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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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He didn't make his stress test yesterday. He was really tired and his legs were sore so we just rescheduled his appointment. I was a little disappointed because the faster we get things done, the faster his transplant will happen but I also know that with his illness comes all the other ugly things like severe exhaustion and leg pain. I even offered to take him to lunch since we weren't going to the appointment and I thought for sure he would find some energy for that but no...... he just wanted to get back in bed and sleep.


He has another appointment this Thursday that he absolutely can't miss and he knows this. He's seeing a surgeon for a possible hernia he has. If it is diagnosed as a hernia then he will likely have to have surgery to repair it, which normally wouldn't be a big deal but because it is right next to the catheter for his dialysis, it sort of complicates the dialysis process. He'll have to miss several weeks of work which is probably better for him because then he can spend that time just resting and attending his other appointment that are needed pre transplant. Whatever happens, I will take good care of him. My daughter lives just down the street from him and she has been a huge help, I appreciate her so much.


I am so proud of what you are doing Mama. I hope Jessie knows how wonderful of a woman he has.


I hope so too OG.

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You are one special woman Mama. You truly are. I am praying this all works out for you and Jesse.


Thank you Vic. It will turn out the way God wants it to turn out. I leave it in his hands, for only he knows how this is supposed to be.

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I have been having the worst pain in the back of my neck and upper spine. I know I should probably get a massage to work out whatever is kinked up in there but ugh......I'm always on the go, always something to do. I feel rushed just thinking about it. I need to do something though because I can't sleep from the stiffness and pain.

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I didn't work yesterday, just didn't feel like coming in so I called out. I was able to get an almost 3 mile walk in early in the morning around the lake, got my nails done, and still had time to relax a bit before Jesse's appointment. Everything went well there. The surgeon doesn't think he has a hernia so that is great news. She just wants him to keep an eye on it for a bit and check back with her if anything changes.


Finally got a smart phone. I kept saying I was going to do it, but never really got around to it. The more I had really thought about it the last few months, I was convinced that I was going to get a particular phone, I ended up with something completely different but pleased with it overall. I have no clue what to do with it. I should be reading the user's manual but instead I'm on ENA. lol My son did transfer my music to my phone last night which is super handy because I just misplaced my mp3 player and was about to buy another one so I would have music to work out too but now I don't have to. YAY

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What kind of smartphone you get? An iPhone?


No..... I saw the Iphone 5 there at the store but didn't like it. I got a LG optimus. It has a good size screen on it. I was leaning towards the galaxy 3 because of the screen size but the I saw the optimus and liked the square design of the phone and it was 300 dollars cheaper. Win win.....lol

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I had 2 of my grandsons over yesterday, well they actually spent Friday night with me and then we hung out yesterday. Took them to Hometown Buffet for lunch and then to the park a little later so they could burn off the food they ate. I just wanted to lay in the sun like some sort of lizard. LOL Took them home last night and picked up my granddaughters. I will take them to the park later. They want to go to the 'duck park' as they call it. It's actually the lake where I do my walking/jogging so while I am doing that today, my son will stay with them while they feed the ducks and geese.


It's a nice quiet day in the office this morning. Trying to find some motivation to do some work but I haven't quite found any yet. lol

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Took the girls to the lake yesterday to feed the ducks. My son kept an eye on them while I walked/jogged. I won't be going at that hour again any time soon. It was hot and even though I used sun screen on my face prior to leaving the house, my face still got burned. It's crazy how much the sun can just wear you out.


I'm doing my 24 hour urine collection, started this morning. I forgot that Jesse has an appointment at Kaiser today which means I have to lug that urine collection container with me in case I have to make pee pee while I am out. LOL I have to start fasting tonite and tomorrow I get labs done at 7am. Only found out last night that I also have to do a glucose fasting test as well. Boooooo I'm going to stop complaining though, well for the record Im only whining because I'm pms'ing and everything is irritating me. lol

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First round of testing done yesterday. So glad that part is over, I haven't felt that bad in a long time. I hadn't eaten for 17 hours, the hospital took a total of 25 vials of blood from me. I donate blood regularly so the blood part wasn't really an issue, it became an issue I think since I hadn't eaten in so long. I also had to do the 2 hour glucose fasting. The lab tech said I will probably feel sleepy and she was right, Jesse and I both fell asleep on a super comfy couch.


We went to have breakfast after, I only ate a little bit. I was super hungry and one would have thought I would take out the whole plate but after a few bites I was done. Maybe it's the shrinking stomach, I'd like to think so anyway. LOL

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Finally made it to the gym yesterday. I used the gym at my job, small little gym with the same elipitical machine that I use at LA Fitness. So I worked out for an hour. 30 minutes on the elipitical and 30 on the bike. My legs are hurting when is good but it makes for a moody Metro. lol

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I think I'm getting the hang of jogging, well not totally but I'm getting there. I did my walk/mini jog around the lake yesterday and I noticed that I can go a little further jogging before I peter out. I'm slowly pushing myself but doing it ever so little because I don't want to screw up the knee.


The weight seems to be coming off. I'm not losing serious lbs but I see the differences in my body, definitely in my pants. Hoping to hear something from the hospital this week. I'm anxious.


