I guess it's a pot luck menu. I always said if I ever got married, I would do the potluck theme. I love that. He's such a simple kid, definitely my child.

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I asked him if it's going to be catered and he said "yeah everyone's bringing food". LMAO Gotcha, I guess it's a pot luck menu. I always said if I ever got married, I would do the potluck theme. I love that. He's such a simple kid, definitely my child.


hahahaha! I wish we had done pot luck, would have saved a ton of money!

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