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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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The hospital finally contacted me, all my blood work looked great and they are ready to proceed with more tests. (Jesse has an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow and his stress test scheduled for the 3rd of June. Progress!


The hospital is now doing what they call the age related tests for me. They told me I could go to my doctor for these tests or they will do them at the center. I opted to have my pap done by my own doctor and that is scheduled for Friday and the center will do my mammogram. Once those are complete and if everything looks good there then I go on to clinicals. The transplant coordinator asked how I was doing with my weight and told her it was still coming down. I'm not too far from the number they wanted me at so she said if everything goes well with remainder of the tests then there should be no problem transplanting even if Im not exactly at the goal number.


We could be looking at a transplant within the next few months!

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I was going to work OT yesterday but decided to give the shift to someone else and just take care of some errands. I was able to get some couponing done, had breadfast with Jesse and later in the day treated myself with a trip to the hair salon. I haven't had my hair professionally colored in years and really wanted to just splurge. So glad I did, I feel great.


I went for my pap smear yesterday, it was required as one of the age related transplant tests. My doctor said everything looks great down there and he was super happy with my weight loss. For him to give me the thumbs up, really means a lot.


Yesterday in the market while I was in my coupon zone, my phone rings and it's the transplant center again. He was inquiring about my tests, told him that I was getting the pap done later that afternoon and I asked if he could schedule the mammogram. He tells me that he will wait for the results of the pap (next week) and then schedule my clinicals for June 17the or the 24th and I can get my mammogram that day since I will be there all day. My heart just started pounding and I started to cry in the meat aisle of the grocery store because I'm weeks away from finishing up the tests and the transplant should follow very soon after.


I really didn't think it was going to go so quickly but they are eager to get him transplanted and I'm going through all these different emotions. I'm happy I'm scared, not for me but for him. He's so nervous but I'm not sure what about. I know he's probably worrying about the amount of pain he is going to be in, I'm naturally worried that his body may just reject the kidney later and I'll end up feeling guilty somehow. Actually one of the people that I have to meet with during my clinicals is a psychologist. They interview all potential donors and talk to them about their expectations, fears etc. I guess it's normal for living donors to have that fear that their organ could be rejected no matter how great everything looked. Sigh....


He said he wants to go on a cruise once he gets cleared. He wants us to do the things that we have had to put off. Just us together, celebrating our new life. I need a passport.

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I think all that is natural to feel in this situation. And I completely understand what you mean by the end being so near. We've been long distance for so long, been at this visa process for almost a year and in 12 days it'll be over (well, the visa will be!). But then 2 months after that he'll be here. There is no stopping it, no next step to so or save up to, he'll be here. It's a very surreal feeling, so I know what you mean. You feel like you've run a marathon and the end is in sight but you just can't believe it.


So proud of you!!

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I think all that is natural to feel in this situation. And I completely understand what you mean by the end being so near. We've been long distance for so long, been at this visa process for almost a year and in 12 days it'll be over (well, the visa will be!). But then 2 months after that he'll be here. There is no stopping it, no next step to so or save up to, he'll be here. It's a very surreal feeling, so I know what you mean. You feel like you've run a marathon and the end is in sight but you just can't believe it.


So proud of you!!


Thanks love....


Surreal is definitely the word of the day.


Now I'm thinking about how much stuff I have to do and how I think I'm not prepared. Currently I sleep on a sleeper sofa in the living room of my house and it's sooooo uncomfortable, probably not something I should sleep on while recovering from surgery. I need to find a bed, where am I going to put it? I may have to displace one of my sons from their room so I have a place to recuperate. I need to find a hotel near the hospital because I won't be able to drive after surgery and I want to be near him. His hospital stay will be longer than mine. THe drive from my house to the hospital is about 25 miles and in a heavily congested area. I can't have my daughter drive me back and forth because she has the kids and if my son is still on summer break from school he could do it but I dont want to put that much pressure on him so I think a hotel near the hospital is my best bet. I can rest and shower and still be near him.