Got a call this morning that one of my coworkers was killed in a motorcycle crash last night on his way to work. I had just heard a few of the guys talking about him a few days ago saying how his mom was pleading with him to get rid of his bike beause he had already had a couple of crashes. She wanted him to use the company vanpool since he was traveling so far each day and he worked graveyard. He was only 24, I have children older than him.

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Didn't get a chance to exercise yesterday, had th kids a the park but I did shoot a little basketball with my grandson and son. I should have however, changed into some sneakers because shooting ball in flip flops makes for an akward basketball game. lol


Going with Jesse today to pick out some glasses. He has finally accepted that he needs them. That is one battle I really thought I was going to lose, he was adamant he wasn't going to wear glasses until we tried on different frames and he came to the conclusion that he looked like his dad. *shrugs* Whatever works I guess. At the moment he has a lot of bleeding in his eyes from the diabetes. He will be checked in 6 months again to see where we are. Blindness is always a possibility but if he continues to eat right and exercise, his risk lowers.


He asked me one day if I would still love him if he was blind. I told him, "I'll have you blind, short, fat, bald or not bald, limbs or no limbs". I'll have you however I can have you". I guess I can see how people would worry about that, but he shouldn't. I'm in this for the long haul.


There is a brand new Olive Garden opening at the mall where we are getting his glasses. I have a gift card and a coupon and lucky for me, they have a 'lite' menu. I hope he feels like eating today, I know I do. LOL

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I think I'm getting doggy fever. I was pretty sure I didn't want another dog after Marco passed away last year and for a short time I entertained the idea of another dog and then I thought I was sure I didn't want another dog after all but now I seem to be back to thinking that I would like one. Sigh......


I've been looking at shelter dogs online, shared a couple of pictures with my daughter and son. Everyone says I should just go for it because it appears to them at least that I want one and while I think I do, I can't say with a definitive yes that I do.


Is this normal after losing a pet? It seems, most people want to replace a pet right away and I feel weird doing so.

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^^ Thank you Petite. I kind of thought so too but wasn't sure if what I was feeling was really normal or not. The more time I spend at the lake watching others run/walk with their fur baby's the more I think I want to do the same. Thank goodness I'm not like that with children. Whew.... lol

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I did two power walks yesterday! One here at work on my lunch break, the second one at the lake in the evening. Feeling a little sore today but really looking forward to doing it again today.


My apartment complex is being tented next week for 2 days for termites. I've decided once that is done and we are safely back in our place, I'm going to take a trip to the shelter to look at dogs. I guess I'll know for sure then if I'm ready or not.


Still haven't heard anything from the hospital. I'd like to think that no news is good news but the waiting is killing me. I at least want to know if I am moving on to the next step or not. Sigh...

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I'm not sure why I was so tired yesterday, I dozed off at my desk at work and when I got home, I just wanted to lay down for a few minutes and as soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out. Took a 45 minute nap, woke up confused because I typically don't nap. It was the strangest thing. lol


So I decided to skip my walk at the lake and just do some cleaning around the house. I threw a lot of junk away and still have the back patio to tackle. I'm basically gutting it and hoping to redo it so I can put my stockpile from couponing back there.


Feeling sleepy again today. Must stay awake.........must stay awake

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I called the transplant hospital today to see if there was any updates. Wasn't sure if I was going to the next round of testing or not, they say no news is good news but I was just antsy. Anyway the coordinator said that they are waiting for the results of the cross matching which take 2-3 weeks. I can deal with that.


It's my Friday, so I think I'll go do some couponing today. I love getting stuff for free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The transplant hospital hasn't contacted me but they have been hounding Jesse. He has two tests that he has been putting off. Well I wouldn't exactly say he's put them off, he had to cancel both due to him feeling sick on those days. It just took him forever and a day to want to reschedule them. So the lady at the transplant center told him he needs to get his rear in gear, I'm assuming they are holding off on scheduling further tests with me until they see how he does with his. He needs a stress test and an abdominal ultra sound. We scheduled the US for this Friday and trying to get the stress test scheduled within the next two weeks.

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I hope he gets moving on that mama metro! I want to see him win his fight! There's a lot of diabetes in my father's family. My dad has diabetes and both his parents had it and his mother's brothers.


Thanks Vic.....I want the same thing. We've come so far and we are getting closer yet it feels so far away. I do think part of his hesitation is he is afraid of the actual transplant, he's said as much. I think his quality of life overall would be better ten fold if he gets the transplant as opposed to being tethered to that dialysis machine for 8 hours a day. That thing is buzz kill. We really don't get to spend that much time together outside of his home because of the machine.

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Thanks Vic.....I want the same thing. We've come so far and we are getting closer yet it feels so far away. I do think part of his hesitation is he is afraid of the actual transplant, he's said as much. I think his quality of life overall would be better ten fold if he gets the transplant as opposed to being tethered to that dialysis machine for 8 hours a day. That thing is buzz kill. We really don't get to spend that much time together outside of his home because of the machine.

Yes it is such a sad way to live. A transplant will make his life and yours so much better! You are a brave woman to go through with that.

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