I need to get everything in order here at work too. Ugh.....

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Well originally I had a futon type of thing which was horrible, so I ditched it and Jesse bought me this really nice sleeper sofa since I needed a sofa in the living room. Well I guess that isn't for everyday sleeping so over time it's worn down and the mattresses on those things aren't good so I feel the bars when I sleep. I had resorted to just putting the mattress on the floor when I sleep which helped a little but still uncomfortable and certainly not going to be do-able if I have to get off the floor after surgery sooo......


I'm really thinking about taking over my son's room temporarily once the transplant happens. I just need a quiet place to sleep and relax and I have a bathroom right outside that room with a shower so I won't have to go up and down the stairs. The only problem is he hates beds so he sleeps on the floor so I still need to get a bed in that room if I am going to stay up there.

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Finally had a day out with Jesse yesterday. He took a couple days off from work to rest up and we headed out to Sea World yesterday. We had a great time! He's been there many times before, me this was my first time. We watched the first show at 11:00am, the killer whales doing their thing and it's really such an amazing thing to see, the bond the trainers have with the animals. Wow, just mind boggling.


Let me add that is was freezing down there yesterday. I forgot a sweater and I had a sleeveless top on. With that said, I went to go take a peek at the dolphins, I really want aiming to get a good picture when all of a sudden we were soaked. Needless to say, I was now nearly frozen to death. LOL


We saw a few shows, ate lots of food. Too much food to be honest with you, I feel like an overstuffed pig right now that definitely needs to get back on the diet bandwagon and how!.


I know these types of days are really few and far between but I cherish them when they are here. This week, we are back to doctors appointments and more tests. He's getting his stress test done today and that should be the last of his tests for a while. My tests will happen later this month. Now I just have to get back to working out and keeping that weight down.

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It sounds great that the transplant is well on its way to happening!!


I know he's very scared of the 'what if's but I keep telling him all the great things we will be able to do once he gets transplanted. He wants to travel, wants to take me on a cruise. We can go places overnight and not worry about lugging that machine and all the medical stuff around. I'm looking forward to basically dating him all over again.

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I know he's very scared of the 'what if's but I keep telling him all the great things we will be able to do once he gets transplanted. He wants to travel, wants to take me on a cruise. We can go places overnight and not worry about lugging that machine and all the medical stuff around. I'm looking forward to basically dating him all over again.


For sure!!!! It will be a whole new life for both of you!!

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Well someone was an unhappy camper yesterday. YIKES.


He had his final test scheduled yesterday, the stress test. He didn't take his meds prior to the test so his blood pressure was high. They wouldn't put him on the treadmill so they had him lie down, started an IV and gave him meds which slowed his heart and then sped up his heart. He said it was horrible and he hated it. I told him at least now all the testing on his part has been completed and all he has to do is wait for me to finish my tests and then God willing, we should be good to go.


I've been making arrangements with my family members, the ones that can help out readily. I want to make sure his house is super clean when he comes home from the transplant. I think I'm going to have someone come in and shampoo his carpet so there isn't any yuckiness in there and I'll have my daughter do one of her famous cleaning sessions.


This is the time I wish my other son could drive. It would make things so much easier because he is at home all day and doesn't have any current obligations so he would be the best bet to help out if he knew how to drive. Sigh.....


We have one more outing planned this month, we're going to the Playboy Jazz festival. We went last year for the first time and had a blast. After this, we will play everything by ear until we know exactly what is happening with the transplant.


Overall feeling really good about everything.

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I slept like a rock last night, so much so I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning. I had the alarm set for 4;00am so I could shower and do hair and makeup however, I crawled out of bed at 4:35 so needless to say I am clean but I have no makeup on today and my hair is all over the place. LOL


Feeling good today though. I was met on the way into my office by Jesse with a big grin on his face. All he would say is "I have a surprise for you!". He had it hidden in my desk, he gave me a Russell Wilson Seahawks jersey that he had a friend buy when he was in Seattle. Awwwww.. A great way to start my morning.

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Aw, I know you loved that! Need that to go with some Seahawk high heels!


I frequently hit the snooze button. Most days I go with no make up and I pull my hair back. I nee that extra thirty minutes lol


Yeah I was doing really well with the makeup and hair routine for a while but now I seem to be in a funk again. LOL I even went and had my hair cut and colored last week thinking it would look great when I do the makeup/hair routine in the morning but it hasn't happened yet. LOL This morning same thing, alarm was set for 4 and got up and 432. Ugh

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My knee is acting up again. Yesterday I walked at the lake and I felt something weird in my right knee. I'm no stranger to knee issues, I was just hoping that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. GAH..


I came into work this morning smelling like a mixture of perfume and bengay. LOL

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Jesse wasn't feeling well on Thursday when I was here at work. He kept calling me, telling me that he was feeling bad and asked if I could leave early. Typically it wouldn't have been a problem except I didn't have a car that day. My son had my car because he's doing an internship at a big rig repair facility in a not so nice part of town.


My daughter was nearby so she picked me up when I got off at 2 and took me to Jesse's. I knew he had picked up some kind of upper respitory thing, I gave him some meds and told him to take a nap and that I would be back later to check on him. I get home and had only been home for like 5 minutes when he called me and said that he wanted to go to the emergency room right now. I'm thinking, 'great I have no car and his car was also in the shop'. My daughter circled back, picked me up, I dropped her off at home and went to get him for our little trek to the ER.


By the time we got there, he was having issues breathing so they rushed him back. Thankfully everything turned out ok, he has pneumonia but they opted to let him go home since all of his tests looked good. They did give him 2 different antibiotics through an IV and 2 breathing treatments. So he's been at home since Thursday, off work until Tuesday. His car is still in the shop so I spent my weekend going back and forth from my house to his taking him food and checking on him. I'm actually glad to be back at work. It's not that I don't like taking care of him, I just get so tired sometimes. Yesterday he must have called me no less than 10 times. He wanted me to come over, he was hungry. He still has no car and my car was also getting worked on. There was literally nothing I could do at that moment and he was just super whiney and somewhat irritated. That in turn made me irritated.


I don't know, I think I just need a weekend to myself to decompress. I'm trying to be super girlfriend and super grandma all at once and I'm tired.

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Oh I forgot to mention a funny incident at the hospital that day.


We were in triage and the male nurse was asking Jesse all the usual questions and then wanted to go over all the meds that he is taking. Well Jesse couldn't tell anyone what he takes because he has no clue but I have them all memorized. So we go through the list and then it's time to wheel Jesse back to a room. We're walking and the nurse says "wow you really have a good memory to remember all those meds, how long have you two been married"? To which I replied...."oh we're not married, I'm just sleeping with him". The nurse laughed so hard. It was my epic funny moment!

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I'm exhausted. I took 2 days off from work to just kinda do nothing. Well not nothing, I started cleaning my house this morning but at least I'm not running around like a chicken with no head.


I had to take Jesse back to the doctor yesterday because he is still having issues with his breathing. To our surprise, his primary doctor who had retired last year returned to the facility to help out on a temporary basis. He really likes Jesse and Jesse loved him. He gave Jesse an inhaler to see if that helps and also referred him to a sleep clinic because Jesse has really bad sleep apnea and it's affecting his heart. He had already been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, diastolic something or another and one of the ER doctors had said to us that Jess needs to get control of the sleep apnea because it's causing further stress on the heart.


I have worked on my coupon binder and cleaned part of the house and now Im starving and trying to figure out what I want to eat. I need to hurry and made my decision because my son will be taking my car to go to his internship from 12-5.


Im just feeling overall blah.... I have tickets to go to the Playboy Jazz festival this Saturday, Jesse won't be attending and I really don't want to go but since he already purchased the tickets, he wants me to take someone. I really have no one I can take. I think that situation is stressing me out too.

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